Tsarstepan's profile

3.9K Messages


84.9K Points

Tuesday, December 29th, 2020 2:44 AM

LIVE POLL: Just Goats

Which of the following goat facts* do you find the most relatable?

LIST:  https://www.imdb.com/list/ls086160539/

POLL:  https://www.imdb.com/poll/l9L4Vqvouco/

*FOR ANY NOMINATIONS TO BE CONSIDERED, YOU ABSOLUTELY MUST(!!) PROVIDE THE RELATED IMDb IMAGE FROM THAT SERIES' RELATED IMAGE GALLERY. I will not do your footwork for you in these regards. And please provide the appropriate goat fact for its respective text box. There is one series that torched upon goats that I will suspect someone will bring up (but I refuse to look its 5k pics to find the one that may or may not best depict the goats in question).



13.9K Messages


324.8K Points

3 years ago


Mountain goats may be aggressive if disturbed



3.9K Messages


84.9K Points

Thanks, Peter. That's a great image. Do you mind that I slightly rewrote the fact as "Mountain goats often have anger management issues."



13.9K Messages


324.8K Points

As you wish.

Either way, it's quite relatable.


3.9K Messages


84.9K Points

3 years ago

Came upon a very interesting (yet insanely frustrating dead-end) possibility by this German tv production that filmed a travel episode centered on a Taiwanese restaurant called Uncle Sheep, where they cook a goat stew in a walk-in oven which allegedly reaches temps of 1000 degrees and cooks over a several-day period.
But F**K Google and IMDb for not having a way to make the tv documentary's IMDb page searchable. I just left a comment/question on that blogger's article.
Does anybody know anything about this short-run Nickelodeon series, Pig Goat Banana Cricket (2015)?
Adding two more great options while trying to researching any IMDb sited option that depicts goat stew.

 (TV Series) regarding  (1963) episode.


Now waiting for a larger version of this existing image to be approved for Hoodwinked.
Goats are pretentious hipster buskers, living in luxury lofts of Williamsburg, NYC.




7.4K Messages


191.6K Points

3 years ago

Live Poll: https://www.imdb.com/poll/l9L4Vqvouco/?ref_=po_fp

Bravo! Applause, applause!