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40 Messages


1.4K Points

Friday, February 28th, 2020 9:34 PM

Live Poll: Superior Sequels

Sometimes a sequel out does its predecessor. Which sequel do you think is definitely better than its immediate predecessor? Only consider its immediate predecessor (movie #3 must be better than movie #2, but doesn't have to be better than movie #1).


4.4K Messages


124K Points

5 years ago

Of these, I say Empire Strikes Back is a good example of a better sequel.  It was more exciting and fun than the first Star Wars (not to take anything away from A New Hope).
BTTF 2 was good, but I'd say it was equally as good as the first film.

Nice poll sugg!

40 Messages


1.4K Points

I used to like Empire Strikes Back better than A New Hope, but I now like A New Hope better. Empire Strikes Back is still great. But a cliffhanger very slightly lowers my liking of a movie for me. Still love Empire Strikes Back, but A New Hope can be a stand alone movie with its own story.



19.2K Messages


475.2K Points

5 years ago

Hi M Curry (AKA MC_Cinemaniac),

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Sometimes a sequel out does its predecessor. Which sequel do you think is definitely better than its immediate predecessor? Only consider its immediate predecessor. (Movie #3 must be better than movie #2, but doesn't have to be better than movie #1)

After voting, please discuss here.

90 Messages


3.1K Points

Based in this criterion, Revenge of the Sith (2005) is waaaaaaaaaaaaay better than Attack of the Clones (2002), mainly because the latter was so awful.

40 Messages


1.4K Points

I will admit that I liked (and still like) The Phantom Menace as well as Attack of the Clones, and I respect your opinion. But every Disney Star Wars movie combined are still worse than The Phantom Menace or Attack of the Clones. I didn't like any of them. But I like that Rogue One gives a legitimate reason for why the Death Star design was flawed.

7 Messages


124 Points

@m_curry​ he didn’t say anything about the Disney made Star Wars movies.

90 Messages


3.1K Points

5 years ago

Star Trek: Into Darkness gets my vote [The only decent movie of an otherwise terrible reboot.]

FYC Godfather Part 2

40 Messages


1.4K Points

I agree. Star Trek Into Darkness is the only one I like. The first one is kind of good and the third one was just bad.

415 Messages


17.9K Points

I actually liked Beyond the most! It was the most original and didn't have the JJ Abrams gimmick of using countless lens flares!

6.8K Messages


127.8K Points

5 years ago

There's already a similar poll [ Sequels better than the original ]

You should exclude the titles already on that poll and turn this into a "part 2". (You don't have to mention it's a part 2).

FYC: (these weren't listed on the original poll, I wish they were)

  1. Mad Max: Fury Road
  2. Blade Runner 2049
  3. The Dark Knight Rises
  4. Logan
  5. Thor: Ragnarok
  6. Skyfall

40 Messages


1.4K Points

You are right, that there is a similar poll. I find that poll different because it says "sequels better than the original." LOTR: The Return of the King is listed. I see the poll asking if ROTK is better than FOTR, not TT. So my poll would ask if ROTK is better than TT, but not necessarily FOTR. I'll consider editing it. I only included sequels that I personally consider better than its predecessor. With the exception of Empire Strikes Back. I like A New Hope better, I just don't want to hear the wrath and outcry for why ESB wasn't included. I'll address each one of your FYC suggestions:

Mad Max: Fury Road - I've seen Mad Max and The Road Warrior but not Beyond Thunderdome. I think Fury Road is better than the first two combined (and I'm guessing probably the first three combined). Plus I consider Fury Road more of a reboot. It's questionably a sequel to me, but I see it more of a reboot.

Blade Runner 2049 - I enjoyed the international cut of Blade Runner better than Blade Runner 2049.

The Dark Knight Rises - This is close. I personally can't pick a best or worst of TDK trilogy. I thought Tom Hardy was excellent as Bane and have never compared his performance to Heath Ledger's Joker (which is unfair, but some people have). But The Dark Knight's fame and admiration (which I see as passive from some people) has unfortunately ruined my enjoyment of it a little. I don't care if that sounds lame, but whatever. Enjoy what you want as much or as little as you want. Just agree to disagree.

Logan - It's definitely better than The Wolverine, but I only thought it was ok, not good.

Thor: Ragnarok - I haven't seen Thor: The Dark World, but I didn't like it. Too childish for me. I've seen 12 of the 23 MCU movies and don't like any of them except The Incredible Hulk. I used to like more, but The Incredible Hulk is the only one I still like. I may be the only person on earth who thinks that.

Skyfall - I don't think this is a sequel. Quantum of Solace did suck and I thought Skyfall was the best Bond movie since Goldeneye, but it's not a sequel in my opinion.

Thank you for being polite and civil.

7 Messages


124 Points

@m_curry​ you’re definitely the only one in the world who thinks that

1.4K Messages


58.6K Points

5 years ago

Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade is in my opinion the best Indiana Jones - also because of a great Sean Connery as Jones Senior!

40 Messages


1.4K Points

I agree. I thought Raiders of the Lost Ark had slightly better action scenes, but The Last Crusade had a better story. Temple of Doom is good too! I will defend Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. It wasn't good. But it wasn't bad either. I thought it was ok. The CGI was horrible. But Kingdom of the Crystal Skull never should've been made.



