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17.2K Messages


310.6K Points

Monday, March 27th, 2023 9:49 PM

IMDb User Ratings Page Redesign

IMDb User Ratings Page Redesign


We are excited to announce IMDb’s redesign of User Ratings pages! In the coming days, IMDb will incrementally roll out its redesign for User Rating pages; instead of demographic data details (age and gender) we will now include a top 5 country filter and a ratings by episode heat map.  The redesign follows ongoing site improvements and reflects changes suggested by IMDb customers, as well as our own in-depth research designed to enhance ratings content, discovery, and navigation. 


In the coming weeks, we will continue to update IMDb pages throughout the site. We hope you enjoy these latest and upcoming improvements, and thank you for continuing to make IMDb the world’s most trusted source for movie, TV, and entertainment content.
 — The IMDb Team 




8.4K Messages


175.3K Points

1 year ago

@Michelle, Employe 😀

IMDb can get ratings locations from Users' IP Address ??
This does Not have Age or Sex etc. info

Bottom of page:
Your location from your IP address
- - -


1 Message


60 Points

1 year ago

I discovered this feture not long ago and thought how cool is that. And now its gone. Make it an additional subsection to your redesign. And where is the dislike button here? 

10.6K Messages


225.3K Points

The "thumbs down" option is omitted from the forum design for all types of posts besides the idea-type thread-level posts. This thread is of the announcement type. Regarding, threads that belong to the idea type, I'm rather disappointed that identities of the participants who cast "thumbs up" or "thumbs down" votes is kept hidden from everybody except the individual who casts a vote in a given direction, and I'm even more unhappy about the fact that once a vote is cast it cannot be returned to the default setting of an abstention or non-vote.

5 Messages


100 Points

1 year ago

Why where the ratings by age and sex removed?  I relied on those to indicate if something was likely to be suitable for me.  The rating for an older male might be significantly different from younger and female.

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled ratings by age and sex

5 Messages


100 Points

1 year ago

Not happy with the lose of age/sex ratings.  The overall rating is less useful than ratings tailored to your sex and age.

8 Messages


136 Points

@nospam77​ agreed ... not happy in the least

I relied on age ratings to spare me from movies not aligned with my age group.

Teens don't want to watch movies appealing to older generations.

And older generations aren't so interested in teen flicks.

And I'm sure guys aren't the least interested in watching Pippy Longstockings ... lol

6 Messages


108 Points

1 year ago

Age and Top 1000 voter statistics are not available in the new votes page.

Please add these statistics to the page. By the way new Country based statistics are amazing, but old ones were necessary too, especially the Top 1000 voters.

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Where is the age seperated votes, us or non-us votes and Top 1000 Voter statics in new?

3 Messages


118 Points

1 year ago

I found the older vote page much better! When I visited imdb to decide which movie I want to watch, mostli the votes of the top 1000 and age and gender was very helpfull for me..! The redisigned page is defenitly much worser/bader..!!! Bring please at least the votes of the top 1000 back..! I think the last few chances were above all in amazons interests.

3 Messages


86 Points

1 year ago

I used to check the top 1000 voters' rate as one of the main factors to decide whether I watch a title. It was usually very helpful and that measure was very close to my taste. However, recently I can't find it anywhere on the website. I want to know if I can still access that information on the website. And if it has been removed, I can't underestand why but I want to know of any possible alternative. 

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Why ratings by top 1000 voters is removed from ratings' page?

3 Messages


86 Points

1 year ago

well, I am sure this (if remains) will affect your audience negatively to the point that could be the beginning of the end of IMDB. Especially the removal of the top 1000 voters feature. Please note that only seeing an average rating is not interesting for many of us to decide if we are going to watch a title. The opinion of those who have been watching the most titles is important. This is somehow an expert opinion that I belive is more reliable than critics who may have been paid to rate or review a title. That has been one unique charactristics of your rating system. Therefore, not only it is essential to bring that feature back, it would be also smart to share the ratings for top 1000 voters by genres as well. 

Same thing could be said for demographic data with less impact. Obviously, age is relevant in our taste for movies way more than the country of viewers. Gender is also more relavant. If you are about to decide to watch a title, which factor is more important? opinion of the people who are in the same age as you or people from France? 

I learned from the comments and your answers that there is difficulty in detectig real top 1000 voters (or exact demographic data). Well, Improve your algorithms to do so. It is quite possible. Choosing the easy way to remove it and replace it with the simple country-based classification is like those lasy works from students who try to fool the teacher but in-fact they are the one who loose the oportunity to improve and will fail evantually. Sorry for the (maybe) harsh tone, but I belive it is the bitter truth that is needed to be mentioned. All it takes is one smart compatitor who use suitable data analysis algorithm to put an end to IMDB.

