1 Message


70 Points

Wednesday, December 20th, 2023 1:38 PM



After nearly 20 years my images have been removed. Why??

I had IMDb photos and videos up for two decades and no pro status for 10 years.  I did a free trial for pro recently and let it lapse and then all my photos have disappeared.  Nothing changed except the Pro trial (during which I added no pics, videos pr credits), only took down my reel.  In short, the only thing I got out of the trial was losing a bunch of stuff that had been there forever.  How is this fair? I feel like this is something older members should know so they don’t sign up for it! Please advise. 



1.1K Messages


11.2K Points

9 months ago

Hello @P0n33grrll,

I see you currently have an IMDbPro Basic Subscription, please note that you will need an active IMDbPro Premium Subscription to display photos.

For more information regarding Which IMDbPro Subscription is right for me? Please visit our help pages.