ElMaruecan82's profile

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138.3K Points

Monday, July 17th, 2017 4:22 PM

Live Poll: Cinematic Characters With Hair-Trigger Tempers

Which of these short-tempered movie characters with memorable tantrums you'd least want to piss off?http://www.imdb.com/list/ls068931085/http://www.imdb.com/poll/Y3YybjtQSjs/

5.2K Messages


138.3K Points

8 years ago

bump while the board is busy (need for suggestions, 20= not enough)

10.2K Messages


166K Points

8 years ago

The Hulk, Tommy DeVito second

2K Messages


47K Points

8 years ago

Fyc:O-Ren IshiiCharles BronsonBarry EganAnton Chigurh

147 Messages


2.2K Points

Anton Chigurh! *shudders*

5.2K Messages


138.3K Points

8 years ago

Mmmm O-Ren and Anton were pretty intimidating but I'm not sure they were remembered for their short temper, sure they had to show they meant business but they didn't strike as excitable characters.How about the two others, now?



4.3K Messages


88.6K Points

8 years ago

Don Logan. =^OFYC:Bad Cop - The LEGO MovieCharles Bronson - BronsonAlex Forrest - Fatal AttractionYosemite Sam - Looney Tunes (he's gotta be in some movies)Tasmanian Devil - Looney Tunes (ditto)Anger - Inside OutHades - HerculesBeast - Beauty and the BeastAl Capone - The UntouchablesAlbert Spica - The Cook, the Thief, His Wife and Her LoverCody Jarett - White HeatCapt. Byron Hadley - The Shawshank RedemptionAmon Goth - Schindler's ListFrank Booth - Blue VelvetMr. Furious - Mystery Men

5.2K Messages


138.3K Points

Some very good ones I'll add soon...  but I didn't want to include animated characters (otherwise Grouchy and Eric Cartman woul've been on the list)Amon Goth and Hades were pretty icy and detached guys, which made them even more intimidating, can you tell me whether Albert Spica and Mr. Furious are in the same line of behavior, I want guys who get angry pretty often in the movie.



4.3K Messages


88.6K Points

Mr. Furious gets mad as hell at whatever villain is around. Though from this clip you can see it doesn't help him be a better superhero:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oFRTka15Kq4And Spica - holy crap!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b5eoFyPK9mA

707 Messages


11.2K Points

8 years ago

Loved the choices!Joe Pesci as Tommy DeVito in Goodfellas or JK Simmons as Fletcherin Whiplash or Bruno Ganz as Adolf Hitler in Downfall... Oh, god! It's so difficult to pick just one!

3.5K Messages


85.6K Points

8 years ago

The Joker in any Batman film. Col. "You Can't Handle the Truth" Nathan R. Jessup in "A Few Good Men".

5.2K Messages


138.3K Points

8 years ago

Thanks for the suggestions :) I have a few comments regarding some of them:- The Joker strikes me as a histrionic and egomaniac sociopath, there must be some anger boiling inside but it's never translated into the kind of behavior short-tempered people would display, and the smile even conveys the idea that it's just an act that he actually enjoys... besides, the list was rather balanced but I can say adios to any suspense if I add the Joker. Quoting albstein, Nolan always wins!(good call with Jessep though)- Speaking of keeping the list balanced, I just removed my own inclusion of Jules Winnfield, because I know he'll kill the poll too, and for the wrong reasons. He's certainly a bad moro you don't want to mess up with but after second thoughts, I would say that there's a fine line between being genuinely angry and pulling angry, volcanic tirades. Jules is a guy who's in total control of himself (so much for the short temper) so when he gets "angry" at someone, you can tell it's meant to scare the hell out of him, in other words, it's just an act. Jules reminds me of these corporate manager-figures who talk loudly and furiously in the phone to show who's the boss and when they hang off, they're all smile and smooth talk again.I'm still waiting for insights about Charles Bronson and Barry Egan.- Captain Byron Hadley is a tough one, it's one of these cases where you can't tell whether it's part of the job of if the guy has really some issues, to be honest, I lean toward the second option, the problem is that Hadley is only in a few key scenes but doesn't play the kind of 'pivotal' roles that makes his anger a plot-driver, just like the other characters. There are a few supporting roles in the list, but of scene-stealing and/or Oscar-nominated level. Hadley is "good", but I wouldn't want people to vote for him just because he's in the most popular movie of all time.

147 Messages


2.2K Points

8 years ago

Tom Hardy as Ron Kray in Legend (2015)Jay Hernandez as Diablo in Suicide Squad (2016)Jason Statham as Frank Martin in The Transporter SeriesChristian Bale as John Preston in Equilibrium (2002)



14.7K Messages


332.9K Points

8 years ago

What is the title about? Is it a quote?



