Michelle's profile



17.6K Messages


314.8K Points

Monday, March 27th, 2023 9:49 PM

IMDb User Ratings Page Redesign

IMDb User Ratings Page Redesign


We are excited to announce IMDb’s redesign of User Ratings pages! In the coming days, IMDb will incrementally roll out its redesign for User Rating pages; instead of demographic data details (age and gender) we will now include a top 5 country filter and a ratings by episode heat map.  The redesign follows ongoing site improvements and reflects changes suggested by IMDb customers, as well as our own in-depth research designed to enhance ratings content, discovery, and navigation. 


In the coming weeks, we will continue to update IMDb pages throughout the site. We hope you enjoy these latest and upcoming improvements, and thank you for continuing to make IMDb the world’s most trusted source for movie, TV, and entertainment content.
 — The IMDb Team 




2 Messages


72 Points

2 years ago

Why have the age and sex breakdowns for movie/show ratings been removed? They were really useful in helping me decide who movies and shows appealed to, and what to select to watch. Bring them back!

1 Message


60 Points

2 years ago

I am sad the demographic data is going away.

17 Messages


236 Points

2 years ago

I noticed a change in the way ratings are displayed. What happened to the way ratings were showed for different ages and male/female. I'm interested in the ratings of males more or less my own age.

The countries are nice, but only helpful if you can select a specific country or continent, I think. Not just the countries with the most votes.

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Change in rating

2 Messages


98 Points

2 years ago

can you guys bring back the top 1000's User Rating??
That was so much helpful.


1 Message


142 Points

2 years ago

Imdb age and gender data are just about the ONLY part of the site that is important to us. PLEASE bring it back.

4 Messages


80 Points

2 years ago

How do I get IMDb ratings by demographic?  It used to be that if I clicked on the number of ratings, a new screen would break down ratings by gender and age groups.  A week or two ago, Chrome browser displayed the new screen but it did not contain the demographic breakdown.  Firefox browser still displayed the demographic breakdown until May 11, 2023.  Why did this happen, and how can I see the demographic breakdown?

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled IMDb ratings by demographic

4 Messages


80 Points

Thank you for explaining why this feature was removed.  The demographic breakdown is very important because people outside my age group usually rate movies higher than I do, yielding an overall rating that is artificially high (for me).  I use the breakdown to determine whether or not to see movies.  Without this breakdown, I won't use IMDb.  I also am unlikely to spend money to see movies.  I know others who feel the same way.  Result: less access of IMDb and less revenue from movie ticket sales.


I am surprised that IMDb scrapped the entire subsystem simply because they couldn't collect data from newer EU users.  They still could collect data from USA users.  Scrapping the entire subsystem simply because of one subset of users is like the tail wagging the dog (in my humble opinion).  What a shame.

10.7K Messages


225.5K Points

The Internet is roughly government by whichever government happens to have the most restrictive attitude toward Internet activity, unless a private enterprise is completely comfortable with withdrawing from the markets stifled by those governments. Just to note, California statute is a big deal to a lot of companies, so that is why special provisions reserved just for residents of California can commonly be found in EULA or ToS from various companies in various industries, or likewise warning labels on physical products.



730 Messages


8K Points


Demographic data details (age and gender) were removed and we now include a top 5 country filter and a ratings by episode heat map. The redesign follows ongoing site improvements and reflects changes suggested by IMDb customers, as well as our own in-depth research designed to enhance ratings content, discovery, and navigation.

19 Messages


432 Points

2 years ago

Gonna miss the old data breakdown, though I think the argument that age data was becoming irrelevent since it was tagged against users' current age is slightly disingenuous, since IMDb appears to store the actual date I rated a title.

Like many others, I found the Top 1000 voter rating really useful. Better than the headline rating.

I understand that it might have contained a high percentage of questionable accounts, but the overall rating is also skewed since there are so many automatic 10-fanboy/1-haters. And I don't agree with the stated reasoning that a rating is somehow invalid after only watching a part of a film (if it's awful, why on earth would you watch more, lol? And try convincing anyone that they have to finish a meal before deciding how much they like/dislike it!).

But those concerns could surely be at least partly balanced out by making it Top 10,000?

Please consider it.

One suggestion: please include the headline rating for each country shown, in the main screen (and maybe number of ratings). So differences are visible without going click-back-click-back-click-back-etc.

1 Message


60 Points

2 years ago

I was literally in the middle of a final project for a data science class that used the ratings by demographic data. That data disappeared overnight for me and was replaced by ratings by country, which is useless for me. I don't want to have to scrap my project and start over but I guess I'm screwed.

