Peter_pbn's profile



14.2K Messages


327.7K Points

Thursday, July 12th, 2018 10:36 PM

Live Poll: The Fab Five of "Queer Eye"

The five mentors from Queer Eye (2018) have five fields of expertise: Fashion, food and wine, grooming, interior design, and culture. Which area could you use a little help with?




14.2K Messages


327.7K Points

6 years ago

I changed the title and question a bit.



14.2K Messages


327.7K Points

The previous edit to the list wasn’t saved, but the list and thread should now match.

8.9K Messages


165.7K Points

6 years ago

Sorry, Peter, your idea seems so special, I don't know what it is about. I even don't know what "Queer Eye" is about. Could you please explain more detailed? So maybe I could get warm with the idea?

10.6K Messages


225.1K Points

Well, they each have a unique "special ability", specialty, like the Fantastic Four, like the Incredibles, like the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, like the Mighty Morphing Power Rangers, like the Planeteers, like the Impossible Missions Force, and of course, like the Franklin-Michael-Trevor heist entourage (or the Roman-Jacob-Packie-Dwayne-Carmen-Kiki dealio for that matter).

8.9K Messages


165.7K Points

Thank you for explaining. I'm not so into it, I couldn't vote, so sorry by me.
But cool idea, why not?

10.6K Messages


225.1K Points

Me neither, but it is kind of funny and novel.

534 Messages


18.1K Points

Jeorj.Thanks for the explanation. I had no idea either.  But I'll go with food anyway. :/

10.6K Messages


225.1K Points

From the description provided on IMDb of the "reality TV" show, one cannot help but get the impression that these guys as a team are like Cinderella's fairy godmother, helping out men who are fashion-illiterate. The concept of being "metrosexual" factors into this, I guess.



14.2K Messages


327.7K Points

The question is about which area you might wish to improve in your life, so technically you can vote even if you don’t know the show.



4.3K Messages


88.6K Points

6 years ago

What if I need assistance with all of them? 
Image result for help

10.6K Messages


225.1K Points

Then it means the you're a "dork". (That said in Taratino's voice.)



7.5K Messages


192.8K Points

Lol to both Jen's post and Jeorj's. 



7.5K Messages


192.8K Points

6 years ago

I used to watch the old "Queer Eye" but haven't seen the new one and I can't remember if food and wine meant knowledge of both for things like choosing a restaurant or reading a menu, etc., or if it included cooking. I know food and wine but I don't know how to cook hardly at all. I could really use help learning how to cook. I could probably use some help in interior design, too. 



4.3K Messages


88.6K Points

The food and wine covers both of those areas, though the cooking most emphasized..



7.5K Messages


192.8K Points

6 years ago



19.2K Messages


475.2K Points

6 years ago

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The Fab Five of "Queer Eye"
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