mariojacobs's profile

3.6K Messages


54.9K Points

Saturday, June 26th, 2021 8:55 PM


Poll Suggestion: Online Film Critics Society — Best First Feature Films of All Time

The Online Film Critics Society (OFCS) is an international professional association of online film journalists, historians and scholars who publish their work on the World Wide Web.

One role of the OFCS is to provide professional recognition to the most productive and successful online critics.

Throughout cinema history, many extraordinary directors immediately made their marks on the industry with their first feature-length films.

Which is your favorite Best First Film of a filmmaker?

Source and full list: The World's Oldest Organization of Online Film Critics

4K Messages


85.4K Points

3 years ago

9.6K Messages


158.8K Points

1 year ago

I really like your introduction, a concluding sentence that transitions into the asked question would make it even better. Plus, being specific in the asked question would make it a stronger poll suggestion too.


The Online Film Critics Society (OFCS) is an international professional association of online film journalists, historians and scholars who publish their work on the World Wide Web. One role of the OFCS is to provide professional recognition to the most productive and successful online critics. Throughout cinema history, many extraordinary directors immediately made their marks on the industry with their first feature-length films. In 2010,  the membership of the OFCS compiled and published a list of the 100 Best First Feature Films of All Time.

Which of these select OFCS Top 100: Best First Films is your favorite one?
