5.6K Messages
58.9K Points
IMDb Name Page Redesign
We are excited to announce the launch of IMDb’s redesigned Name pages! These pages are meant to make your IMDb experience easier and more enjoyable by providing better access to photos and videos, an upgraded view of an individual’s credits, and improved mobile navigation making it easier to view IMDb features on the go. These enhancements reflect changes suggested by IMDb customers, as well as our own in-depth research designed to enhance entertainment content, discovery, and navigation. More information is available in the FAQ on the help page.
We hope you enjoy these latest improvements, and thank you for continuing to make IMDb the world’s most trusted source for movie, TV, and entertainment content.
— The IMDb Team
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2 Messages
70 Points
2 years ago
Please can you help me. Since page redesign I can't expand credits menu in edge or chrome browsers in regular mode, just in private mode.
158 Messages
2.6K Points
2 years ago
I've noticed that with the new format, the IMDB will show the birth date of people, but will no longer show where they were born. For example, Yolonda Ross at https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0743931 shows that she was born on August 4, 1968 and doesn't list the place of birth. But in her biography section at https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0743931/bio it not only doesn't show that, it also doesn't show her place of birth which is Omaha, Nebraska. I know it is still in the database because when I checked her DOB when I tried to edit, the information was there.
Was this an intentional change to no longer show the place of birth or is it an error?
2 Messages
70 Points
2 years ago
Hate the new format. Can't find what I'm looking for. Rapidly getting off of the imdb habit! And also don't appreciate the difficulties thrown at me as I've tried to criticize the new format. Don't blame you for making it difficult, though. I imagine you're getting mostly bad reviews!
6 Messages
120 Points
2 years ago
Not a fan of the new web design, but there are plenty of threads about that.
What I don't understand is why "Self" credits remain second-class credits here. A person with 20 "Self" credits and one "thanks" credit has the "thanks" credit as the main entry on their page, with users needing to click the tiny "Self" button to see those credits.
Why doesn't the category with the most credits get treated as the default category for any given person?
6 Messages
120 Points
2 years ago
New web design is terrible. Credit lists should be visible by default, at least for the category or two with the most credits. The buttons for hidden credits are so small, it's easy to miss them.
3 Messages
90 Points
2 years ago
I want to see movies vs TV shows rather than everything in a row
4 Messages
132 Points
2 years ago
Name pages do NOT separate TV and Film despite that being the Setting I have selected.
2 Messages
70 Points
2 years ago
The new design absolutely SUCKS! Go back to the old format and we will forget about this abomination that is the current IMDb design.
262 Messages
8.2K Points
2 years ago
At this point, my only issue with the new name page is that the thumbnails and lists could be in a larger font/size. It looks like it was meant for viewing on a cellphone, and while it may be okay to zoom/squint with a cellphone viewing on a desktop doesn't and shouldn't allow for that.
2 Messages
70 Points
2 years ago
Strange thing: Looked up Richard Kind and saw that he was in 50 episodes of Mad About You starting in 1992. When I returned to his page after reading about the new page design, the Mad About You credit had disappeared.
1 Message
62 Points
2 years ago
Quick thoughts I have after a glimpse at the new design:
Bad thing: still lacks dark theme.
Good thing: Actor/Director/Writer/etc. sections finally have poster pictures preview on them and thank Khala these lists made it to the final release as single-column lists, not a multi-column as they were in earlier versions. It's a bit annoying that you need to press "See all" to see them all, but I guess it's for optimization reasons and also not every user is like me and not every user wants to see a long list of all celebrity's works, so I guess it's kind of fine.
35 Messages
694 Points
2 years ago
I've just realized that the films with the "Announced" status do not show up anywhere on a person's IMDb page in the desktop version. Neither in the credits, nor in the sidebar section for projects in development.
Here's an example from my own IMDb page. My announced feature film Pure doesn't show up in my directing credits (only my post-production film We Put the World to Sleep is shown in the "Upcoming" section), nor in the "Projects In Development" side section (where only 3 films with statuses "pitch" and "turnaround" are shown). It is only seen in my "Known for" section, but only by chance because it happened to be among the post popular ones.
By default Pure is only shown on my IMDb Pro page and the IMDb mobile app.
3 Messages
88 Points
2 years ago
I don't like that the first page of a person's page, doesn't have the short bio with the Read More link AND Their BIRTH DATE AND DEATH If they have. Keep their Birthday and death on the FIRST PAGE! I DON'T WANT TO CLICK ON IT TO SEE IF THEY ARE DEAD!
2 Messages
70 Points
2 years ago
IMDB used to be simple and functional. I don't want or need the poster for every film title, along with all of that extra space it takes. Just a simple list, PLEASE. And don't make me have to click on a new box for every type of credit. Just list them all as you used to years ago. Every one of your "improvements" makes this site much more difficult to use. Not long ago, I used IMDB every day, but the redesign now makes me frankly scared of visiting again. I only encounter frustration now, so why bother?
3 Messages
80 Points
2 years ago
Complete rubbish. Have you ever heard from Shakespeare "brevity is the soul of wit"???? or from Thoreau "simplify, simplify"
Everytime you "improve" your website it gets more complicated, busy with pop ups and unrequested videos, and MUCH harder to use. You changed things around a few years ago, and that was bad......these changes are even worse. Take a lesson from Wikapedia, a site both ordered and informative without all the un-neccesary clutter.