I hope you return the data at least for top 1000 voters or replace it with any other system that reflects the opinion of those who have seen more titles. People who are somehow unknown kind experts who help us decide while we don't need to be worried about their possible biased opinions because they have been paid to do so. 

3 Messages


80 Points

1 year ago

Despite viewers being unwilling to share demographic data obviously many have. I'm fine with a less than complete sample. It has been my go-to reference for years. Don't see why you can't still include it.

2 Messages


118 Points

1 year ago

There's not much to add that hasn't already been said but just wanted to contribute to the disappointment of removing the top 1000 voters statistic plus the other rating demographics. You're reason for removing the top 1000 stat is supposedly because you cant be sure that all of those voters are legit voters or people who are trying to manipulate the ratings.. But let me make a point, the percentage of voters in the top 1,000 voters who would be "untrustworthy" or trying to "manipulate" the ratings would be low, so much lower than the general voters.. For example, I use IMDb literally everyday, I have 10,400+ ratings, and last time I checked, my ratings did not effect the "top 1000" statistic for any page, so I am NOT a top 1000 voter. Therefore it takes A LOT of ratings to be in the top 1000 (more than 10,400). If a top 1000 voter is rating for manipulation purposes only (rating everything a 1/10 or 10/10) and are not actually watching any of the movies they rate, they would have had to go out of their way to rate thousands of titles without seeing them, they would even have to rate films they've never even heard of to make it into the top 1000 voters.. It wouldn't make sense and its highly unlikely to me that any of the top 1000 voters are truly unreliable. I just do not see many people taking the time to do that. Of course some of those voters might be untrustworthy, but like i said, the percentage of those people would be very low, much lower than the general voter rating.. Because the top 1,000 voters statistic acted as a filter to eliminate the general vote. Do you see my point here?.. The general vote is still bombarded with people who hand out only 10/10 and 1/10. The top 1000 stat, especially for mainstream movies, was always more balanced in my opinion. These statistics and demographics that someone decided to get rid of, were essential to the point of this site. They gave us a unique look into the ratings. What other site gives us those insights? I don't think there is one. So IMDb had the advantage of giving us insights that no one else could. Maybe the people at the top should consider that. Please, if you are able to bring it back one day, do so, because it only turns people off not having access to this information.


5 Messages


152 Points

@RayCardinale​ I'm with you.  I came to rely on the top 1000 as a filter for movies I wouldn't like.  If it has an 8.5 but only a 5 with top 1000 voters I knew it wasn't something I'd likely enjoy.  

I'd be ok if they replaced it with a top 10,000 voter score but I want something to help decide if a film is hyperregional (many Turkish/Indian films are like 99% 10s and not available in the US) and films that were brigaded due to weird reasons.  Satyajit Ray films were loved by the top 1000 so I watched them.  I love foreign films, I just need some metric to separate the wheat from the chaff because the average user score doesn't cut it anymore.  

I'd pay for pro if it added back a top 1000/10000 rating.  

2 Messages


70 Points

1 year ago

Some time ago you could click the weighted average rating to get to a page where the ratings where broken down to demographic numbers. Now that will take you to a page with breakdowns by countries (???) Why, that doesnt really tell us anything. Could we please have the demographic breakdown back again? Or is it because you are not allowed to ask the viewers who wants to rate about their sex and age anymore? In that case, please, some kind of consent formula should be possible, I guess.

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Breakdown of ratings to demographic numbers

1 Message


60 Points

1 year ago

I created an account just to comment on this thread. Please bring back the Top 1000 voters ratings, what were you thinking.

More than 20 years visiting this site and this is the thanks that we get.

76 Messages


1K Points

1 year ago

In the old UI, under "User Rating", there was a section with the average rating of the top 1000 voters, and there was a very benefitial table of the ages and genders of the voters divided into groups with their respective average.

Where is all that? Now it is only a filter for top countries averages, which hardly useful!

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Where is the Top 1000 voters in the new UI?

4 Messages


92 Points

1 year ago

 The exact number of users behind an IMDB rating of a film was available until recently,  but now only in kilos (number of thousands). Is the exact number to be found anywhere?

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Specifics

2 Messages


70 Points

1 year ago

I can no longer view ratings by age group

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Can no longer view ratings by age group

8.4K Messages


175.3K Points

@rkf7rkf7 😀

Joined June 6th, 2023 

Michelle, Employee
Monday, March 27th, 2023
IMDb User Ratings Page Redesign

We are excited to announce IMDb’s redesign of User Ratings pages! 
In the coming days, IMDb will incrementally roll out its redesign 
for User Rating pages; 
instead of demographic data details (age and gender
we will now include a top 5 country filter...
