

7.7K Messages


195.2K Points

Saturday, July 14th, 2018 7:45 AM

Live Poll: Superhero Anti-Heroes?

List: have become much more common and also quite popular, especially in the "Platinum Age of Television," over the past twenty years. Antiheroes have, of course, been around for a long time, including in, of all places, superheroes. The phrase "superhero anti-hero" may sound like an oxymoron but, in books, television, and movies, the merging of these types work entertainment wonders. Which of the following superheroes, do you think best personifies the anti-hero?(According to the Oxford dictionary, an anti-hero is "a central character in a story, film, or drama who lacks conventional heroic attributes.")



4.9K Messages


98.9K Points

7 years ago

How about:Super Anti-Heroes



7.7K Messages


195.2K Points

Hi Dibby, I like that. Yours has a certain ring to and I like the subtle irony it so I'll definitely consider it. I like the original title because I love repetition and I'm thinking it might be more precise. I'm not sure, though. I'll sit with both for a while to decide which one I like better and which one I think fits better. Thanks so much! 



4K Messages


244.3K Points

7 years ago

FYC:Darkman1989 Version of the Batman, especially from Batman Returns (which is far more murderous then that from Nolan's movies)The Punisher: 1989 version, 2004 version, 2008 version, 2016-2017 version. Jessica JonesOliver Queen/The Hood/Arrow/Green Arrow



7.7K Messages


195.2K Points

Wow, this was really helpful. I added all of them, although I chose some different photos (just for cropping reasons). Thank you so much!

534 Messages


18.1K Points

I agree with Nikolay.Old Batman was more an anti hero than Dark Knight's.



7.7K Messages


195.2K Points

Oh, I was so tired last night that I misunderstood him -- I thought that he was referring to Darkman. See? My knowledge of the genre is a pittance, lol. 

10.7K Messages


225.6K Points

You don't have to be Kevin Smith to understand this stuff, rubyfruit76. You just happened to be tired when reading Nikolay Yeriomin's remarks. What did you misunderstand, though?

534 Messages


18.1K Points

7 years ago

I choose Comedian,FYC - Two-Face aka Harvey DentIDK who he is but Jim Carrey's character in Mask. Some characters in Kick Ass



7.7K Messages


195.2K Points

In which movie or TV program does Two-Face appear?What characters in 'Kick Ass?'Thank you!

534 Messages


18.1K Points

Count two face out. His personality as Harvey Dent could be an anti- hero, but not as two-face.

534 Messages


18.1K Points

Jim Carrey- as Stanley IpkissHit Girl in Kick Ass:/

10.7K Messages


225.6K Points

The Mask is a smooth criminal. The reminds me... Loki...



7.7K Messages


195.2K Points

Thank you, Mr. Tharindu! I added Hit-Girl and Stanley/The Mask but not Two-Face. I really appreciate it. :)



7.7K Messages


195.2K Points

Jeorj, do you mean to suggest Loki as an anti-hero superhero? He's not a villian? 

10.7K Messages


225.6K Points

Hi, rubyfruit76. I'm not sure. In the MCU, he has been the villain several times, even though mischief is really is main thing.

534 Messages


18.1K Points

rubyfruit76,I like the image you've chosen of hit-girl. But since it's a image list, both Mark Strong and Chloë Grace Moretz  will be shown as hit girls.  :)



7.7K Messages


195.2K Points

That kind of thing often happens with image lists, which is why it's always important to put the character's name in the note field and put it in bold or another color besides black to draw attention to it. We used to be able to make "character lists" but IMDb changed some things so now all polls about characters have to be image lists and old polls that used character lists no longer appear. Many of us who had made polls based on character lists have "recasted" some of those polls as image polls. (This isn't a recast, though.)

534 Messages


18.1K Points

Just pointing it out.:DBy the way, don't you think there aren't enough images of Black Panther on the list. :P (Or are you trying to keep poll from going live? :/ )



7.7K Messages


195.2K Points

Lol. I just couldn't decide which one would crop the best and also be bright enough. I also had about five different photos of Batman and Harley Quinn. :)

795 Messages


29.7K Points

7 years ago

FYC: The new Venom



7.7K Messages


195.2K Points

Thank you so much! I'll add him. 



