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Friday, February 1st, 2019 6:22 PM

Live Poll: IMDb Poll Board Favorite Tearjerker Movies

Members of the IMDb Poll Board, tell me what movies make you shed a tear or two!  (Don't worry, I won't judge.)  ;)  Only one suggestion to a person, please.  Thanks!


1K Messages


47K Points

6 years ago

The Fault in Our Stars.

It's usually movies that don't try to jerk out tears that make me cry. Maybe an idea for another poll (Poll Board's unexpected/unusual crying moments when watching a movie?)

4.4K Messages


124K Points

Yeah, lol!  My pick (which shall remain unknown until I post the list) is not quite what you'd expect (not some romantic/tragic thing).  ;)

4.4K Messages


124K Points

Not a movie, but it was pretty emotional when Michael left on The Office.  :)

1K Messages


47K Points

Oh, then I misunderstood your intention. I'll change my vote to Late Spring (1949).

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47K Points

Ed Jones, can't remember that scene but sounds very dramatic, lol.

4.4K Messages


124K Points

You don't have to change it.  I was only saying that my pick was unconventional, lol, everybody else can pick whatever they like.  :)  Late Spring or Fault?  

1K Messages


47K Points

To me, the word "tear jerker" suggests a movie that is deliberately overly sentimental and that tries to force tears out of its audience at all (manipulative) costs.

But actually you were simply looking for the favorite movie that makes you (or me) cry. So if that is right, my answer is Late Spring.

Ed - oh, of course, the stepdad.

4.4K Messages


124K Points

Great!  Added!

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124K Points

Great!  Added!

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124K Points

It's a new method of mine - say things twice so people hear it.  LOL!  Seriously, why do things post twice?  :)

1K Messages


47K Points

Interestingly, Late Spring moves me most when I think about it, not when I watch it. The saddest thing about the movie is that these characters can't properly express their emotions but that only really hits me afterwards, looking back and realizing the whole movie at once.

But if it has to be an individual moment, it's probably the ending.

369 Messages


10.8K Points

6 years ago

 Toy Story 3 (2010).

4.4K Messages


124K Points

Yes, definitely!  That made me cry, too.  :)

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124K Points

4.4K Messages


124K Points

How have you not seen TS3?!?!?!?!  It's awesome - easily the best of the series.  ;)
I sniffled in Christopher Robin in the first parts, when they did his going away party scene from the book and when Christopher grew up and forgot about them, and again later when he yelled at Pooh in the woods. 

415 Messages


17.9K Points

Jessie's song in Toy Story 2 always gets to me- pretty sad.

1.5K Messages


35.2K Points

6 years ago

The Prince of Egypt

4.4K Messages


124K Points

Great choice!  Will add!

4.2K Messages


88.1K Points

6 years ago

There are too many to pick from. But I'm speeding down the superhighway to East Uglycrytown.

Grave of the Fireflies (1988)

4.4K Messages


124K Points

Thank you, added!  Please comment on my other similar poll sugg: 

4.4K Messages


124K Points

6 years ago

So, it's not done yet and please, admin, don't publish it yet, but here's the list so far.  :)

10.1K Messages


178.8K Points

That's an amazing idea for a poll NarniaisAwesome! I remember when I was in the army we made a discussion about this issue and most of the guys were devastated with the ending of Furious Seven, about the Paul Walker death. Personally I am very sad with the ending of Troy 2004, not only because the character I like dies, but also because I have read the poems and books about this and they all are very touching and well-crafted. Great poll, I hope it will gets live soon!

4.4K Messages


124K Points

Thank you so much!  Will add Troy to list.  
So sad about Paul Walker.  But we still have Hobbs and Shaw!  I really like that franchise.  :)  People make fun of it sometimes cause of the 'crazy' action, but I think it's really great.

4.4K Messages


124K Points

Sure, that's fine!  I like how you've got some unconventional ones; you know, like Terminator.  As other users have pointed out, sometimes it's the non-trying-to-make-you-cry movies that are the most touching.

4.4K Messages


124K Points

Also, I think I may add to the list what moment of each film is emotional; that way if there is an unconventional one people will know why we cry.  :)  

Everyone who's suggested, please comment what the crying-ist moment was for you in your picks.  ;)



4K Messages


244.3K Points

I'll probably settle with Unbreakable

4.4K Messages


124K Points

Okay, great!  

1.9K Messages


52.5K Points

6 years ago

5.2K Messages


138.3K Points

6 years ago

Easy, THE CHAMP (1979)
I believed it was the saddest movie ever before I read  this

I can't post the scene that might spoil the film but here's one 100% spoiler-free and that might give you a foretaste:

4.2K Messages


88.1K Points

TJ was a lice infested drama queen. #neededtobesaid

5.2K Messages


138.3K Points

I think he just loved and admired his father in an way that can be regarded by our day's standards (the hashtag era), he wasn't the typical precocious or wisecracking boy who can teach a thing or two to his parents, he's a boy so desperate for a role model that he literally sanctified his father and the loss of his mother had a bearing on his "drama queen" behavior. Anyway, I wish Justin Henry's nomination for "K vs. K", hadn't taken Schroder's spot... both kids were deserving.



7.7K Messages


194.8K Points

ElMo! Just seeing the words 'The Champ' makes me want to cry. I saw it when I was only about eight or nine because a friend's sister was watching it on HBO, I think. I cried so hard. I've often wanted to see it again to view it from an adult's perspective, and to see Jon Voight and Faye Dunaway, but I've been afraid that I'll be emotionally  squashed, lol. 

180 Messages


5.3K Points

6 years ago

hey ... my two cents worth ... when I was a kid, the ending to E.T. made me cry.  "Ouch"  

4.4K Messages


124K Points

All of the above suggs have been added - BTW, I forgot about the whole spoiler thing... don't bother with the scenes that made you tear up.  Sorry.  :)

180 Messages


5.3K Points

Sorry - "E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial" (1982) is my movie suggestion.

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124K Points

I added ET... its okay.  ;) 

946 Messages


27.6K Points

6 years ago

4.4K Messages


124K Points

Great; added!

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124K Points

6 years ago

made up your mind yet?  :)

659 Messages


20K Points

6 years ago

10.2K Messages


165.8K Points

6 years ago



4K Messages


244.3K Points

Strangely enough, your message was caught in a spam filter. 

4.4K Messages


124K Points

made up your mind yet?  :)

1.8K Messages


55.3K Points

6 years ago

Victoria (2015).
I don't know another movie where an actor / actress plays so realistic a character mourning for someone's death. It is still unbelievable for me that movie shot in a single take, while keeping the Laia Costa performance as the apogee... She's simply the best.