Michelle's profile



17.2K Messages


310.3K Points

Friday, March 8th, 2024 5:19 PM


List-Like Pages Beta

List-Like Pages Beta

Before launching IMDb’s redesigned List-Like Pages, we want to provide our valued users with a sneak peak, and extend an opportunity to provide feedback between March 14 and late March 2024.  You can find more information on our new List FAQ page.

We hope you enjoy these latest improvements, and thank you for continuing to make IMDb the world’s most trusted source for movie, TV, and entertainment content.

— The IMDb Website Team

2 Messages


78 Points

6 months ago


I can see see (1) italics and (2) bolding are both still working.

I cannot see (3) underlining. I use underlining a lot for clarity, example:

1 season / 26 episodes: Series Complete

[u]1 season / 20 episodes[/u]: [i]Series Complete[/i]

Really would love underlining to come back.

On the actual list page, it also underlines underneath the SlashBar so it looks nicer (I am not seeing it happen within this editor now, maybe I'll see it after I post).



7.2K Messages


177.9K Points

@paxd77​ Thanks for the feedback.  We are unsure why this is not working, but we will investigate. 



17.2K Messages


310.3K Points

Hi @paxd77​ -

Thanks again for reporting, I'm just circling back to confirm that we are working to make these corrections. 



7.2K Messages


177.9K Points

@paxd77​ Underlining via [u][/u] should be working correctly again now.  Thanks for the problem report. 

3 Messages


182 Points

6 months ago

Here's how I use my diary list of films at the moment. I add a title to my list. I reverse the list and add my watched date in the edit box.

The 'new' version means I will have to scroll through 8250 titles, 100 titles at a time to get to my latest addition to put the watched date in!

When I enable the reverse function in the upcoming version title number 8250 becomes number 1 when reversed - and I can't add a note to it. There is no edit option.

Hope this can be addressed somehow.



7.2K Messages


177.9K Points

@lee_horton_i9imf2mkjplin​  Thanks, this is good feedback and we will take a look at solutions. 

3 Messages


182 Points

Going slightly off topic. How many times did you win something in the Empire quiz back in the early 90s? Haha! I've noticed your name pop up a few times now on my rereads! 



7.2K Messages


177.9K Points

@lee_horton_i9imf2mkjplin​ Sorting has now been added in edit mode.  Thanks again for the problem report. 

4.5K Messages


71K Points

6 months ago

I notice that we need the new list GUI. I am able to create video lists. For example: https://www.imdb.com/list/ls528609358/

That is the best thing in the world. I was not able to craft such list with the old GUI. Does that mean that we will be able to make video Polls? It would be insane. In fact, could I start making such polls right now?




7.2K Messages


177.9K Points

@Maxence_G​ Yes, you can now create video lists without being an IMDb staff member.  The poll software is still on the old technology so the best thing to do is to try a test video poll and see what happens (please let us know :-). 

5 Messages


108 Points

6 months ago

I must say I prefer the previous version. I often download my watchlist as a csv. This used to be quick, the download would start almost as soon as I clicked it. Now I have to go to a separate export page, which takes quite a while to generate and is not named WATCHLIST.csv anymore, which make downstream processing a tad more of a hassle. Also the list now contains inaccuracies. In my settings I prefer to keep the original title of the film, which was also respected in my watchlist exports, not anymore. For example, "Il buono, il brutto, il cattivo" has now become "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly". Furthermore, it seems to use the US release date in the export, not the first release date as it would previously. Also, the runtime is different (the new version seems correct at 178 minutes, 161 is US release). Finally, the date, which used to follow ISO 8601 (i.e. yyyy-mm-dd) has now become mm/d/yy which is a very odd decision to make, wouldn't you agree? see example below:

CSV old:
2,tt0060196,2011-10-04,2011-10-04,,"Il buono, il brutto, il cattivo",https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0060196/,movie,8.8,161,1966,"Adventure, Western",807200,1966-12-23,Sergio Leone,10,2011-10-07

Csv new
2,tt0060196,10/4/11,10/4/11,,"The Good, the Bad and the Ugly",https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0060196/,Movie,8.8,178,1967,"Adventure, Western",807200,12/29/67,"Sergio Leone",10,10/7/11

5 Messages


108 Points

I do like the interface though :) 



7.2K Messages


177.9K Points

@traaymakersThanks for the problem report; we have passed this along to the lists team.



17.2K Messages


310.3K Points

Hi @traaymakers​ -

Thanks for the feedback, I'm just confirming that we will work to correct any gaps in localization and update the date formatting you reported. 



17.2K Messages


310.3K Points

Hi @traaymakers​ -

I'm circling back to confirm that these issues have now been fixed!

