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Tuesday, March 21st, 2017 12:51 AM

Live Poll: Inspirational Women's History Humanitarian Biopics

Each March in the USA, we recognize female achievements during Women's History Month. Movie biopics are a great way to honor, educate and celebrate the contributions of great women with the star power they deserve. Bios Source: Wikipedia.comWhich female humanitarian* who championed social change or justice inspires you the most, or alternatively their biopic? * Political Activist, Social or Human Rights Activists, Humanitarians, Rebels, Etc.See the partial list of inspirational female champions of social change and justice and their MOVIE BIOPIC list here: http://www.imdb.com/list/ls064108876/Live Poll: http://www.imdb.com/poll/P6VoerbuUZU/

1.4K Messages


51K Points

8 years ago

when i read the question, the first movie that immediately came to mind was 'iron jawed angels', so that would indeed be my pick...great poll and great list...and...if you want another one to add, i would also think about 'amelia', the story of amelia earhart starring hilary swank...

10.2K Messages


166.2K Points

8 years ago

Thanks, Great suggestion. I listed her under the "Trailblazer" segment of Women's History.TRAILBLAZERS Explorers, Scientists, Pioneers, Discovers, Rebels, Etc.See the COMPANION partial list of inspirational female trailblazers and their MOVIE BIOPICS list here: http://www.imdb.com/list/ls032073479/LEADERSQueens, Heads of State, First Ladies, Princesses, Politicians, Etc.See the COMPANION partial list of inspirational female leaders and their MOVIE BIOPICS list here: http://www.imdb.com/list/ls064108862/HUMANITARIANSPolitical Activist, Social Change/Human Rights Activists, Humanitarians, Rebels, Etc.See the COMPANION partial list of inspirational female champions of social change and justice and their MOVIE BIOPICS list here: http://www.imdb.com/list/ls064108876/ARTISTSWriters, Actresses, Singers, Musicians, Painters, Dancers, Entertainers, Etc.See the COMPANION partial list of inspirational female artists and their MOVIE BIOPICS list here: http://www.imdb.com/list/ls064675403/ATHLETESSportswomen, Athletes, Coaches, Etc.See the COMPANION partial list of inspirational female sportswoman and their MOVIE BIOPICS list here: http://www.imdb.com/list/ls064677643/



19.7K Messages


480K Points

8 years ago

urbanemovies,You have descriptions for the first 22 choices, were you planning to add descriptions for the remaining choices?

10.2K Messages


166.2K Points

Yes, I added a couple more early this AM that I thought were about women who took a brave stand for justice. I didn't have time to finish them, but I have since completed the description recaps for all.



19.7K Messages


480K Points

Thanks.For your consideration: Sister Kenny (1946) - Sister ElizabethKenny: Medical Pioneer, demonstrated the need to exercise muscles affectedby polio instead of immobilizing them. Kenny's principles of musclerehabilitation became the foundation of physical therapy, or physiotherapy.= = =Sister Kenny has been one of my heroes since Iwas very young.

10.2K Messages


166.2K Points

Great suggestion, albeit a perfect fit in the trailblazer segment P.S. http://www.imdb.com/list/ls032073479/. I added her to that poll suggestion. It did however, remind me to check another biopic, The Nun's Story I wanted to add, but needed to verify how true it is first. Marie Louise Habets: Nurse, a nun nurses the poor and sick, first in a mental institution and later in Congo combating tropical diseases. Eventually, she leaves the order to combat greater injustice in the Belgian resistance and as a war nurse. (Sister Luke aka Gabrielle van der Mal)



7.7K Messages


195K Points

8 years ago

Bravo! 'Another great poll in this great series of yours. The suffragists probably inspire me the most, although there are a few close ones like Rosa Parks. As far movies go, Erin Brockovich is the most motivating for me, even though Silkwood is probably my favorite film of these. FYC: Mary Mapes in Truth (2015)(although she probably belongs in a different category, not humanitarian)

10.2K Messages


166.2K Points

Thanks, You were right there was more than enough for one poll, as far as great female biopics. I had to work a little harder though, as it seems only about 15% of biopics are about women. I also was struck by the number of lesser known stories that seem to have gotten less publicity than their almost identical male counterparts, Queen of the Desert (Lawrence of Arabia), The Courageous Heart of Irena Sendler (Schindler's List), The Lady (Mandela). I also ran across some great women and their incredible stories that I wanted to include; but alas they have yet to be made into a major motion picture biopic.I will give Truth some thought and revisit it, I think this is the right category, as I have expanded it to include brave women who took a stand for justice. I have already listed other whistle-blowers and reporters on the list.

