2 Messages


70 Points

Thursday, August 22nd, 2024 8:48 PM


Missing refine option in Watchlist - why?


I have been using this platform for really more than 11 years, I graduated from Film & TV thanks to this platform.

I have been using the Pro version with another account, able to work with it profesionally. This platform has been a personal thing to me for years.

Please tell me why the Refine option in Watchlist is long gone?? My watchlist is projects I personally recommended or added myself through a lot of research. I have more than 1000 titles, do you really think if I feel like watching a feature movie from '60s drama genre I would just like.. scroll through my short films, series, all of those Serbian titles I have been postponing for years or.. those titles I was recommended while studying Asian cinema at the Academy. I feel completely lost now, this list does not have a function now. But it is still on the main menu right next to my account. Why? It has no meaning, it is just a bunch of words added somehow. I have started my list with 'Blow' back in 2013! And I still plan to watch it. 

If those feedbacks are read by someone, I would really like to thank you and ask you to follow up this question to the person who thought limiting options is a great idea. I love so many features of this website, do not ruin it, please.

Keep it the way it works.

Thank you for your time.

Yoanna Popova 

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IMDb Redesigns List-Like Pages

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