17.7K Messages
315.3K Points
IMDb User Ratings Page Redesign

We are excited to announce IMDb’s redesign of User Ratings pages! In the coming days, IMDb will incrementally roll out its redesign for User Rating pages; instead of demographic data details (age and gender) we will now include a top 5 country filter and a ratings by episode heat map. The redesign follows ongoing site improvements and reflects changes suggested by IMDb customers, as well as our own in-depth research designed to enhance ratings content, discovery, and navigation.
In the coming weeks, we will continue to update IMDb pages throughout the site. We hope you enjoy these latest and upcoming improvements, and thank you for continuing to make IMDb the world’s most trusted source for movie, TV, and entertainment content.
— The IMDb Team
8.7K Messages
177.6K Points
2 years ago
@Michelle 😀
Monday March 27 2023
Game of Thrones (2011-2019)
https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0944947/reviews - 5,646 Reviews
2,142,610 IMDb users have given a weighted average vote of 9.2 / 10
Rating Votes
10 58.1% 1,245,297
9 21.9% 469,571
8 9.5% 204,152
7 3.8% 80,887
6 1.5% 31,556
5 0.9% 19,138
4 0.5% 9,688
3 0.4% 8,192
2 0.3% 7,349
1 3.1% 66,780
Arithmetic mean = 9.0 Median = 10
- - -
Tuesday April 4 2023
https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0944947/reviews - 5,652 Reviews
IMDb RATING 9.2 /10 2.1M
10 58.1% (1.2M)
9 21.9% (470K)
8 9.5% (205K)
7 3.8% (81K)
6 1.5% (32K)
5 0.9% (19K)
4 0.5% (9.7K)
3 0.4% (8.2K)
2 0.3% (7.4K)
1 3.1% (67K)
9.0 Unweighted mean
- - -
Countries with the most ratings
[United States] [United Kingdom] [India] [Turkey] [Germany]
United States
9.2/10 422K
10 57.1% (241K)
9 22.4% (94K)
8 10.0% (42K)
7 4.1% (17K)
6 1.6% (6.7K)
5 0.9% (3.9K)
4 0.5% (2.1K)
3 0.4% (1.8K)
2 0.4% (1.6K)
1 2.6% (11K)
9.0 Unweighted mean
8.7K Messages
177.6K Points
2 years ago
@Michelle 😀
Saving the Old View for History
More accurate vote count ??
Wayback Machine
Game of Thrones (2011-2019)
Now more than 27,305,000 titles to look at to fix
6 Messages
134 Points
2 years ago
Please make it possible to switch to the old design, it was so convenient and helped me a lot. It had exact numbers for each grade and sorted by gender
The new one is meh...
1 Message
72 Points
2 years ago
I used the demographic data all the time to help me select movies based on the audience that would be watching with me. Now all that data is missing making the user ratings much less useful and removing one of the main reasons I used IMDB. Is there some reason to hide this data? Why no allow users an option to dig deeper than the new not very useful rating page if they want more information? Why would I care if UK ratings are different than US or France? Do people watch movies with a selection of reps from the United Nations?
3 Messages
82 Points
2 years ago
I'm really disappointed to see that the demographic data was removed, I referenced that data almost every time I looked up a movie. It was incredibly useful and this was the only site with such data publicly available.
I hope the IMDb team will reconsider their decision to remove it.
2 Messages
74 Points
2 years ago
Why did you remove TOP 1000 voters? It completely disrupts my life as a movie buff. The ratings of people who watched the most movies were very important to me. I don't know what I should do now. Please bring back this feature!
6 Messages
134 Points
2 years ago
To make the service better and more convenient you need:
1)Show the change in score over the years
2) Show the average rating for each season of the show
3)Show the exact number of votes instead of "6.5k votes" or something. Make it like it was before
Ideally, return everything as it was originally, but if that's not possible, the tips above will help make the site a lot better than it is now. Maybe other users will add something to it.
2 Messages
70 Points
2 years ago
I'm an avid user and supporter of the website. I typically don't watch a move is the ratings on IMDB warrant doing so. Today I noticed a change in the ratings presented for movies which I personally hope is changed. Movie ratings now show a breakdown based on the location (IE country where feedback originated). What is replaced is the age/gender demographic, which IMO is far more useful. While it's interesting to see who watches movies in different countries, it is not information I use in selecting a movie. As a 63 year old male, a movie of interest to me can be vastly different than a 20 year old young women of 20. In fact, I chuckle many time to see how different the ratings are between males over 50 and males under 50 (my two sons ages group).
Is there any way to add this breakdown back into the ratings? If not, I'd most likely, an sadly, look for another service which does offer this data.