5 Messages


108 Points

awesome, thank you! the date format (ISO 8601) and language preference works again :) I still notice one issue, the US release date seems to be used. Once again using the good the bad and the ugly as an example, the csv says the release year is 1967, not 1966 like the imdb page does:

1967,"Adventure, Western",807929,1967-12-29 (is US release)

5 Messages


108 Points

@Michelle​ & @Col_Needham I don't know if you noticed my message above? Maybe it did not pop up on your notifications as I forgot to @ you.



17.2K Messages


310.3K Points

Hi @traaymakers​ -

Thanks for the additional report, our team is looking into this further.

Additionally, just a follow-up on your earlier report, we have made corrections to reflect the original title text and will continue to work on the other outstanding issues.


5 Messages


108 Points

@Michelle Thanks for the update!

3 Messages


94 Points

6 months ago

I would like to thank this update. I've been long waiting for having more filters on the search feature in listings.

But, the lack of a filter made me disappointed. I don't understand why the ratings list don't have the title type available as the other lists have. I would so much like to search all the tv shows I've rated.



7.2K Messages


177.9K Points

@barbara_az​ Thanks for the feedback which we will pass along to the team. 

You can filter your ratings by title type using Advanced Title Search, in this case at https://www.imdb.com/search/title/?title_type=tv_series&sort=your_rating_date,desc&my_ratings=restrict  (for TV-series and you can change the title type filters on the left). 



7.2K Messages


177.9K Points

@barbara_az​This has been implemented directly in the new lists beta now … visit https://www.imdb.com/list/ratings and click the filter icon to the left of the “Sort by” menu at the top of the page. 

3 Messages


94 Points

@Col_Needham​ Thank you so much for this. I really appreciate it.

8.4K Messages


174.8K Points

6 months ago

@Michelle 😀



PREVIOUS 1 - 100 of 10,000 NEXT

100 More

These are at the Bottom of each group of the list
Add these to the Top of each group of the list

No need to scroll down to get to next group





7.2K Messages


177.9K Points

@ACT_1Thanks for the suggestion; we have passed this along to the lists team. 

308 Messages


7.1K Points

6 months ago

No longer showing the names of all of the directors on films with multiple directors? I understand the urge to save space, but this is misleading. With stars, it's implied that there are many more than three people acting in a film. But with directors, if users see something that says, "Director: Phillips Smalley", they're going to assume that Phillips Smalley was the one and only person directing that film, when in fact it was also directed by Lois Weber, a noted pioneer in early film.

It would be one thing to just omit displaying uncredited directors and co-directors (like the numerous names attached to Gone with the Wind, for example), but doing it this way ignores those rare instances where a film is directed in more or less equal collaboration between two or more individuals. See for instance the films of the Coen brothers, the majority of films in the Disney animated canon, etc. The system currently in place here just thoughtlessly favors whichever director happens to come first alphabetically and wrongly makes it look like they worked alone.

William Cottrell was one of five sequence directors who worked under the supervision of one supervising director to make this film. Does it look messy to have six names listed under "director"? Sure, but the alternative is wrong. At the very least, it should say something like "William Cottrell, et al."




7.2K Messages


177.9K Points

@timothy_gray_el34lojg1aih1​ Thanks for the problem report; we have passed this along to the lists team. 



7.2K Messages


177.9K Points

@timothy_gray_el34lojg1aih1​ As you probably noticed, this one was fixed a while ago.  Thanks again for the problem report. 

308 Messages


7.1K Points

@Col_Needham​ Sort of fixed, but not entirely. It still only shows the first three directors (alphabetically). The Snow White example I mentioned above had five directors. Some titles have more than that. It's an improvement, but still not as accurate as the old version (which would have shown all of them).



7.2K Messages


177.9K Points

@timothy_gray_el34lojg1aih1​ Thanks; we have re-flagged this example to the team. 

4 Messages


102 Points

6 months ago

switched to the new user experience and noticed that while the date formats were uniform and correct in the old CSV export files (ratings, watchlist) now the date formats are suddenly all over the place. Can you just use the same uniform date format for all dates that you had before?

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled new CSV export files



7.2K Messages


177.9K Points

@maszatThanks for the problem report; we have passed this along to the lists team.

4 Messages


102 Points

Appreciate your attention to the problem report, looking forward to see the corrected CSV files. Best regards.

155 Messages


2.4K Points

Alright! After reviwing the new design so have a some question. And the first one regards the porn-content on the site. Becouse I can Edit a list whit pornatars. But I can now watch the list in

the new version

So! Are you awhere of any bug about this kind of content in the beta version.

Or is this the first report you get about this kind of problem.



17.2K Messages


310.3K Points

Hi @Jimmi1996​ -

Thanks for reporting, we were able to replicate and our team is currently reviewing the issue.


