510 Messages


7.7K Points

Thursday, July 1st, 2021 10:57 PM


Poll Suggestion: Non-Disney Best Animated Feature Winners

https://www.imdb.com/list/ls505216653/ Which one of these Non-Disney movies that won a Best Animated Feature Oscar is your favorite? Pixar movies don't count



13.9K Messages


324.6K Points

1 year ago


You could now add Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio.

510 Messages


7.7K Points

@Peter_pbn​ added it

9.2K Messages


154.1K Points

1 year ago


I am not disagreeing with your list, but your question or notes should be clarified or expanded to be accurate, so the question and answer pool match.

What qualifies for your as a company movie, is it productions and co-production only or does the list include movies distributed or by a company?

I sorta understand why Pixar movies don't count​, but this is unclear too. Are you excluding movies from Pixar because they are now a Disney subsidiary and/or their films are now part of the Disney catalog? What about Pixar movies that were made prior to Disney's acquisition of Pixar, aren't they non-Disney movies?

I don't consider 'Spirited Away', a Disney movie but this pops up in the credits ....




13.9K Messages


324.6K Points

1 year ago