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35K Points

Saturday, November 21st, 2020 10:17 AM

Live Poll: Meeting With 'One Night in Miami' Stars

Muhammad Ali, Malcolm X, Sam Cooke, and Jim Brown are considered among the greatest in their respective fields. The upcoming movie One Night in Miami (2020) is a fictional story of one incredible night where these icons get together and discuss about the civil rights movement of the 60s.

Which of these public figures would you like to have a conversation with?





14.2K Messages


327.9K Points

4 years ago

Nicely done. I bet Malcolm X would have a lot to say about Black Lives Matter, Barack Obama or Donald Trump. I'd also love to hear Sam Cooke talk about soul music.

Typo in #4: singer



14.2K Messages


327.9K Points

You could also link the four names in the intro: 

[link=nm0000738], [link=nm0944318], [link=nm0177492] and [link=nm0000987]

2.3K Messages


35K Points

Done the edits and added links.

Thank you for suggestions!



7.5K Messages


192.8K Points

4 years ago

'Great idea! Tough choice, too: I can't decide between Ali, Malcolm X, and Cooke, and that's one-third of the poll, lol. 

May I suggest a few small edits to the intro?

Muhammad Ali, Malcolm X, Sam Cooke, and Jim Brown are considered among the greatest in their respective fields. The upcoming movie One Night in Miami (2020) is a fictional story of one incredible night when these icons get together and discuss the civil rights movement of the 60s.
Which of these public figures would you most like to have a conversation with?

2.3K Messages


35K Points

Done edits. Thanks. :)



7.5K Messages


192.8K Points

4 years ago

2.3K Messages


35K Points

Thank you. :)

334 Messages


7.1K Points

4 years ago

I'm guessing they won't focus much on Ali's meeting withe the KKK?



14.2K Messages


327.9K Points

Probably not if that took place in the 70s and the movie is set in 1964.

4K Messages


85.9K Points

4 years ago

I hate to be that person but the structure of your poll doesn't make sense. Why did you use the fictionalized biopics for Muhammad Ali and Malcolm X? Why not make it people list? You're going to get a certain percentage of people voting for Will Smith and Denzel Washington and NOT the person the option is literally meant for. Not failing to mention that the two docs chosen aren't too particularly high rated or regarded.

2.3K Messages


35K Points

I wanted to include a popular Biography that would give an insight of their lives. I didn't find any fictional version of Sam Cooke or Jim Brown biopics, that is why I addded them. I just found out about another Sam Cooke biopic which seems slightly better, but I don't think that would affect the overall votes.

The reason for not doing this as people list may sound absurd, but I initially wasn't even sure they all will be listed as celebrities on IMDb. I included a brief introduction and their achievements in the notes. Giving movie titles instead of people would provide a more visual representation to their story for those who have seen it, and for others it will be something to look forward to seeing.