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Monday, August 29th, 2022 8:34 AM

LIVE POLL: World of Westeros Face-Off: "HotD" vs. "GoT" Opening

Which of these two series opening credits sequences, inspired by the George R.R. Martin's known world of Westeros, Essos, and Sothoryos, best wets your appetite for the story episodes that follow?

Game of Thrones (2011)'s Known World Astrolabe & Map Title Sequence


House of the Dragon (2022)'s 'Old Valyria' Capital Scale Model Title Sequence

Please, compare only each series' opening credits main title sequence, as a stand-alone video clip, aside from any on the whole opinions of the two series.

Live Poll: https://www.imdb.com/poll/PaH9o55NTpI/

Poll List: https://www.imdb.com/list/ls060306579/

SPOILER ALERT: Intended for viewers who have seen both franchise opening credits and title card sequences, as poll may reveal "Game of Thrones" series or "House of the Dragon" series details that hint at what is to come in the trailing WoW episodes.

Game of Thrones (2011)'s

Known World Astrolabe Map Title Sequence

WATCH HERE: GoT Main Title Sequence Clip


House of the Dragon (2022)'s

'Old Valyria' Capital Scale Model Title Sequence

WATCH HERE: HotD Main Title Sequence Clip



13.9K Messages


324.9K Points

1 year ago

I think "WoW" is mostly associated with World of Warcraft, and perhaps it doesn't need to be used in the poll title.

9.2K Messages


154.3K Points

@Peter_pbn​ I agree WoW may have more well-known associations now, but I would give it some time to be equally well-known. That better association comes with using the term in discussions, like here to spread its usage. It goes without saying abbreviations are useful when repeatedly using the same term or to conserve text. As with most acronyms they often have are multiple meanings: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wow.

It was confusing refering to everything under the Games of Thrones umbrella, when additional series are debuting and discussion aren't about the original series exclusively. 

You could see the same with problem with the Harry Potter name when the first Fantastic Beasts film debuted. It was confusing to have a discussion, until the Wizarding World moniker made it easier by not to have to clarify yourself when speaking of the Harry Potter films, the Fantastic Beasts films or the combined worlds. Likewise, it took awhile for Wizarding World to catch on and be used as often as it is today.

Most importantly, I am using the GoT, HotD and WoW labels or the full phrase to quickly discern the polls scope. It is important to quickly understand the scope, since the actual topic usually doesn't help, due to the shared universe between the three. It would be far more confusing to not use these terms (WoW, GoT, HoTD, etc.), since there will be multiple polls covering the same topic.


9.2K Messages


154.3K Points


WoW Opening Credits Face-Off: "Game of Thrones" vs. "House of the Dragon"
World of Westeros Opening Credits Face-Off: "HotD" vs. "GoT" 

I understand, I didn't think either title choice was perfect. I made a judgement call and thought it was more important to fully spell out the two face-off participants, rather than using the acronyms. It was a toss-up, as both versions had merits, but fully spelling out all the words wasn't an option due to length considerations. I do think both achieve the goals of identifying it was face-off poll, the scope of the poll, the topic of poll and poll participants or poll choices.




6.4K Messages


114.7K Points

1 year ago

Live Poll: https://www.imdb.com/poll/PaH9o55NTpI/

Congratulations Urb.

Please take a look to Peter's note in order to change the title if you wish too.

9.2K Messages


154.3K Points

@Pencho15​ Thanks