Aris_Athanas's profile

9.9K Messages


177K Points

Sunday, June 9th, 2019 11:21 PM

Live Poll: Face-Off: 'Avatar' vs. 'Avatar: The Way of Water'

9.9K Messages


177K Points

2 years ago




4K Messages


244.1K Points

2 years ago


Third option/s like "I don't like Avatar movies that much" (any random title or another title in theaters at the time) and/or "I don't like Avatar movies that much, even though Cameron is neat" (The Terminator or Titanic). :)

9.9K Messages


177K Points

@MykolaYeriomin​ I think I'll keep it with only the Avatar films

466 Messages


4.9K Points

2 years ago

My son took me to the new movie last night.  It was my first film in a wheelchair!

Avatar 1 had great special effects and was escapist fiction that was somewhat enjoyable.

Avatar 2 was full of inconsistencies and plot holes and the special effects were not as good.  I didn't like the story and did not enjoy anything about the movie.  It was over one hour too long and was painful to watch.  It was the worst movie I have seen in the theatre in years (probably since the last time a grandkid hauled me to a superhero movie).

I'll have to vote for the first movie if this poll goes live.

9.9K Messages


177K Points

2 years ago


9.9K Messages


177K Points

2 years ago


9.8K Messages


161.4K Points

1 year ago


Which Avatar movie is your favorite?

I think being vague just invites problems. I think you should be more specific. Your question as asked, says these 3 other Avatar movies should be listed in your answer pool because they fall into the poll's any Avatar movie scope.

If you do not intend to include them, the better question might be: Which Avatar franchise movie is your favorite installment, so far?

Plus, the poll title, Face-Off: 'Avatar' vs. 'Avatar: The Way of Water' is fine, if the plan is to keep it a simple two title face-off that won't be added to. But, a little thinking ahead will allow for future installements, as the first movie eventually will get its own chapter name, so it won't be confused with the overall franchise. Something like, Face-Off: Favorite 'Avatar' Franchise Installment might be something that will better enable the future addition of title installments to the poll list.




19.3K Messages


475.6K Points

1 year ago

@Aris_Athanas ,

The title of your list is currently:

Face-Off: Face-Off: 'Avatar' vs. 'Avatar: The Way of Water'

Please change to:

Face-Off: 'Avatar' vs. 'Avatar: The Way of Water'



6.7K Messages


117.9K Points

1 year ago

Live Poll:

Congratulations Paok.