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17.2K Messages


310.2K Points

Thursday, April 25th, 2024 4:30 PM

IMDb Redesigns List-Like Pages

IMDb Redesigns List-Like Pages




We are excited to announce the launch of IMDb’s redesigned List pages! These pages are meant to make your IMDb experience easier and more enjoyable by providing a modern, clean presentation of information with 3 different viewing types available (detailed, grid, compact) on each List page tailoring to both written and visual preferences. We have also improved mobile navigation making it easier to view IMDb features on the go. These enhancements reflect changes suggested by IMDb customers, as well as our own in-depth research designed to enhance entertainment content, discovery, and navigation.  For more information about the redesign you can review our List Page FAQ.


We hope you enjoy these latest improvements, and thank you for continuing to make IMDb the world’s most trusted source for movie, TV, and entertainment content. 


— The IMDb Team

74 Messages


960 Points

3 months ago

To the IMDB staff members, while I was adding my own user list for the video game romhacks I want to make someday. When I tried to add the NES version of Back to the Future (1989) Not the movie version of Back to the Future (1985)

I tried to use the URL IMDB page link as seen in this screenshot

However I'm unable to use the Back to the Future (1989) URL link https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2197817/?ref_=fn_al_tt_42

Which is frustrating because I liked the URL link you had for the adding to title lists and people list.

Please bring back the URL IMDB link feature for the list of people and list of titles on IMDB to be added to mine and other peoples Your List features.

Let me know if you can fix this problem, I want to get back to adding more to Your Lists including my Video Game Romhack ideas or adding specific actors I want to add but can't because I can't add the URL IMDB link to get them added to the list. Please help me fix this issue.

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled URL link IMDB add on feature missing from Your List features



5K Messages


118.1K Points

Try using only the tt code from the url, namely tt2197817.

61 Messages


758 Points

3 months ago

Hi, would be nice, if the title list exports would also contain the earliest release date, same as the release date in the former title list exports.

By the way I also suggested this as users got asked for commenting the new lists pages and you told me you had forwarded my issue to the developers.


Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled change in title list export

61 Messages


758 Points

3 months ago

please put back in the earliest release date, should be no problem, making 2 columns, earliest and local release date... or am I wrong?

4 Messages


90 Points

3 months ago

When exporting "Your ratings" to CSV there are two problems:

1. The titles for TV episodes was changed. Previously for elements of title type "tvEpisode" the series name would be prepended to the title, i.e. "Bob's Burgers: Sea Me Now" (for tt6104384), now it's just "Sea Me Now".

2. I noticed that for Moon 44 (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0097910), the Year is 2019 and Release Date is "2019-01-06". According to the release info page, that is the date of "internet" release in the USA while there exists a "video premiere" for USA in 1991 and generally the year is listed as 1990 (release in West Germany, Netherlands, United Kingdom).

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Export: TV series name for TV episodes, release year/date

61 Messages


758 Points

@Alien426​ I had a similar problem, seems like imdb changed the csv export, Release Year still refers to the earliest release date, "release date" refers to the date it got released in the country you chose in the site preferences, if you didn't chose one, the country that's chosen in your browser. As you can see in my post above, I asked imdb to make 2 release dates, "earliest" and "local" in the csv files in future, but I got no answer yet.



7.2K Messages


177.9K Points


The titles for TV episodes was changed. Previously for elements of title type "tvEpisode" the series name would be prepended to the title, i.e. "Bob's Burgers: Sea Me Now" (for tt6104384), now it's just "Sea Me Now".

Thanks for the problem report and sorry for the inconvenience. As noted earlier in this thread (https://community-imdb.sprinklr.com/conversations/imdbcom/imdb-redesigns-listlike-pages/662a8541586efb2637c22757?commentId=664d7675a686244c554b4318&replyId=66518c3e0aaec1421f71f706 ), we have fixed this in the general list export and the ratings export will be fixed separately. 



7.2K Messages


177.9K Points


I noticed that for Moon 44 (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0097910), the Year is 2019 and Release Date is "2019-01-06". According to the release info page, that is the date of "internet" release in the USA while there exists a "video premiere" for USA in 1991 and generally the year is listed as 1990 (release in West Germany, Netherlands, United Kingdom).

Similarly, as also mentioned elsewhere in this thread, this has now been fixed on almost all list exports.  The ratings list uses a slightly different export process so this will also be fixed separately. 

4 Messages


90 Points

I see that the episode titles have been (pre-)fixed. Thank you.



7.2K Messages


177.9K Points

@Alien426​ Thanks, yes, this was just fixed late last week so you beat us to an announcement here :-)

4 Messages


90 Points

The movie Whiplash now has Year: 2024, Release Date: "2024-09-20" ...