7.7K Messages


195.2K Points

Added. :)

795 Messages


29.7K Points

Thanks ;)

10.7K Messages


225.6K Points

7 years ago

I don't see Batman as an antihero. In what ways does he lack conventional heroic attributes?



4K Messages


244.3K Points

Well, it really depends on version. 1989's Batman, as well as one seen in the comic Dark Knight Returns is a deeply traumatized and eve somewhat unstable human being. Maybe not a textbook antihero, but quite close. 



7.7K Messages


195.2K Points

Like I said above, I know next to nothing about superheroes but Batman was mentioned in much of the research I did before starting this poll. Also, I actually did see Tim Burton's 'Batman' a few times, saw 'The Dark Knight' films, and my ex-boyfriend was a huge Dark Knight fan from the time he was a child, long before the movies came out, and I remember, from what I learned from him, thinking that both Batmans were anti-heroes because they had dark moods and worldview and, like Nikolay said, both were traumatized and somewhat unstable. I see Superman as a typical hero. Batman has a moral code but he has none of the patriotic veneer, optimistic worldview, or happy demeanor, and often relishes moments of revenge, not only justice. He's a dark character in many ways, in many of his personifications, which is the opposite of a key conventionally heroic trait. 

534 Messages


18.1K Points

Jeorj Eulerhave you seen Frank Miller's spin off kind of story "Dark Knight Returns?"Ending of it makes batman more anti-hero than a hero. Not always but sometimes batman is shown that way. 

10.7K Messages


225.6K Points

Hi, තරිඳු ධනංජය. I've not seen "Dark Knight Returns", but I've bee meaning to see it. I guess I'm used to the the Batman of the animated series, Arkham video games, Nolan movie trio, Burton movie duo, Schumacher movie duo and the campy 1960s television series. Now that I think about it, the Batman of DCEU is kind of shitty in the sense of that he brands criminals, and he actually tried to end Superman's life. I don't know what to express about the Heller show, because everybody is "crazy" in Gotham (except for Lucius Fox), and Mazouz's character is just sort of caught up in it all. It's like an eclectic, post-apocalyptic, over-the-top gift that keeps on giving.

534 Messages


18.1K Points

Yes, I also like when batman is the only hero figure in a movie. I guess it was a good call when I decided not to watch ongoing TV Series. (Gotham too)  :D

10.7K Messages


225.6K Points

Gotham has something of a mixture of all the styles found in the Batman live-action movies from 1989 to 2012, but it is extremely dark, gritty and emotional, like Batman Returns, with a small about of ridiculous-yet-captivating themes. It suffers from some of the same things that lots of television series do, such as character resurrections, plot holes and loose ends; elements to compensate for the lack of a fully-formed geared-up Batman occupational presence. The word to describe its draw would be "guilty pleasure". Maybe that is part of what is preventing it from being cancelled or quick-wrapped too.



4K Messages


244.3K Points

Jeorj Euler one of the best things about "Gotham" is how it manages to seamlessly combine many previously unused elements from the comics, Burton's eclectic stylistic idiosyncracy, Nolan's revisionist approach and its own brand of madness into one of the best shows on the screen right now. 

946 Messages


27.6K Points

7 years ago

FYCRed HoodSpawnBladeElectraGhost RiderJesse CusterMorbius Jonah HexLoboMore Debatable OnesBlack AdamDeathstrokeLex LuthorTwo FacePS: you have a photo of Scarlet Witch not Black Widow



7.7K Messages


195.2K Points

Thank you for letting me know about Scarlet Witch / Black Widow. I know nothing about superheroes and have never seen any of the movies except Batman, The Dark Knight, and one or two Spidermans, which reminds me: can you let me know in what movies the characters you suggested appear? Thank you!

946 Messages


27.6K Points

Red Hood Rider Custer          I had to add a photo, it is processing now.Jonah Hex     

534 Messages


18.1K Points

Red hood Isn't a character based on a single person. :/Wikipedia says, "The Red Hood is an alias used by multiple fictional characters and a criminal organization appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics."I don't know about others but red hood doesn't  suit here :/

946 Messages


27.6K Points

Then we will say Jason Todd. If we are going by that Batman and the Green Arrow would be out as well. Dick Grayson has been Batman and John Diggle has been Arrow.

