dave_longoria's profile

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350 Points

Sunday, April 21st, 2013 12:17 AM

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ATS: Export advanced title search results to a list

The movie list resulting from an advanced title search should have the feature that I can copy the whole list to a personal list.This List... http://www.imdb.com/search/title?genr... should work the Same asThis List... http://www.imdb.com/list/PBSGETbcUMU/



1.9K Messages


146.1K Points

12 years ago

Yeah I like that idea, it'd save an awful lot of time and effort - have a +1.



19.6K Messages


478.6K Points

12 years ago

I also like this idea. I've added my +1.



5.1K Messages


118.5K Points

10 years ago

same here. Creating a list from a search is excruciating when the result is long. Why not give us the checkboxes to copy titles to our own list?

Also implied by Dave Longoria's examples: that the refinement options could apply to the search result. We can certainly just return to the search criteria and do these same things, but it would be a nicety nonetheless.

4 Messages


122 Points

8 years ago

This would be good. +1



5.1K Messages


118.5K Points

7 years ago

Unfortunately, with this week's update to the List functionality, the example list no longer has Refine options during Edit mode, where you select titles to be copied.

The prior Compact mode is sorely missed.

7 Messages


430 Points

7 years ago

Many of you may not remember, but years ago it could do just that!  An advanced title search generated a list, and you could "select all" or use the checkboxes next to each title in the results (yes!....) to select parts of the list, and add the selection to an existing list or to a new list you could generate on the spot.
IMDb already "got it right," in entirety, over 10 years ago.  I feel every "improvement" they make is disastrous.



5.1K Messages


118.5K Points

7 years ago

2 Messages


132 Points

6 years ago

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled Idea: Please provide option of "Export Search Results" while searching or "Make l....

Idea: Please provide option of "Export Search Results" while searching or "Make list with this search result"

2 Messages


136 Points

6 years ago

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled The possibility to extract search and advanced search results (lists).

The search and the advanced search tool will be a lot better if the user can extract and download the result (list) of his search into a file.
Also if the user can copy all or some of his search result (list) directly to another list as we can do in our created lists in the site, that will be great.

2 Messages


112 Points

6 years ago

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled Love the advanced search feature BUT PLEASE LET US CREATE A LIST BASED ON THE RES....

That would be great and would make the lists feature to FLY

252 Messages


5.5K Points

6 years ago

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled all results "add to watchlist".

Please allow all search results to be added to my watchlist instead of adding one per click.

252 Messages


5.5K Points

6 years ago

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled need button for "add to list" in search results.

In search results, please add a button for "add to list" (not watchlist).

4 Messages


122 Points

6 years ago

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled Importing Advanced Search Results to New List.

When you do an Advanced Search there should be some way of exporting the results to a new list or one of your current ones. The only way to do it currently is to mainly add each one to your Watchlist first. Needless to say this is extremely time consuming and cumbersome.

7 Messages


430 Points

6 years ago

Again, IMDb used to have exactly that capability and more, nearly TWENTY years ago, until less than 10 years ago.
Based on their (lack of) response to threads such as this one, they just don’t care anymore.



5.1K Messages


118.5K Points

6 years ago

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled ATS: Advanced Title Search enhancement requests.

  1. Provide an easy way to add ATS search results to a list. Maybe use a captcha to confirm it's not an automated spammer.
  2. ATS should show creator's title comments/descriptions from list on detailed search results. (Remember we can apply ATS url to lists not our own.)
  3. ATS sort option of List Order so we can see the position number in a compact list of 250 again.
  4. Provide OR and NOT functionality. Ex: Genre Music OR Musical. Lists Checkins OR Watchlist. Genre Music, NOT Western. Even if it's just a URL hack.



5.1K Messages


118.5K Points

The thread from whence this was merged had more ideas and comments that did not follow in the merge. The thread where this lives now is much narrower than my thread (it's #1; mine got to 6 enhancement requests), so if you like some of 2-6, I encourage you to start a new Idea with that request. (BTW, we have part of #4 now, the NOT operator. Just type ! before a parameter in the url.)