GabrielFox's profile

3.1K Messages


46.7K Points

Friday, April 14th, 2023 7:52 PM

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Poll Suggestion: The Most Pirated Movies of 2023


According to​ Piracy of films has surged. With 2024 boasting numerous high-profile releases, this trend is expected to persist. (This list is sourced from Movie Metropolis​). 

If you were a pirate ... Which movie on the list would have been your choice? 

10K Messages


163.9K Points

2 years ago

@GabrielFox , Personally, I don't think the favorite is the right question to be asking. I would think something that ties into the subject or related to the points made in the paragraph or answer options would be better suited. 

10.7K Messages


225.4K Points

Yes, that does make sense, but seemingly the creator of this thread wants to lend some kind of credence to the findings of the authors/editors behind the referenced Variety article. While I can't prove it, I would assume that the article has omitted some interesting facts of the matter. A lot of times, the streaming movie "pirate" websites based out of regions that have a lower gross domestic product per capita than the like associated with Australia, Canada, Japan, South Korea, the European Union and the United States, among others. Which suggests to me that the target audiences may be folks not inhabiting so-called "rich" or "wealthy" regions, despite the fact that access to the hosts of pirated content isn't region locked. The year 2022 was also when the Russia Federation government overtly went on a violent offensive, sending the small portions of the army under its command to invade western Ukraine; to which the Western bloc nations responded by imposing embargoes upon Russia, private corporations based out the West following suit with boycotts of Russian things, supply chain problems being created. On top of it all, these things occurred during (the presumably latter half of) an ongoing infectious SARS pandemic, entailing various levels of quarantine, which originally contributed to the emergence of supply chain problems. So, it would be interesting to know how 2022, 2021 and 2020 were different from 2019, 2018 and 2017, in regards to blatant whole movie copyright infringement commenced through the Internet. I'd imagine that people living in "blockaded" places are resorting to all manners of disregard for certain laws on account of the market disruptions.

3.1K Messages


46.7K Points

@urbanemovies​ Done.

10K Messages


163.9K Points

@GabrielFox​ The question is not really that different, as it is just another way to ask the tired old favorite question. 

I guess my point is why are you telling us all these facts about movie piracy and listing the most pirated films of 2022, if the question has nothing to do with the topic. I kinda expected a question more like, "Which of these 2022 most pirated films and their corresponding piracy rates most surprises you?" or something else that tied everything together.

Personally, I was surprised that Top Gun was near the bottom of the TopTen and that Spiderman first ranked on the TopTen.


3.1K Messages


46.7K Points


What are you taking about? Everything is related.
The movies listed were the most pirated in 2022. In each of these movies, the percentage of piracy with respect to the total is reported.
The question for the reader is to define what would have been his choice from that list. It's simple, nothing that requires a complex decision analysis.

I'm glad the poll results surprised you. That reaction is one of the reasons I did this survey.

10.7K Messages


225.4K Points

2 years ago

I have a hard time understanding why people pick things that neither banned, suppressed nor in short supply to acquire from a perpetrator of media piracy. I do suppose that both the "pirates" and the grownups among their customers simply want to make sure that the copyright owners don't generate revenue from their viewership. Perhaps it expresses opposition to the concept of copyright altogether, if not opposition to copy protection mechanisms specifically. (Opposition would be better expressed by copyleft, but thus far the concept is hardly ever employed in regards to material that isn't software.) For a small few viewers, it is all about anonymity, though. On that angle, usually it is still every easy to pay cash (in person) for an authentic copy of a movie. Which unfortunately can sometimes be quite a hassle if not enough nearby stores have a copy in stock.

3.1K Messages


46.7K Points


Sometimes doing bad things feels good.

Sometimes going against the system feels good.

Or is it simpler than all of the above, after all there some people just want to watch the world burn.

10.7K Messages


225.4K Points

Something occurred to me that I hadn't thought about earlier. I do suppose some folks are simply in the habit of downloading at no extra expense to themselves material that they can harbor indefinitely, thus they wouldn't even think about purchasing a physical Blu-ray/DVD copy, from which they can rip the desired media data onto disk, or utilizing a streaming service which may be slightly harder to derive a permanent copy. Another motive is how some folks aren't even willing to wait for a movie to be screened at a movie theater, if a bootleg copy is available somewhere prior to that time, and likewise could apply in the context of folks desiring a copy before an official copy has been made available for Blu-ray/DVD or streaming, which unlike the formal theatrical cinematic experience, viewers have the option to pause, skip and rewind, activating subtitles as needed. That might somewhat explain why none of the movies on Variety's list are streaming service original movies. At the same; less viral, less popular, less hyped, less advertised or less fresh movies are naturally less likely to be downloaded, as they are not going to be tied to an ongoing network effect.

8.9K Messages


166K Points

3 months ago

There should be an option that says:

"I refuse watching movies from illegal sources. I also stream, but legally."

Your list is set to private mode.