4.3K Messages


88.6K Points

It's a play on Mommie Dearest's "no wire hangers ever". I think it's a bit obtuse for most people to get though. I wonder if ElMo has other ideas or if we should make some suggestions for alternatives.



14.7K Messages


332.9K Points

Thanks, I didn't catch that at all.

5.2K Messages


138.3K Points

Angriest Movie Characters? Short-Tempered Characters? Characters With a Hair-Trigger Temper? I thought the MD quote was quite famouq but I dont mind changing the tile :)



7.7K Messages


194.8K Points

I think the MD quote is very famous but I didn't catch it, either. 'Good idea but maybe without the MD quote right next to it, it's not that obvious to all.  I like "Characters With a Hair-Trigger Temper" or "Characters on a Hair Trigger" or something like that. 

3.5K Messages


85.6K Points

Or "Characters With Anger Management Issues" if you want to use today's psycho- babble P.C. Lingo crap for "Damn A$$****s With A Hair Trigger". (Sorry, couldn't resist angry swearing joke.) but I like a variation of one of rubyfruit's suggestions "Hot Tempered Characters With A Hair Trigger".Where is the old IMDb markups when you need them? I want to use right now the markup with the shouting face and shaking his fists . Answer: gone with the message boards.



4.3K Messages


88.6K Points

"It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Character? or Role?



4.3K Messages


88.6K Points

8 years ago

Don't know about the original but the DeNiro version of Max Cady should DEFINITELY be on this list.

5.2K Messages


138.3K Points

Why Cady? In which scene does he show a hair-triggrr temper? I mean, in the film, hes the onz who makes people angry.



4.3K Messages


88.6K Points

All the clips I would show you are restricted on the internet but believe me - the guy has a temper problem. At one point he beds the lawyer's mistress and bites her face off. And the whole ending on the boat is him in an explosive rage.

5.2K Messages


138.3K Points

I've seen the movie several times, this is why I'm asking.He wanted to hurt the lawyer's mistress from the start, it wasn't out of rage, as savage as it was, the act of brutality was calculated. He's a half-human, half-beast psychopathic bastard, but he's in total control of himself and not the subject of impulsive behavior. He carefully plans every move he makes.As for the explosive rage at the end, it was the culmination of his hatred and anger toward Sam Bowden, the one that turned him into a monster, he had to let everything off for one last confrontation. Sure, you don't want to make an enemy out of Max Cady but I don't know... to call it a hair-trigger temper would be a stretch in my opinion. That said, I'm really 50/50 on Cady, I might add him after all once I rephrase my question (since I also have to change the title)

3.5K Messages


85.6K Points

I'm going to have to disagree with your statement "As for the explosive rage at the end, it was the culmination of his hatred and anger toward Sam Bowden, the one that turned him into a monster, he had to let everything off for one last confrontation." If I remember both the orginnal movie and the remake correctly, Bowden or the police officer describe Cady's orginnal crime as brutal and sadistic with torture in it. Cady got joy and pleasure out of watching his victims suffer especially pyschologically. In short, Bowden didn't make Cady into a monster. The monster was there along. It was that cady had to learn self control in prison in order to get out and get revenge on Bowden. Rage and anger are behind every bit of his actions - even his acts of psychological torture.



7.7K Messages


194.8K Points

8 years ago

Good list! - So good it makes it difficult to choose just one. The results should be interesting.FYC:Derek Vineyard in American History X (before his metanoia)



4.3K Messages


88.6K Points

Metanoia! $5 word from Miss Ruby!

5.2K Messages


138.3K Points

8 years ago

I made a few changes, and additions. I guess the list is ready now.Thanks for the suggestions and advice

3.5K Messages


85.6K Points

8 years ago

I'm going to suggest some character the you can use to replace some characters, especially, Gny. Sgt. Hartman whose mind was really on sex. He was just acting like the stereotypical Marine drill sergeant who supposed to do that in order to tear down a little bit of the recruit's personality in order to make a disaplined soldier. It is that he goes way off on the sex angle. Of the characters I'm going to suggest, one might not make it because he is a mob boss who orders others to do his work for him and therefore, violent enough. But make no mistake about it. He is barely keeping his anger in check... Doyle Lonnegan and also Lt. Wm. Snyder from "The Sting." Popeyes Doyle from The French Connection. The Bond villains: Largo from "Thunderball" and "Never Say Never Again". Franz Sanchez And Dario in "Licence to Kill" Two face from the Batman movies. (Even the toddlers said he had some serious anger management issues.)

3.5K Messages


85.6K Points

That was mean to say "The Riddler". (How in the hell did auto correct change that to Toddlers'? I hate auto correct.



19.7K Messages


480K Points

8 years ago

Live Poll: http://www.imdb.com/poll/Y3YybjtQSjs/



7.7K Messages


194.8K Points

This time we were 22 seconds apart, Dan. Lol.