2 Messages


98 Points

@Captainlaurie​ in this case you can use "https://wayback.archive.org/", but it won't show the latest data.

121 Messages


3.5K Points

2 years ago

can you please bring back the total numbers of votes ? it could be very helpful

for example 1.245.543 votes and NOT 1.2 million like it's displayed now

17 Messages


236 Points

2 years ago

I noticed the display of ratings has changed. It is no longer possible to view the ratings by men/women, or age groups. This is a pity as I like to see what people of my gender and/or age think about a certain movie. Furthermore, the ratings per country are only interesting if you can choose a specific country (or continent), not just a country the most ratings came from, because these are usually the biggest countries....

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled rating

8.6K Messages


177.2K Points

2 years ago

Saturday, March 7th, 2015  :  8 years ago

Ratings: Add more countries to the breakdowns
I'm not sure on the statistics of which country frequents IMDB most,
but it seems rather naive to segment by US and Non US users....



1 Message


60 Points

2 years ago

The removal of the Top 1000 Voters ranking has just been implemented where I live. I found this essential in identifying more consistent votes for films across numerous decades. My personal opinion on films married up much more with the Top 1000 voters rating than the weighted average, which typically (compared to the Top 1000 Voter score) massively inflates scores for mainstream big budget films, superhero films, high profile oscar-bait films (with a tokenistic cause) and generally films made post-2000 compared to films not meeting the above criteria. I draw this conclusion from a couple of decades of comparing the Top 1000 voters score compared to the weighted average.  

I appreciate suggestions about issues filtering the top 1000 votes as an explanation of its removal. If there are genuine technical reasons why this isn't consider useful/practical then I hope the weighted average calculation is revisited to give users an option to review rankings that don't rate modern films of questionable quality above countless above average films made between 1940-1999.

Assuming it doesn't already do so, I would suggest a weighting method taking into account how many films a user has reviewed pre-2000 or even pre-1980 as well as films that a user has viewed that are not in English. A user who watches only films from the past couple of decades and only those in English cannot possibly have the same ability (on average) to accurately assess the quality of a film as someone who has watched films across the decades made in different languages.  I'd wager that the 'Top 1000 Voters' typically watched films in different languages from across the decades and that this will contribute to why I considered it a far better indicator of the quality of a given film than the weighted average.  

Thanks for any consideration. 


2 Messages


118 Points

@Fergei​ I agree, good points. Still not sure about this "issue" regarding filtering the top 1000 when I see the top 1000 as a filter itself. I made a longer comment on this topic at the bottom of page 4. Just doesn't make sense to me as to removing it. 

6 Messages


140 Points

2 years ago

Please publish the page with the exact number of votes and no brackets (parentheses). Thank you! 

2 Messages


104 Points

2 years ago

The redesign downgrades from Imdb never cease. Last was the persons' page, now this. No stone left unturned. :-/

The per country details is nice, as is the condensed episodes table (how about having the per-country filter affect also the per episode scores?).

But if demographic data isn't available anymore (mentioned above by @Col_Needham), how about:

  • Detailed per all/any countries (based on most common result from historic account IPs?)†
  • Top 1k/10k/100k voter groups
  • Account age (instead of user age), which is also vaguely indicative
  • Show accurate number of votes (precision of 1)

† BTW: The "jumpy tabs" widget is really not a good UI element (not only in the Ratings page, but also the variant in the Persons' page).


2 Messages


100 Points

2 years ago

Again, you have revised the IMDB site.  Some of the new features are fine I guess, but why remove any good features?  Whenever I visit your site, which is almost daily, to look up facts and information on various shows and movies, I always go to the "Ratings" page to see the "Age" group ratings and "Male or Female" gender ratings of what I am checking out. Now, you have removed the most informative part of your "Ratings" page.  "Male" and "Female" ratings are usually always different, and so are the ratings from the different "Age" groups as well.  I always look at these ratings, as it gives me a much better idea of what to expect when I see a show or movie, and depending on the differences of these ratings, I may or may not watch the show at all.  Also, you removed the "USA watcher" ratings, the "non-US watcher" ratings, and the "Top 1000 User" ratings. Your old Ratings format is much more informative than your current "By Country" ratings. Sorry, but you may as well have just omitted the Ratings page altogether.  

I don't know.... maybe I'm alone here with this observation, but I would sure like to get this old Ratings page back, because there's no information on the current one for me.