Breumaster's profile

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165.7K Points

Thursday, November 1st, 2018 12:04 AM

Poll Suggestion: Dragged and Locked

Some movies are about a situation, when people are dragged into a room
for different reasons. They may dragged themselves into the room by accident, some got willfully in such a situation and some even have been forced into the room. I exclude such classics like '12 Angry Men' from the list, because the other movies instantly would have no chance. ;)

Which of these depressing or oppressive one-room situations seems to be the most interesting?

(Felt ~80% of playtime, better more should take place in that one room. It can be down to ~70% of playtime when the room is an eminent stylistic part of the story. No movie rated below 5/10.)

718 Messages


26.3K Points

6 years ago

Panic Room.

8.9K Messages


165.7K Points

Thank you for suggesting, Stephen. It's allready on the list.

718 Messages


26.3K Points

Saw it on the list.

8.9K Messages


165.7K Points

Yes, I also think it's a good one. :)



6.7K Messages


117.7K Points

6 years ago

Should Birdman of Alcatraz count? if it does then any prison movie would be eligible, maybe you could include only regular rooms were characters are locked for different reasons than crimes.

Also, while Buried takes place in a small space, I don't know if a coffin should count as a room. 


The Exterminating Angel (1962), one of Luis Buñuel most famous films where the guests to a dinner party are unexplainably unable to leave the dining room.

Devil (2010) - people locked in an elevator with the devil.

La habitación de Fermat (2007) - mathematicians try to escape a room.

8.9K Messages


165.7K Points

'El ángel exterminador' is a special classic like '12 Angry Men'. It would leave out the other movies by no chance. Maybe I should tie the rule in better words. So I don't put it on the list, but your other suggestion sound very interesting.

So I've put 'Devil' & 'La habitación de Fermat' on the list.
I saw 'Devil' and I'm curious about the Fermat movie.

Thank you for suggesting and sorry I wrote that so late. I don't want to be unpolite, but have to sleep and work sometimes. ;)



6.7K Messages


117.7K Points

Don't worry, I don't answer quickly either.

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8.9K Messages


165.7K Points

6 years ago


When I think of 'Buried', you might be right.
It isn't really a room so will put it off the list.
But if some other user think it should be on the list,
I might put it on the list again.

When it comes to 'Birdman of Alcatraz',
I think it's fair enough to let it stay on the list by the one rule.
But on the oher hand, it's a classic like '12 angy man', which I
excluded in the rules, even when it is not so a hard classic
like '12 Angry Men'. So I will put it of the list.

Jail movies do not automatically fit, if one of them might fit.
There are even rarely movies in jail, that play in only one room
the most of the time. Some examples, that don't:

Shawshank Redemption
Lock Up
Escape Plan
The Longest Yard
The Green Mile
American History X

Despite some of them are real powerful classics, none of
them could be on the list, because there isn't 70% playtime
in only one room in any of them.



6.7K Messages


117.7K Points

In that case let me suggest to you one of the greatest jail movies where practically everything happens in a very small scene. It is french film Le Trou (1960), a fantastic film.

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8.9K Messages


165.7K Points

So I bend the rule a little. I make 12.000 to 15.000. That would be hard enough.
Ok, I put it on the list, because it's not sooo a big classic with only ratings. ;)

8.9K Messages


165.7K Points

So 'Birdman of Alcatraz' is back in, again



7.5K Messages


192.8K Points

6 years ago

I'm so glad to see that 'Extremities' is on the list. 'Probably that one or 'Panic Room.' 'Good poll! 

8.9K Messages


165.7K Points

Thank you, Ruby! :D
I'm very excited about working on polls. It's fun. And as a side-effect I improve my English language knowledge without getting beaten by strangers. ;) But some time I wonder how English and American people struggle with the differences. That can be confusing. As a German I've chosen the word plaster, because it sounds more like the german Pflaster, which is exactly the same thing. But Americans call it bandage. In Germany a Bandage is what boxers have on their hands under the boxing gloves.

8.9K Messages


165.7K Points

6 years ago

Im changing the 12.000 rule to 10.000.

8.9K Messages


165.7K Points

Wrong turn: I later changed the rule to 15.000, because 10.000 was a mistake. But the Website didn't take that, even if it showed it to me. The 12.000 Rule is changed to 15.000. Sorry for the mistake.

8.9K Messages


165.7K Points

6 years ago


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165.7K Points

6 years ago


8.9K Messages


165.7K Points

6 years ago


8.9K Messages


165.7K Points

6 years ago

I took 'Pet' off the list. It surely doesn't fit the rues.

8.9K Messages


165.7K Points

6 years ago


8.9K Messages


165.7K Points

6 years ago


8.9K Messages


165.7K Points

6 years ago


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165.7K Points


8.9K Messages


165.7K Points

5 years ago

Long, long ago...

6.8K Messages


127.8K Points

5 years ago

Saw is my favorite.


OldBoy (original)

8.9K Messages


165.7K Points

None of them had 70 or 80% of playtime in a locked room.

4.5K Messages


71K Points

5 years ago


Almost all the movie is set in the house, I don't know if houses are eligible.

8.9K Messages


165.7K Points

Don't know the movie, but trust that you follow the sceme.
I've put it to the list.