6 Messages


112 Points

3 months ago

As I use my IMDB list as cinema diary and due to the fact that the new list has now pages I have to change list order to "last entry first". If I want to move an entry from position 1 to e.g. 2 the entry move to position 2 in list BUT in list order "first entry first". Double checked. Change back means in my case to move entry 2780 list entries down - every 100 entries technically interrupted because there are no pages any more. Is there any (more) user friendly way to change entries? Sometimes it happens (e.g. movies shown in film festivals) that a movie isn't yet listed on imdb. So from time to time I like to exchange an entry.

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled The new IMBD cannot move entries correctly if I change list order



5K Messages


118.1K Points

@fheublein​ Have you tried using the position number assignment, or just the drag-and-drop? Click the tiny arrow next to the item's date added.

6 Messages


112 Points

@bderoes thx! I have missed that option. Solves my problem.

6 Messages


112 Points

I have to add for the community that the actual position is shown according the actual list order you have selected. You have to do know the desired position of the "first entry first" order where to put it because the programming take the "first entry first" order as base for re-ordering. 



6.7K Messages


117.9K Points

2 months ago


"we are looking at how large lists (100+ items) are paginated or can be searched.  This is both in edit and view mode.  "

Any news about this, it's been two months and large lists remain really hard to navigate.

8.4K Messages


174.7K Points

70 Messages


980 Points

They seem to only be concerned with actual bugs (unintentional changes).
They refuse to acknowledge the serious design flaws that make the new user experience so horrible.



7.2K Messages


177.9K Points

@Pencho15​ / @MSebring  The pagination work is still on-going here as this is a complicated problem and we have recently assigned additional engineers to assist with the scaling issues at larger list sizes.  



6.7K Messages


117.9K Points

@Col_Needham​ Thanks.

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2 Messages


70 Points

2 months ago

Can we have the old version of your rating when it has 1-250 then new page

it takes like a hour to find title 1,215 it gives me a headache 

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Your rating



7.2K Messages


177.9K Points

@Joeelliott​ Thanks for the feedback. As noted above, the pagination work is still on-going here as this is a complicated problem and we have recently assigned additional engineers to assist with the scaling issues at larger list sizes.  

In the meantime there are other alternatives:

  1. The IMDb mobile apps should allow you to easily browse ratings lists of any size (I have over 15,000 ratings and the apps handle this fine).  See the QR code in the footer of every IMDb page to download the relevant IMDb mobile app. 
  2. You can export your ratings list (and any of your lists) via the “Export” link in the upper right of https://www.imdb.com/list/ratings and you can then manipulate / search your exported ratings in your preferred spreadsheet software. 
  3. You can use IMDb Advanced Title Search to refine/sort your ratings by various factors, including words in the title (or the exact title); start at https://www.imdb.com/search/title/?my_ratings=restrict and see the options on the lefthand side of the page. 

Hope this helps.

2 Messages


80 Points

2 months ago

Another problem with the infinite scrolling on large lists (and advanced search results, for that matter) is that, as you scroll farther and farther down, the list starts using up more and more memory on your PC and everything loads slower and slower.

422 Messages


14.3K Points

@Artmonkey​ I fully agree with that. Bothered me already with search results and I hoped this could get changed to pages, instead it is the same issue with lists now :( Literally impossible to get to the bottom of 9999 entries.



55 Messages


2.4K Points

Hi @Artmonkey and @Horst, Thank you for reaching out.  Infinite scroll is intended to improve the ability to navigate across your list contents. Increased memory allocation as you scroll is not expected behavior. I have passed along your feedback to the team to evaluate for future improvements.

422 Messages


14.3K Points

Well, this is not a new issue. Actually the exact same with search results. I am not sure how much you can change there, it has at least as much to do with our computers as it has with your system. So what would be the easiest solution? Bring back pages of xy (maybe 100 or 250) entries. I don't need to see the first 1750 entries when I want to check entries 1751 to 2000. Apart from that, I can also get to the latter in one or two clicks and scrolling down this far is always gonna require much more than that. So no matter how you look at it, the change towards scrolling instead of pages will always be worse.

70 Messages


980 Points

2 months ago

Now that I have actually used IMDb's "new and improved" List feature for several months, I would like to point out the changes that annoy me the most. I should mention though that I don't use IMDb nearly as much as I used to as a result of the degraded user experience, especially with regard to the List feature which is what I had always used the most. (I mostly just use it now to maintain my watch list.)

1. The absolute worst thing is the long single page lists which make using large lists almost unbearable.
Take a look at this list: Classic Movies. It used to be my favorite of the lists I've created, and now it is almost unusable.