534 Messages


18.1K Points

What about Killing Joke?Joker is Red Hood in that one. :/

946 Messages


27.6K Points

I said we can switch the option from Red Hood to Jason Todd to single in on one character. I have seen Killing Joke and know in that version of Joker he started in the Red Hood gang.Photo for Morbius



7.7K Messages


195.2K Points

Oh wow, thank you Ndb! I really appreciate you going to such lengths. Thank you for being so generous with your help; I'll be adding these as soon as I get some sleep, lol. 

833 Messages


29.3K Points

7 years ago

FYC: Harley Quinn



7.7K Messages


195.2K Points

Thank you, S! I'll add her first thing tomorrow. 

795 Messages


29.7K Points

7 years ago

Why you have put different images of the same character?



7.7K Messages


195.2K Points

Because I couldn't decide which were most well-lit and cropped the best. 



7.7K Messages


195.2K Points

7 years ago

This is no longer under construction and is complete, I think. Thank you, so much, to everyone who helped with suggestions of characters and clarifying some superhero knowledge that I didn't have. I really appreciate all of you who helped. :)

534 Messages


18.1K Points

Hey, who the hell is Deadpoll? :P



7.7K Messages


195.2K Points

Deadpool's evil twin brother. ; )Thank you for pointing that out! I need to seriously proofread it after I get some sleep.

10.7K Messages


225.6K Points

Freudian slip? :P



7.7K Messages


195.2K Points

Hahaha, I hope not. :)

534 Messages


18.1K Points

The new Venom must be Venom. (Venom)Since the upcoming movie's venom is promised to be different from the older versions you can leave it that way too, if you want to. :)



7.7K Messages


195.2K Points

SeventhAr7 suggested "the new Venom," so that's what I wrote because I wouldn't have any idea of the difference. Are you saying that's ok or that I should just change it to "Venom" instead of "the new Venom?"

534 Messages


18.1K Points

Both ways are fine, I think. :/But, it'll be different from other characters. You don't have names like "old batman". :P

946 Messages


27.6K Points

7 years ago

Black Panther? He was one of the better moral compasses. I'd put Iron Man,or Jason Todd way before him.

534 Messages


18.1K Points

Both Jason Todd and Damien Wayne.Damien as batman is a perfect example for an Anti-hero. :)

10.7K Messages


225.6K Points

Yeah, neither T'Challa nor Tony is particularly antiheroic. However, both were shown jumping on the Winter Soldier hate train, as far as the live-action movies go.



7.7K Messages


195.2K Points

I don't know hardly a thing about superheroes except from research that I've done for polls. I think the only superhero movies I've seen are the Toby Maguire Spidermans, the Burton Batman, and some of one or two of Nolan's Dark Knights. I found several interviews of Chadwick Boseman in which he argues, quite persuasively, that Black Panther is an archetypal anti-hero. I was hesitant to add him because I hadn't seen the film but I've only seen one of the movies or series represented on the list (V for Vendetta) and Boseman's assertions were pretty strong. Also, I thought the list could use some racial diversity, but if you all think that he's not an anti-hero, I'll reconsider and probably remove him. LD, where are you? :)

10.7K Messages


225.6K Points

Ahem. T'Challa can be replaced with Deadshot then. Haha.

10.7K Messages


225.6K Points

(Although, Deadshot is one of the cases where they changed to color of the character, like what happened to Nick Fury.)

1K Messages


47K Points

However, it’s interesting that T‘Challa is an absolute monarch who rules over an insanely rich kingdom but refuses to share any of its technology or wealth with other countries. There are hints that this policy may change in the last scene, but even villains can have an arc.An expert on the comic/movie may contradict me, but as far as I can tell, T‘Challa loses his Black Panther powers in a fair fight, then regains these powers (illegally? because only the king is supposed to possess them) and uses them to launch an attack on the current king. And all this without an explicit moral reason. T‘Challa just thinks he should be king because he‘s used to it. Killmonger is not a hero either, he‘s fine with being an absolute ruler and his thirst for blood doesn‘t help. But at least it‘s his concern to open Wakanda to the world and help those in need.So actually, T‘Challa is not even an anti-hero but a (partially redeemed) villain, and Black Panther is a fight of Bad vs. Bad.But I get carried away... we should look for who the movie thinks is the villain. Chadwick Boseman plays his character with a noble or friendly look, while Michael B. Jordan makes a more aggressive impression. ‚Evil’ music plays when Killmonger sits on the throne, and triumphant music plays when T‘Challa wins. When Killmonger murders someone, it‘s an important character and we see the death, while when T‘Challa and his gang wreak havoc in Busan we see no victims of destruction so we must assume it‘s not that bad. So okay, T‘Challa is the hero of the movie, even though a large part of the audience would oppose what he stands for.

