4 Messages


90 Points

Thursday, July 4th, 2024 8:18 AM


Export: TV series name for TV episodes, release year/date

When exporting "Your ratings" to CSV there are two problems:

1. The titles for TV episodes was changed. Previously for elements of title type "tvEpisode" the series name would be prepended to the title, i.e. "Bob's Burgers: Sea Me Now" (for tt6104384), now it's just "Sea Me Now".

2. I noticed that for Moon 44 (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0097910), the Year is 2019 and Release Date is "2019-01-06". According to the release info page, that is the date of "internet" release in the USA while there exists a "video premiere" for USA in 1991 and generally the year is listed as 1990 (release in West Germany, Netherlands, United Kingdom).

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IMDb Redesigns List-Like Pages

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