120 Messages


1.6K Points

Saturday, March 23rd, 2024 7:08 AM


We can't see the total number of votes anymore.

When IMDb was a good site we could see the total number of votes of a movie anywhere: in the movie page, in the search results, etc.
Then when you guys changed the site for worse (always for worse) we only could see it in the advanced title search.

But today it is gone too, and we officially can't see the exact total number of votes of a movie anymore.
For me it is particularly bad, because I maintain for more than ten years a list of classics where a movie have to reach the exact amount of 5000 votes to enter the list. 

Why do you do that kind of thing? Why do you not only change but eliminate things that used to make the site so good?
Please, put back the total number of votes, at least in the search results.

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled We can't see the total number of votes anymore.

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IMDb User Ratings Page Redesign

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