155 Messages


2.4K Points

@Michelle​ Okay! If you check the screenshot again, none = 0 of the list of 77 actors are visible. So the list looks empty. Even though it contains 77 people. So they are hidden somehow. Because if I go and edit the list so is all the titles visible.



17.2K Messages


310.3K Points

Hi @Jimmi1996​ -

Thanks for this feedback, we are reviewing the issue.



7.2K Messages


177.9K Points

@Jimmi1996As you probably noticed, this one was fixed a while ago.  Thanks again for the problem report. 

1 Message


60 Points

6 months ago

New edit list page must be a joke: no pagination and sorting means the lists with more than 100 titles are nearly unmanageable now.

@bderoes and others in this thread have summed up pretty much everything that's wrong with the new list view and edit pages.

Please, refine these changes, the new look and modern adaptive standards should not come with the price of cut functionality and poorer usability.



7.2K Messages


177.9K Points

@LonelyShikari​ Thanks for the feedback.  We have made some improvements this week (with more to come for larger lists). 

2 Messages


70 Points

6 months ago

It would be super great if in the new watchlist page, the detailed view could include release dates

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled New Watchlist, Detailed View Suggestion



17.2K Messages


310.3K Points

Hi @RKLimes​ -

Thanks for your feedback.  We currently show the release year, but not the full release date.  Your feedback has been passed to the team for further review.

2 Messages


70 Points

6 months ago

On the Android App I can sort my ratings by the type of contente (TV Episode, Film, Videogame) but on the web is not possible to do that. Am I doing anything wrong?

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Sort ratings by type of content



7.2K Messages


177.9K Points

@MPR9511​ Please see our reply above for an alternate method at https://community-imdb.sprinklr.com/conversations/imdbcom/listlike-pages-beta/65eb48a1e093635d1b21e0e7?commentId=65f9874dec4e3a42ca589f40&replyId=65f9a4d3ed76fb27720753d8 (and this feature is on the list to be added directly to ratings soon). 



7.2K Messages


177.9K Points

@MPR9511​ This has been implemented in the new lists beta now (see the start of this thread if you have not opted in and visit https://www.imdb.com/list/ratings … click the filter icon to the left of the “Sort by” menu at the top of the page). 

4 Messages


102 Points

6 months ago

@Col_Needham​      I checked today. Looks like the watchlist csv dates improved a lot, however the ratings csv  shows no change yet.

This comment was created from this reply

6 Messages


126 Points

6 months ago

Usability of old list design is better for me. At least you guys can keep the "old" compact view feature at the new design.

I can see films i rated, films i didn't rate, IMDb ratings and my ratings easily when using "compact view" feature of the list pages.

This is compact view of new design... Not compact enough... Almost same with "detailed view" feature.

This is old compact view:

At actor/actress pages it is easier to see IMDb ratings, your ratings and films you missed with old design's compact view too.

For me this old fashioned compact view is great:




17.2K Messages


310.3K Points

Hi @hinayamazaki​ -

Thank you for your feedback.  Offering the different view types is the result of significant user research and testing.

155 Messages


2.4K Points

6 months ago

So! I now realaized that when I moving a round a lot of titels in a list so can I not move more then 1 titel ina row, Is it how it going to work from when the new layout going online? Or do I doing somthing wrong,

Before could I select 20 titel and put in where (the position number) I whanted for every titel and then scrool up to the begining of the list where you have a save buttom.



7.2K Messages


177.9K Points

@Jimmi1996​ Your drag-and-drop changes are saved as you go along.  You can also move items to specific positions by clicking the down-arrow pointer at the end of each item it edit mode (see red highlight below):

where you will then get a pop-up:

Hope this helps. 



14.2K Messages


328.1K Points

bderoes also mentioned here ("sixth thing") that it isn't possible to move multiple items in one go as in the old version.

155 Messages


2.4K Points

@Peter_pbn​ Alright! I was reading thorugh his comment but didn't pay attention then. No bad more peope are seeing the same thing.



7.2K Messages


177.9K Points

@Jimmi1996​ We have made some improvements to edit mode this week.  Once the list has fully loaded (scroll past the first 100 items and the rest will load automatically) you can now drag-and-drop items into place across the entire list.  We have further improvements planned for large lists in excess of several hundred items. 



14.2K Messages


328.1K Points

6 months ago

The new image list design is kind of neat, but alternative views might be nice.

@bderoes mentioned that the Copy feature isn't there (other than in edit mode) Some of us use it as an alternative view for image lists because it shows the image titles and descriptions.




17.2K Messages


310.3K Points

Hi @Peter_pbn​ -

Thanks for this feedback!