mariojacobs's profile

3.6K Messages


54.9K Points

Saturday, May 15th, 2021 10:31 AM


Poll Suggestion: Lolita Complex in Movies

The term "Lolita" refers to an under-aged, seductive girl, who often becomes the obsession of a much older man.

Originating from the character in the popular Vladimir Nabokov novel of the same name, multiple films have taken on some kind of variation of her and Humbert Humbert’s relationship.

Among these films that explore this complex from different angles, which is your favorite title?



14K Messages


325.6K Points

3 years ago

Lost in Translation, though I guess it rather subverts the Lolita trope.

5.1K Messages


137.8K Points

3 years ago

Clint Eastwood's unknown romance "Breezy" (a 19-year old Kay Lenz and 55-year old William Holden)