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Thursday, November 30th, 2017 4:56 PM

Live Poll: I Got a Bad Feeling Movies: Premonition or Promise?

When you hear the phrase "I got a bad feeling", it can mean only one thing; this movie is about to get a lot more exciting. Screenwriters have been using the line for as long as there has been movies. So, as long as there are movies, when you will hear the phrase "I got a bad feeling ...", it's the signal to hold onto your seat.

Which "I got a bad feeling" movie moment best delivered on the premonition and promise of what was to follow?

See the partial list of feature film bad feeling movie quotes and moments here: http://www.imdb.com/list/ls031412444/

Poll: https://www.imdb.com/poll/e0OigrGvKoM/

61 Messages


1.9K Points

6 years ago

Aliens. When they hear the noise and do not know where it's coming from.

9.2K Messages


154.3K Points

6 years ago

Edit Top Header

When you here the phrase, it can mean only one thing; this movie is about to get a lot more exciting. Screenwriters have been using the line for as long as there has been movies; so as long as there are movies, you will hear the phrase "I got a bad feeling ...", it's the signal to hold onto your seat.

Which "I Got a Bad Feeling" movie moment best delivered on the premonition and promise of what was to follow?



13.9K Messages


324.8K Points

"When you hear"

9.2K Messages


154.3K Points

POLL SUGGESTION revised header introduction and question

When you here the phrase "I got a bad feeling", it can mean only one thing; this movie is about to get a lot more exciting. Screenwriters have been using the line for as long as there has been movies. So, as long as there are movies, when you will hear the phrase "I got a bad feeling ...", it's the signal to hold onto your seat.

Which "I got a bad feeling" movie moment best delivered on the premonition and promise of what was to follow?



13.9K Messages


324.8K Points

You haven't corrected "here" to "hear".

9.2K Messages


154.3K Points

Edit Top Header

When you hear the phrase, it can mean only one thing; this movie is about to get a lot more exciting. Screenwriters have been using the line for as long as there has been movies; so as long as there are movies, you will hear the phrase "I got a bad feeling ...", it's the signal to hold onto your seat.

Which "I Got a Bad Feeling" movie moment best delivered on the premonition and promise of what was to follow?



13.9K Messages


324.8K Points

6 years ago

'Star Wars' is on the list twice, mentioning Luke's line both times.

9.2K Messages


154.3K Points

Thanks, corrected the duplication of Luke's quote. The movies, Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope and Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi both feature two separate "I got a bad feeling" movie moments. I would have done as an image poll suggestion, but doubt I would find images for every specific scene.

Which "I got a bad feeling" movie moment best delivered on the premonition and promise of what was to follow?

Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope
Option #1
Luke Skywalker: "I have a very bad feeling about this."
(when the Millenium Falcon approaches the Death Star)

Option #25
Han Solo: "I got a bad feeling about this."
(when trapped in a trash compactor and walls start to close in)

Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi
Option #7
Han Solo: "I have a really bad feeling about this."
(just as the Ewoks start preparations to roast them)

Option #28
C-3PO: "Artoo, I have a bad feeling about this."
(when entering Jabba the Hutt's fortress to relay Luke's message)

9.2K Messages


154.3K Points

6 years ago


The 'Last Jedi' Easter Egg You Missed Was "A Bad Feeling About This ...

"In The Last Jedi, though, we don’t hear anybody explicitly say “I have a bad feeling about this,” which would seem to be breaking the longstanding tradition. However, Rian Johnson confirmed that somebody does say it, the only problem is that we don’t speak droid.

Huffpost spoke with Johnson after seeing the movie and he confirmed that BB-8 tells Poe Dameron that he has a bad feeling about in his droid bleeps and bloops as the pair fly into battle against the First Order in The Last Jedi’s opening scene.

“”Happy beeps, buddy! Happy beeps!” Poe responds as BB-8 anxiously chirps.

“Good catch,” Johnson told Huffpost."

9.2K Messages


154.3K Points

5 years ago

Interesting observation, the one 'Star Wars' movie not to say the exact line, Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018)  New Solo Trailer Puts a New Spin in Star Wars' 'Bad Feeling' Gag is the only one not to be a worldwide box office smash. Those who are superstitious, know you don't mess around when you are on a streak.



7.4K Messages


191.6K Points

5 years ago

Oh my gosh, what a good idea! 

'A few humble suggestions for the intro: ('below in bold)

When you hear the phrase "I got a bad feeling," it can mean only one thing: this movie is about to get a lot more exciting. Screenwriters have been using the line for as long as there have been movies. So, as long as there are movies, when you hear the phrase "I got a bad feeling ...," it's the signal to hold onto your seat.

"Hold onto your seat" is so good; that perfectly describes the feeling, almost as much as "I got a bad feeling." :)

9.2K Messages


154.3K Points

Thanks, Corrected.



18.9K Messages


471.7K Points

5 years ago

4.4K Messages


124K Points

5 years ago

Neat poll!!!  I voted for "Rogue One."  That Star Wars line is only tolerable when it gets cut off.  :)  



18.9K Messages


471.7K Points

5 years ago

Congratulations urbanemovies on your 255th live poll! As of 20-Dec-2018 5:39 PM Pacific your polls have 413,266 or more votes, for an average of 1,621 votes per poll.

I Got a Bad Feeling Movies: Premonition or Promise?
7200th Live Poll: https://www.imdb.com/poll/e0OigrGvKoM/

This is the 3,218th Title poll. Such polls have a total of 7,748,257 votes for an average of 2,408 votes per poll.
Total Number of Votes			16,549,875
Projected Date of 20 Million Votes	10-Apr-2020
Days Until 20 Million Votes		475
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9.2K Messages


154.3K Points

4 years ago

Possible Future Answer Options
Tampopo (1985)

Gun: "I've got a bad feeling about this."

(to Gorô as the truck drivers enter Tampopo's noodle shop for the first time, just prior to the outbreak of a brawl with Pisuken's gang)

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (2019)

Lando Calrissian: "I've got a bad feeling about this."

(to Rey, Finn, Poe, Chewie, C-3PO and BB-8 at the Aki-Aki festival of ancestors on the planet, Passanna, as First Order stormtroopers close in on their location.)