10.2K Messages


166K Points

Tuesday, August 2nd, 2022 2:48 AM

LIVE POLL: Heroic Purple Heart Awarded Admirals & Generals

In honor of Memorial Day 2023 and the celebration of the 240th anniversary of the Purple Heart medal, America's oldest military award still currently awarded: Which of these admirals, generals or other flag-ranked officers, that were eligible for or received a United States Purple Heart medal, is your favorite American hero?American Purple Heart Month Companion Polls: Purple Heart Awarded Biopic Stars : PollList: https://www.imdb.com/list/ls567665889/ Live Poll: https://www.imdb.com/poll/b4aIsscJcMI/

10.2K Messages


166K Points

2 years ago

Original Introduction The  Twitter hashtag: #PurpleHeartDayThe Purple Heart medal celebrates its 240th anniversary on August 7th, 2022 and is America's oldest military award still currently awarded. Every August in the USA during National Purple Heart Month, Americans show their gratitude by honoring and remembering those who bravely suffered injuries or were killed while serving their country. The original Purple Heart military decoration was known as the Badge of Military Merit. General George Washington created the award in 1782 for meritorious service at a time when military awards given to enlisted personnel were rare. Today, the award acknowledges the physical sacrifice given to the nation and is awarded exclusively to military members who are injured or killed in combat, through an act of terrorism or by friendly fire. In honor of the sacrifice made by the nearly two million Purple Heart awardees, vote for your favorite Purple Heart awarded hero from those listed below and tweet it in support on the Twitter hashtag: #PurpleHeartDay.


466 Messages


4.9K Points

2 years ago

Did Jimmy Doolittle ever win the purple heart?  He was one of our greatest military heroes.  He was shot down after bombing Tokyo (shot down over the China Sea) and had to hike across China to safety.  This was portrayed in the movie Thirty Seconds Over Tokyo.  It was also shown in the really awful Ben Affleck "Pearl Harbor" film.

10.2K Messages


166K Points

@TheOldJalapenoman​ No, he didn't receive a Purple Heart, but did pickup plenty of other harware. He does make my Medal of Honor polls several times for the roles you mentioned though.

1K Messages


28K Points

2 years ago

IMDB doesn't have a photo of him, but General Lucian Truscott

10.2K Messages


166K Points

@riverotter​ Thanks, I would agree Lucien K. Truscott, Jr. belongs on the list. I added him to the answer pool list. He was played by John Doucette in Patton (1970). Any other suggested generals or admirals that belong?


1K Messages


28K Points

Lucian is spelled with an a. Also He and General Alexander Patch were the only U.S. Army officers to command a division, a corps and a field army in combat during WWII.

10.2K Messages


166K Points

Thanks, I believe that it can be spelled either way, but I agree that he spells it with an 'a'. The existing credit on IMDb  Lucien K. Truscott, Jr. may or may not be correctly cited from the newsreel credits (two wrongs, don't make a right), but his profile page is based on it. So, I submitted a correction for his page to how he correctly spells his name. Thanks for pointing it out. His grandson is a screenwriter and it further corroborates the spelling, Lucian Truscott IV.

10.2K Messages


166K Points

2 years ago

Veterans Day 2022

10.2K Messages


166K Points

2 years ago

Honorable Mentions https://www.ranker.com/list/purple-heart-winners/reference




14.6K Messages


332.9K Points

If John Ford qualifies I guess he would be a leading contender in the poll in his own right, though it looks like he didn't have admiral rank while in active service.

10.2K Messages


166K Points

@Peter_pbn​, Technically, he qualifies. But, between the minor wounds he suffered at Midway and his promotion upon retirement, I am unsure. I will say he did put himself in the line of fire to get the shots during the height of the battle. I am on the fence on his inclusion.




19.7K Messages


479.8K Points

2 years ago

@urbanemovies , Memorial Day this year is Monday, May 29, 2023. Would you prefer this poll go live on that date or would it be OK with you if it goes live earlier?

10.2K Messages


166K Points

@dan_dassow, My mistake, I got my dates messed up. Any date is fine. 

1K Messages


28K Points

2 years ago

anyone who answers Mark Clark, doesn't know their military history

10.7K Messages


225.6K Points

Well, I've never heard of him, but I've heard of a small portion of the others. If somebody consciously picks him, wouldn't it be more indicative of being misinformed than uninformed?

10.2K Messages


166K Points

@jeorj_euler​ Everyone of these military flag officers has an interesting story to tell. I would say almost are somewhat known from public affairs or from the movies that were made about them or the war movies that their character had a supporting role in. If you watch a fair amount of classic movies or war movies, you probably know more than you realize, as about 80% of the list have character appearances in movies or TV series.


10.7K Messages


225.6K Points

Well, urbanemovies, I can assure you that I've not watched a fair amount of the categories of movies in which most of these men have appeared. With the exceptions of Patton, Powell, MacArthur and W. Clark, I don't seem to remember knowing anything about any of the men listed. Even in regards to Powell and W. Clark, I don't remember seeing any portrayals of them as they were during their tenures as United States military officers let alone their tenures in the military pay grades of O-7 and higher. I don't recall seeing any portrayals of W. Clark at all, and I only know him for running for president of the United States: i.e. "silver star" Democrat versus "silver spoon" Republican. I do remember that Jeffery Wright portrayed Secretary Powell (for the United States Department of State) in the movie W.



19.7K Messages


479.8K Points

2 years ago

@urbanemovies , My vote: Chuck Yeager

10.2K Messages


166K Points

@dan_dassow​ I considered him, but I am going to go with Theodore Roosevelt, Jr. for his story alone. Plus, despite their differences, upon hearing of the death of Roosevelt, Patton wrote in his diary that Roosevelt was "one of the bravest men I've ever known". Plus, I assume Henry Fonda could have had just about any role he wanted in 'The Longest Day', so him playing I think is telling.


10.7K Messages


225.6K Points

2 years ago

In my humble opinion, most of the United States' greatest war heroes are the men and women who saved a lot of the United States' loyal officers'/agents'/troops' lives but didn't live long enough to acknowledge the formal recognition of their documented/uncovered feats.



14.6K Messages


332.9K Points

2 years ago

Live Poll  https://www.imdb.com/poll/b4aIsscJcMI/