10.2K Messages


166.2K Points

8 years ago

Additional BiopicsMarieMarie Ragghianti: Parole Board Administrator, whistle-blower who defied the Tennessee governor and refused to parole prisoners, when she found evidence of bribery in the parole and pardon process. Her investigation led to the conviction of the governor and two aides. Eight Miles HighUschi Obermaier: Student Movement Icon, an internationally famous fashion model and Playboy cover girl who rejected her opulent lifestyle. She became the face of 1968 student rebellions and Germany's first politically motivated commune, Kommune 1.

10.2K Messages


166.2K Points

Entertaining Angels: The Dorothy Day StoryDorothy Day: Social Activist, one of the founders of the Catholic Worker Movement, a pacifist movement that combines direct aid for the poor and homeless with civil disobedience,on their behalf, She currently under consideration for sainthood by the Catholic church.

10.2K Messages


166.2K Points

8 years ago

Updated Question Categories: (added Whistle-Blowers)Which female humanitarian* who championed social change or justice inspires you the most, or alternatively their biopic? * Political Activist, Social or Human Rights Champions, Humanitarians, Whistle-Blowers, Rebels, Etc.LIVE POLL: http://www.imdb.com/poll/P6VoerbuUZU/

1.4K Messages


51K Points

8 years ago

another great choice would be 'entertaining angels', the film about human rights activist dorothy day (played by moira kelly)

10.2K Messages


166.2K Points

8 years ago

Thanks, I posted the biopic and a short biography among the honorable mention biopics. The biopic looks like an interesting one, I love Moira Kelly and Martin Sheen, but somehow i missed this one. I don't think it would accumulate many votes though based on its votes total and age. I like to save some spots for future movies and to keep the poll relevant. There seems to a wave of female biopics coming out over the next few years.

10.2K Messages


166.2K Points

8 years ago

Vote in the companion poll: Inspirational Women's History Leader Biopics

1.4K Messages


51K Points

8 years ago




19.7K Messages


480K Points

8 years ago

Congratulations urbanemovies on your 108th live poll!As of 7-Apr-2017 12:19 AM Pacific your polls have 181,026 or more votes, for an average of 1,676 votes per poll.5151st Live Poll: http://www.imdb.com/poll/P6VoerbuUZU/Seen: http://www.imdb.com/seen/ls064108876/This is the 2,253rd Title poll. Such polls have a total of 5,145,887 votes for an average of 2,284 votes per poll.- - -Total Number of Votes 12,510,693Projected Date of 15 Million Votes 27-Nov-2017Days Until 15 Million Votes 234- - -This is the list of urbanemovies's polls as of 20-Feb-2017:Sorted Alphabeticallyhttp://mypollwatch.blogspot.com/2014/05/imdb-polls-alphabetical-by-author.html#urbanemoviesIn Decreasing Order of Voteshttp://mypollwatch.blogspot.com/2015/03/imdb-polls-descending-order-of-votes-by.html#urbanemovies- - -Alphabetical List of Pollshttp://mypollwatch.blogspot.com/2014/03/imdb-polls-alphabetical.htmlTop IMDb Pollshttp://mypollwatch.blogspot.com/2015/07/top-imdb-polls.htmlIMDb Polls - Descending Order of Voteshttp://mypollwatch.blogspot.com/2013/12/imdb-polls-descending-order-of-votes.htmlSummary Statisticshttp://mypollwatch.blogspot.com/2016/05/summary-statistics.htmlKey Threads - IMDb Poll FAQs Indexhttps://getsatisfaction.com/imdb/topics/faq-key-threads-imdb-poll-faqs-indexHow to Improve the Chance of Having your Poll on the Home Pagehttps://getsatisfaction.com/imdb/topics/faq-how-to-improve-the-chance-of-having-your-poll-on-the-hom...

10.2K Messages


166.2K Points

5 years ago

HONORABLE MENTIONS ??? Betty and Coretta (2013) Betty Shabaz and Corretta Scott King, the widows of Martin Luther King and Malcolm X and how they carry on as single mothers after the assassination of their husbands. Saint Judy (2018) The story of immigration attorney Judy Wood, and how she initiated the change in U.S. law of asylum to save women's lives. Option #12 will have two biopic options soon. The Courageous Heart of Irena Sendler 2009 | TV Movie BiopicIrena Sendler (????) Gal Gadot as Irena Sendler Cinematic Biopic Irene Sendler: Hero Nurse, she smuggled 2,500 Jewish children out of the Warsaw Ghetto, saving them from the Holocaust. She saved more Jews than any other individual during the Holocaust, aside from a few diplomats who helped Jews flee Nazi-occupied Europe by issuing them exit visas.

10.2K Messages


166.2K Points

4 years ago

more recent honorable mention biopics

10.2K Messages


166.2K Points

4 years ago

more recent honorable mention biopics

10.2K Messages


166.2K Points

2 years ago

Recent & Upcoming Women's History Humanitarian Movies