4K Messages


244.1K Points

5 years ago

Dawn of the Dead (1978)
Mad Max 2/The Road Warrior (1981) (as in case of The Terminator (1984) first movie holds a more special place in my heart, but production-wise it's hard to ignore that both sequels are step up and)
Evil Dead II (1987)
Batman Returns (1992)
The Dark Knight (2008) (for the record: not my opinion, but really hard to ignore)

40 Messages


1.4K Points

Thank you for the suggestions. Here's what I think:

Dawn of the Dead - Definitely better than "Night of the Living Dead." But I don't consider it a sequel. I think the Dead movies are just a series of movies and not sequels, like James Bond (at least the pre-Daniel Craig ones).

The Road Warrior - Also better than "Mad Max" (I didn't quite like either of them). But some people consider "Mad Max: Fury Road" a sequel to "Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome" (I disagree).

Evil Dead II - I've only seen "Evil Dead." I didn't like it enough to see "Evil Dead II."

Batman Returns - I believe "Batman" is better.

The Dark Knight - I added this to the poll. I almost didn't because I thought this would run away with the win. But I'm anxious to see fan boys choose between "The Dark Knight" and "The Empire Strikes Back.'



4K Messages


244.1K Points

Matt, some answers to your answers if you think it's okay. 

1) Can agree with Dawn of the Dead (1978) assessment. It is more of a theme and idea continuation than a direct sequel. 
2) All four movies are indeed sequels to each other. Justification given by George Miller regarding inconsistencies between the movies is that they could and should be perceived as "legends" about Mad Max, with rather unreliable narrators and viewpoints, as well as unclear timeline. 
3) I advice and highly, highly recommend giving a chance to Evil Dead II (1987) and Army of Darkness (1992). Even and probably as far as especially if The Evil Dead left you uninterested or uninspired. Keep in mind that first movie was literally a mostly amateur independent production made when director was 20-22 years old. Evil Dead II on the other hand is his third major movie, made after he gained a lot of experience on a troubled studio production that was his second feature film. It combines best of two worlds being fresh and odd in a way studio productions rarely are, but having a very polished and extremely well-designed look to it. First movie is an impressive yesterday's student's blueprint, while sequel is a very creative, tonally different oddity of a movie. 
4) It's actually really hard for me to say which of the two movies is better - I always viewed them as a complex, it's just that Batman Returns (1992) sometimes resonates with me a fraction more and that says something, considering I love the first movie to pieces, as well. 

90 Messages


3.1K Points

5 years ago

I'm only half serious here, but

* Captain America: Civil war was superior to The Winter Soldier which was superior to The First Avenger
* Avengers: Infinity War was superior to Age of Ultron which was superior to The Avengers

5.1K Messages


137.8K Points

5 years ago

5.1K Messages


137.8K Points

for your consideration

40 Messages


1.4K Points

I find that poll different because it says "sequels better than the original." LOTR: The Return of the King is listed. I see the poll asking if ROTK is better than FOTR, not TT. So my poll would ask if ROTK is better than TT, but not necessarily FOTR.

8.3K Messages


174.3K Points

5 years ago

IMDb member since May 2016
The Best Movie Sequels/Prequels Ever
20 titles | Public
Modified 21 January 2019 | Created 3 January 2019
The Worst Movie Sequels/Prequels Ever
25 titles | Public
Modified 3 January 2019 | Created 3 January 2019

236 Messages


8K Points

5 years ago

Since I am entomophobic, my vote would go to the Last Crusade ... ;-)

Jokes aside, my pick is actually Terminator 2: Judgement Day. It is just so good ! The Terminator I only consider to be decent (and, in all honesty, a bit boring actually).

40 Messages


1.4K Points

5 years ago

If you like the poll, please make sure to vote for it in the top right corner.



14.2K Messages


327.8K Points

4 years ago

Matt, could you add the code to link back to this thread in your list description? Unfortunately this is a requirement for a poll to go live on the poll page.

After voting, [link=https://getsatisfaction.com/imdb/topics/poll-suggestion-superior-sequels]please discuss here[/link]

40 Messages


1.4K Points

How do I do that?



14.2K Messages


327.8K Points

Just copy the code I posted above and paste it after the text/question in your list.

6.8K Messages


127.8K Points

Also, make sure to replace the highlighted character (shown in the picture above) with `]` without the backquote.

Hyperlink format:

If successfully done, it should look like this:

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14.2K Messages


327.8K Points

Thanks, I've fixed that character in my post.

40 Messages


1.4K Points

Thanks. It's been fixed.

415 Messages


17.9K Points

4 years ago

FYC- Aliens

I myself have taken a liking to Alien more than Aliens recently. However that's not to take away how excellent and entertaining a sequel Aliens is and how it's one of the most iconic sequels ever made!

40 Messages


1.4K Points

Added it. Thanks for the suggestion.



14.2K Messages


327.8K Points

4 years ago



19.2K Messages


475.2K Points

4 years ago

Congratulations MC_Cinemaniac on your first live poll! As of 7-Apr-2020 7:38 AM Pacific your polls has 509 or more votes.

Superior Sequels
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Total Number of Votes			18,803,291
Projected Date of 20 Million Votes	20-Jan-2021
Days Until 20 Million Votes		278
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