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Friday, April 19th, 2024 6:24 AM

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Poll Suggestion: IMDb Poll Board's Top 10 Movies Which had the Biggest Impact Until Growing Adult


Uncountable Movies were made since the 19th century. Movies are uniting people around the world. Very Many people had the fortune to see several movies in their childhood.

Which of these IMDb Poll Board made up Top 10 approchingly chronological orded childhood lists is the closest to yours? (These were not necessarily watched in cinema, but maybe TV or other media.)

Please tell us here.


Look to your life until growing to 18 years of age, then suggest, please.


Poll: TBD

4.1K Messages


87.1K Points

4 months ago

Definitely need a rewrite on this one.

Maybe change the title to either (mind the capitalization):

IMDb Poll Board's Top 10 Movies Which had the Biggest Impact On Their Childhood
IMDb Poll Board's Top 10 Movies That had a Profound Effect on Their Childhood

I'd also lose the unnecessary first paragraph. I'm can't understand what an uncountable movie is.

The main question needs rewriting as well even if it means just spellchecking the sentence.

Here's a possible rewrite you might consider or take the gist from.

Which of these lists, created by our fellow IMDb Poll Board members, made up of top 10 sentimental childhood favorites* is the closest to yours? Barring that, which of these lists, created by our fellow IMDb Poll Board members, made up of their top 10 sentimental childhood favorites do you look most fondly on?

*Movies which the person has seen (theatrically, at home, etc...) before they turned the age of 18.


9K Messages


166.1K Points


Ok, I'll try this soon. Thank you for your thoughts on it. It needs a re-write, yes. ;D