ElMaruecan82's profile

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137.8K Points

Friday, June 23rd, 2017 7:52 AM

Live Poll: Iconic 1990s Posters

Which of these classic movie posters best defines the 1990s?



5.1K Messages


137.8K Points

7 years ago

There are 30 options, 3 for each year to keep it balanced, but if you believe one memorable poster has been overlooked, please give me the title and let me know which poster I should remove.

1.4K Messages


51K Points

7 years ago

gotta go with 'pulp fiction'...

144 Messages


2.4K Points

7 years ago

For me, the Terminator 2 poster will always be one of my favorite movie posters.
So my vote goes to Terminator 2: Judgement Day.

2K Messages


47K Points

7 years ago

5.1K Messages


137.8K Points

Thanks Kyle, you're trying to help but you're not helping:)

I've thought about these films (except for Lebowski) but keep in mind I have to pick 3 films from each year. 

1990 is tricky. When you think of an iconic poster from 1990, I don't think we can touch Home Alone or Pretty Woman. Ghost has that eerie and romantic feel that made it a pretty memorable poster. Does Goodfellas define the 90's more than Ghost? I'm not sure. For me, it's a timeless masterpiece, far superior than Ghost, so the poster doesn't even define a decade but one of Scorsese's finest hour, one of the best gangster dramas of all time. Its appeal goes beyond the 90's. Maybe Dances With Wolves would be a more interesting choice. Pulp Fiction is one of the best gangster movies too but it had such an influence on the 90's style of directing that you can consider it a defining picture.

The Lion King: now, which poster? You can check in the gallery, there are countless versions of the poster, one in blue, one in red, one with the sunset, one with Simba on the left. In fact, the iconic aspect about the poster is the image of Rafiki raising Simba. I wanted to include it, but I asked myself, I know the film defines the 90's, but it's really about the poster.

The same with Shawshank, first of all, the film was a box-office flop, so whatever poster they used, it didn't have the expected impact. It became an all-time classic over the years, but it doesn't owe  that to the poster, besides, here again, it's a case where there are many versions. I grew up with a version with both Andy (in civilian clothes) and Red, it seems like the 'rain' scene became the "defining picture", but I don't think it defines the decade. See, I don't want to include a picture just because it's one of year's masterpieces. 

Schindler's List is one of 1993's best but it's not like when you see it, you think "ah, good old 1993", you can have these reactions when you see the posters of Free Willy, Falling Down and Jurassic Park.

I thought of The Green Mile but instead of what? American Beauty? Fight Club? The Matrix? These are pretty iconic pictures and they do define the decade theme-wise. I was thinking of the Sixth Sense, that would've been a pretty iconic picture but I removed it because it looked like the Se7en poster. But maybe I should replace Se7en by Toy Story.

I'll have to think back some options. But I'll immediately replace Armaggedon by The Big Lebowski. 

EDIT: And that's the problem, I can't find the original poster in English, the one with Jeff Bridges alone and the red-tainted glasses. 

1.5K Messages


35.2K Points

7 years ago

The Mask

5.1K Messages


137.8K Points

7 years ago


5.1K Messages


137.8K Points

7 years ago




7.5K Messages


192K Points

7 years ago

Live Poll: http://www.imdb.com/poll/b-9IpJsVLJI/ 'Good poll, Elmo!



19K Messages


473K Points

7 years ago

Congratulations ElMaruecan82 on your 379th live poll!
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