5.1K Messages
118.5K Points
2 years ago
It was never clear whether the age demographic was based on the voter at the age when they voted or the age when you look at the report.
It was always clear, that, as Col mentioned above, only a small subset of voters actually provided their demographic data, because the quantity of votes in the demo section was usually significantly less than the total.
As for the Top 1000 voters, I hope that IMDb has not only stopped displaying their vote, but is completely ignoring it in their weighting. They either need to expand that to Top 10,000, or dump it altogether. Those numbers were often significantly biased. You don't have to watch a title to rate it, and I strongly suspected that many of those Top 1000 were NOT honest reviewers who appreciate a large variety of genres/content.
Suggestions that I like:
For series, create an average rating per season.
Display the actual number of votes, not the abbreviated **k.
Question: How is the Country of the voter captured? Don't VPNs interfere with the accuracy? (I see that I provided that in my profile, but can't that be skipped just as the demo data can?)
(Nice to see that the 5 countries vary by title. I formed the impression from the announcement example that those would be the 5 most popular countries for IMDb overall.)
7 Messages
122 Points
2 years ago
This is extremely disappointing and frustrating. By removing the demographic detail of ratings you have compromised our ability to distinguish movies appeal to women who make up a minority of the voters on IMDB. You make it more difficult to determine which children's movies are actually liked by children or oldies movies actually liked my older viewers. We can't distinguish a "date movie" any longer by identifying a movie loved by women and "tolerated" by men. The imbalance of male and women voters means that men will drag down movies that women like a lot that they aren't interested in and the opposite effect is only slight. Same goes with the impact of ratings on older movies. We can't see clearly the rating of an older movie by an audience that is older and we are unsure of the voters weight to determine if younger voters who don't like old films are lower the scores. This was an enormous loss of quality data and has done irreparable damage to movie collector's capability in recognizing quality films that are popular to a targeted audience. Please stop this madness. I'm sorry I have just joined this forum and if I had known that such a monstrosity of a decision to remove such valuable data was even remotely in your playbook I would have jumped up and down long before you rolled it out. I had no idea you would be this ignorant or audacious in your decision making "on our behalf". What customer prey tell would benefit from a loss of transparency. Men who get to significantly outweigh women in their opinions and skew those films lower that they don't like. This is just terrible.
7 Messages
122 Points
2 years ago
Your "friends" over at RT awhile back decided to up the ante and offered certified voter reporting based upon verified ticket sale related to the vote in order to cut down on voter fraud. And yet here we see you essentially go in the opposite direction by not even trying to get consent to expose bias. Even if you could offer us a small sample set of those willing to consent to share their demographic information it would be enormously helpful. Now we have nothing. Hats off to you to ruining your competitive advantage over other critic review aggregators. This isn't just about how many votes you can obtain it is about how useful the data surrounding those votes are as well and anyone who ever was able to see the demographic breakdown were able to see how more often then not movies appealed to a subset of the demographic audience clearly. If anything you should be requesting more data and not less. Getting more consent not less. Even consider going so far as to require consent in order for your vote to be included in some kind of superior reporting outcome. If we know that our votes will be seen with more integrity by sharing our info that gets aggregated and be viewed as more reliable we may well choose to share that data. By dropping this reporting now we can hide our bias impact. At least offer us a path to the data by those willing to share instead of just giving up. You've taken the path of least resistance and your service is now adding significantly less value to those using the data to decide which movies to watch or purchase for their collection. In some cases those collections are shared (ie Puplic Libraries, etc.). You've made it vastly more difficult to identify the movies that are rated more highly by specific audiences. Y'all need to rethink your unilateral decision. Triple down on explaining the benefit of giving our consent to share this data and the value it provides instead of giving up and hiding the transparency. I don't need more answers(votes), I need more useful answers (with detailed demographics).
7 Messages
122 Points
2 years ago
Perhaps as an alternative, are you willing to share the demographic aggregate voting detail to IMDBPro members who would be willing to pay for that detail?
8.7K Messages
177.6K Points
2 years ago
@Michelle 😀
? ?
we will now include a top 5 country filter
Some countries have more 'raters' than others??
From wikipedia
United States 333,287,557
England 56,489,800
Germany 84,270,625
Italy 58,853,482
France 68,042,591
Spain 47,325,360
China 1,411,750,000
2 Messages
70 Points
2 years ago
Since last week I do not see breakdown of ratings (https://help.imdb.com/article/imdb/track-movies-tv/how-can-i-view-the-breakdown-of-ratings/GZ9RAH4MHBYJWF42?ref_=helpart_nav_15#) anymore. What is happened? Does not matter I am logged in or not.
14.6K Messages
332.4K Points
2 years ago
Perhaps you could show the ratings by "regular voters" (or the Top 250-calculated score) for all titles.