2. When I View my own lists (not anyone else's) the Title and Description fields seem to be always in Edit mode. When you click anywhere in those fields you automatically start editing that field. Many of my lists contain links to other lists in their Description field (see my Classic Movies link above), and when I click on any of the links, it takes me into Edit mode for the Description field for a while before following the link.

Fortunately, nearly all of my lists contain more than 100 entries, so I rarely have to deal with problems in the new Editor, but I dread the day when I'll be forced to use that.

Another thing: I was really excited about the new Filter feature, but it has turned out to be not as useful as I expected it to be and I pretty much never use it. I mostly looked forward to using it to filter by genre and I expected it to work like the genre filters on JustWatch, ReelGood, and others, but it doesn't. On those sites, your genre selections are OR-ed, so if you select Thriller, Crime, Mystery, and Film-Noir (because you have a general idea of what kind of movie you want to watch) you see any movie that specifies ANY of those genres. But, on IMDb, your genre selections are AND-ed, so it only shows you movies that specify ALL of those genres. So, to accomplish the same thing (display movies that match ANY of those genres) on IMDb, you have to use the genre filter four times.



55 Messages


2.4K Points

Hi @MSebring, Thank you for reaching out to express your concerns for the following features

  • Infinite scroll challenges
  • Edit mode for your own lists
  • Filter being “and” and not “or”

I have passed along the feedback to our team for consideration of future improvements.

2 Messages


72 Points

1 month ago

The edit mode for lists over 100 items is bad. It would be nice to be the same for lists with less than 100 items

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Lists over 100 items are awful to edit



55 Messages


2.4K Points

Hi @UnNamed. Thanks for reaching out. I have passed along your feedback to the team for future consideration.

2 Messages


70 Points

28 days ago


I have been using this platform for really more than 11 years, I graduated from Film & TV thanks to this platform.

I have been using the Pro version with another account, able to work with it profesionally. This platform has been a personal thing to me for years.

Please tell me why the Refine option in Watchlist is long gone?? My watchlist is projects I personally recommended or added myself through a lot of research. I have more than 1000 titles, do you really think if I feel like watching a feature movie from '60s drama genre I would just like.. scroll through my short films, series, all of those Serbian titles I have been postponing for years or.. those titles I was recommended while studying Asian cinema at the Academy. I feel completely lost now, this list does not have a function now. But it is still on the main menu right next to my account. Why? It has no meaning, it is just a bunch of words added somehow. I have started my list with 'Blow' back in 2013! And I still plan to watch it. 

If those feedbacks are read by someone, I would really like to thank you and ask you to follow up this question to the person who thought limiting options is a great idea. I love so many features of this website, do not ruin it, please.

Keep it the way it works.

Thank you for your time.

Yoanna Popova 

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Missing refine option in Watchlist - why?



55 Messages


2.4K Points

Hi  @yoannapopova, Thank you for reaching out. If I understand your question correctly, the Refine option is located at the top of your list. It looks like an upside down triangle with lines across it.  It should be right next to the “sort by” feature. If you select it, you can filter/refine your list a number of different ways such as by genre, title type, etc.  I hope this helps.

1 Message


60 Points

3 days ago

Good to hear the lists are being redesigned. I suggest you track an expiration date as an optional meta tag for each list. I was astonished to see hugely irrelevant and obsolete list widget content today. Really conveyed sense of IMDB as a zombie site. Those lists cohere due to a time window of availability on a resource that has since become universally irrelevant. These content items should automatically prune after their relevancy is over.



55 Messages


2.4K Points

Hi @mrtexasfreedom, We have found that many older lists continue to provide value to our customers (e.g. Best movies from 2021) long after they were created. However, as you point out, some lists are much more temporary in nature.  I have passed along your feedback to the team regarding an optional expiration date for future consideration.

9 Messages


146 Points

3 days ago

Edited because there seems to be no way to delete a post.




55 Messages


2.4K Points

Hi @benhere, Thanks for reaching out. We have recently updated our List policies, with a change to disallow external URLs (non-IMDb links) in List titles, descriptions, and notes (i.e., item descriptions). You can still include links to other IMDb pages in all List fields. Please see our Lists FAQs.

9 Messages


146 Points

Well, that's completely unhelpful. Something to make a watchlist less of a tool and more of a static object. If I have films (80, 90 year-old, public domain films) on my list, why should I be able to see right away where to view them? Much more fun to add steps, clicks additional searches.

There must be some compelling reason to prevent me from linking to a perfectly legal youtube video of public domain film, but I'm not seeing it.