946 Messages


27.6K Points

I am trying to remember the movie, but I believe he hasn't been ruler for very long and is just getting used to having the power. He makes some bad decisions early. Overall he had hero qualities opposed to villain ones.He didn't seem like he was opposed to sharing their tech with the rest of the world; he just didn't know the best way to go about it. T'Challa would have been fine with not being king if he had lost to a respectable person. T'Challa yielded and Killmonger didn't care. Boseman argues that Black Panther is an Anti-Villain and in this movie he could be but I think overall as a character in all depictions he is a hero. That is why I said this is a little complicated as there are so many stories about each character now that their morals get adjusted.

1K Messages


47K Points

NDbportmanfan 1 - you make good points. But at least they prove that something is rotten in the state of Wakanda if so much depends on one person, and that person's power is enhanced by super technology. T'Challa would have been fine with not being king if he had lost to a respectable person. T'Challa yielded and Killmonger didn't care. Then the system in how to choose a king is wrong, if a literal Killmonger can ascend the throne with mere physical force. But T'Challa is fine with the system as long as the results are as he likes them (which could include that he yields to a respectable person - someone respectable to him; but the law shouldn't care whether the last king finds his successor respectable).Anyway, sorry for opening this digression, I just found the topic interesting because there are many dubious points (in my opinion) about the main character. But the list is fine without him.

10.7K Messages


225.6K Points

T'Challa is not to blame for Wakanda's political system and customs. Isolationist policies are not inherently villainous. The throne challenge system requires a fight to the death. T'Challa survived the fight.

946 Messages


27.6K Points

But at least they prove that something is rotten in the state of Wakanda if so much depends on one person, and that person's power is enhanced by super technology. Yes, there is something rotten in Wakanda especially what was carried out by T'Chaka but at this those problems have been brought to light and now T'Challa will try and fix it. Also there are other tribes in Wakanda with leaders, T'Challa is just the main one. Power is somewhat balanced between the tribes.

534 Messages


18.1K Points

Left- Black Panther, Right - Poll board  Kick him out.. :D

10.7K Messages


225.6K Points

We can keep T'Challa on account his initial behavior toward the Bucky in Captain America: Civil War. (Spoiler to follow?) The problem is that Tony exhibited the almost the exact same behavior. If not for that, some of us want to save T'Challa from being classified as antiheroic. He a hero, not a villain, not an antihero.

1K Messages


47K Points

If we still had the message boards we could carry our discussion there but I‘m afraid it only causes confusion for the poll in question. So sorry again for the digression, and I want to repeat it was not my intent to question the poll, just to make a side remark.

946 Messages


27.6K Points

7 years ago

I mean it is somewhat hard to do a poll like this with so many different interpretations over the years. Villians like Deadshot and Harley especially have been developed to extensively.



14.7K Messages


333.7K Points

7 years ago

Live Poll

534 Messages


18.1K Points

7 years ago

Venom image is missing :(



19.7K Messages


480.3K Points

Ruby,The IMDb has removed the image for #27The new Venom.



19.7K Messages


480.3K Points

7 years ago

Congratulations rubyfruit76 on your 145th live poll! As of 16-Aug-2018 6:57 AM Pacific your polls have 210,396 or more votes, for an average of 1,451 votes per poll.Superhero Anti-heroes?6768th Live Poll: is the 2,100th Image poll. Such polls have a total of 3,974,053 votes for an average of 1,892 votes per poll.Total Number of Votes 15,943,127 Projected Date of 20 Million Votes 21-Jan-2020 Days Until 20 Million Votes 523 This is the list of rubyfruit76's polls as of 9-Aug-2018:Sorted Alphabetically Decreasing Order of Votes List of Polls IMDb Polls Polls - Descending Order of Votes Statistics Threads - IMDb Poll FAQs Index to Improve the Chance of Having your Poll on the Home Page

8.7K Messages


177.7K Points

1 year ago

@rubyfruit76 ?? Found this today... Antiheros We Love and Hate 43 photos .