5.6K Messages
58.9K Points
IMDb Name Page Redesign

We are excited to announce the launch of IMDb’s redesigned Name pages! These pages are meant to make your IMDb experience easier and more enjoyable by providing better access to photos and videos, an upgraded view of an individual’s credits, and improved mobile navigation making it easier to view IMDb features on the go. These enhancements reflect changes suggested by IMDb customers, as well as our own in-depth research designed to enhance entertainment content, discovery, and navigation. More information is available in the FAQ on the help page.
We hope you enjoy these latest improvements, and thank you for continuing to make IMDb the world’s most trusted source for movie, TV, and entertainment content.
— The IMDb Team
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3 Messages
94 Points
2 years ago
the new version is horrendous at best, if it ain't broke don't fix it smh
23 Messages
462 Points
2 years ago
At this point I see a problem in the way an artist's credits are shown. I'm looking for Jane Morgan's TV appearances. Previously there were lists underneath each TV series, and we could save the page with all the info showing. Now we need to bring up a special panel, and ask for each season separately. See attachment. How does anyone figure this is an improvement??
To me it's the kind of degeneration we see on various sites as new programmers come in and think they can "improve" things.
2 Messages
76 Points
2 years ago
I'm glad I'm not the only one who loathes the new look! IMDB, kindly make it an option to go back to the prior format!
12 Messages
226 Points
2 years ago
how...please....how...do I get the old IMDB look back ?
the re-design is chaos, I use this for work not fun and it's so much slower weeding through all those giant ads and separated content sections..
just give me TEXT !!!!!!!!!!!!!
292 Messages
6.2K Points
2 years ago
Aaand It's Gone!
We can't see a person filmography (all credits) like this anymore on mobile phones:
when we replace "fullcredits" with "filmotype" in address bar
Thanks IMDb for ruining everything. Fantastic job, guys.
2 Messages
70 Points
2 years ago
I like having films, shows, documentaries and shorts separate. It would be interesting if we could have settings for it that applied permanently. Instead of having to edit the filter every time I open someone's page.
6 Messages
140 Points
2 years ago
Hi, in the new presentation of my page credits or function do not appear, as for the most recent, being head of development of Maimouna Doucouré's HAWA for AMAZONYou can't see it on my page, but only if you dig on HAWA's page.
Is it possible to display ALL THE CREDITS by default ?
Thx, François
6 Messages
140 Points
2 years ago
Hi, in the new presentation of my page credits or function do not appear, as for the most recent, being head of development of Maimouna Doucouré's HAWA for AMAZON. You can't see it on my page, but only if you dig on HAWA's page.
Is it possible to display ALL THE CREDITS by default ?
Thx, François
10 Messages
266 Points
2 years ago
@Col_Needham - Instead of worrying about pretty icons and fancy fonts, maybe you should concentrate on accurate information. Or at least give us the tools to correct your mistakes.
On Olivia Hussey's page, the video showing is for Romeo & Juliet 2013. She was in the 1968 Romeo & Juliet, not the 2013 one. this shows at the top with the primary picture and at the bottom with video links.
Editing the page does not take me anywhere that I can correct that, and of course, there is no feedback/webpage error report line to tell you about the problem.
Maybe that is where you should invest time and labor rather than fluff.
14.6K Messages
332.7K Points
2 years ago
Awkward occupation display
111 Messages
1.5K Points
2 years ago
Where's the "reference view" for name pages? Title pages have always had one, like this:
I can't stand the new "mobile view" default for any page, and from the feedback over the past couple years here, everyone else hates it too.
So I just use the reference view for title pages. Name pages weren't affected by the IMDb mobile virus; neither were the various sub pages. However, several months ago, the name pages became infected, so I need the reference view for them too now.
Note there's still an option in our account display preferences to default to the Reference view, but this affects only title pages now for some reason.
On a related note: A few days ago, at least one of the sub pages appears to have been affected (infected) with the Mobile Virus: Technical Specs. And I'm clicking on a link from the title page reference view; it switches to Mobile View for that sub page, with a stupid pencil icon instead of the word Edit. (We're not stupid; we understand English; we don't need pictures to replace words.) Clicking on the stupid pencil brings up the editor, thankfully in Desktop mode again.
Screw Mobile everything. Damn pestilence is what it is.
2 Messages
70 Points
2 years ago
Bring back the old layout! UI minimalism approaches are destroying the internet and removing useful functionality in favor of basic designs with fewer items, big buttons, lots of free space and simple interfaces with reduced options to filter and search
16 Messages
562 Points
2 years ago
Okay, I am still unhappy with the new name page design and I really wish IMDB would revert back to the old name page design. Since it looks like that isn't going to happen, despite numerous complaints, could we at least be given the ability to sort the "View All Credits" page by project type? It would make things much easier. Ever since the new page design was forced on everyone I have been using the "View All Credits" page. The only problem is that the individual's credits are not sorted by movie, television, and so on.
140 Messages
1.4K Points
2 years ago
I don't get why imdb.com needs to be loaded dynamically, which causes it to load quite slowly. Come on guys, this is very amateuristic and makes IMDB look bad. Please fix this stuff, just load the website fully, like before the redesign.
To clarify, I'm mostly talking about the movies and series websites. For example the ''User reviews'', ''Top picks'' and ''More like this'' sections always load with a delay. I get this problem on all desktop browsers like Firefox, Edge and Vivaldi.
2 Messages
80 Points
2 years ago
It is much harder to navigate to the information I'm looking for now. It requires many more clicks because without the tabs at the top of each project and company pages, I have to click back to project or company home page each time I want to go from "actors" to "filmmakers" or "staff" to "clients" etc. I understand that websites are often looking to find ways to get more clicks, but as someone with tendonitis in my fingers, I can tell you that extra clicking back and forth is anti-accessibility. It also takes much longer to get information, and is not user-friendly... So overall, this update is a big downgrade from how the site layout used to work.
I hope others who have recognized this problem will vote this up. And if you disagree with me, please comment with whatever hacks you've found to make it work for you.
Thanks for listening.