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Friday, September 13th, 2024 1:15 PM

LIVE POLL: Celebrate Big, Bold and Beautiful Movie Afros (World Afro Day)

"World Afro Day celebrates natural kinky, coiled, or curly hair for people from black or mixed-race ethnicities. World Afro Day was founded in an attempt to normalize afros and their natural texture and end discrimination towards people who wish to wear their hair in their natural afros. The day also attempts to instill a sense of pride in people about their hair and remove feelings of shame that might be associated with tightly coiled and kinky hair." Source: National Today 

The theme of WORLD AFRO DAY 2024 is "Fix the law, not our hair" to assure afro wearers receive equal human rights protection under the law, as hair discrimination is currently a promblematic issue in schools, the workplace and elsewhere. In support of World Afro Day 2024, in celebration of afro wearers in film, as well as, a call to end textureism:

Which of these selected cinematic afros* is the biggest, boldest and most beautiful one of them all? * answer pool includes both feature-length and theatrical short afro appearances

Live Poll: https://www.imdb.com/poll/OucGs7jbfzM/  

Poll List: https://www.imdb.com/list/ls540936913/copy/

10.1K Messages


164.1K Points

3 months ago

Honorable Mention / Possible Inclusion Big, Bold & Beautiful Movie Afros


10.1K Messages


164.1K Points

3 months ago

I gotta think more than a few of these movie character afros were in the "world-class" category for their era as being Big, Bold, & Beautiful, when compared to the current and previous Guinness World Records holders.

Current GWR Holders (Female Afro / Male Afro)

Previous GWR Holders (Female Afro / Male Afro)



14.5K Messages


331.1K Points

3 months ago

2 Messages


72 Points

3 months ago

Winner is Clarence Williams III!

10.1K Messages


164.1K Points

@ThisIsMe22​  Clarence Williams III has a world class afro, no doubt. But, he starred as the former delinquent-turned-undercover cop Linc Hayes on the highly popular TV cop series Mod Squad (1968)

But, Omar Epps starred as the former delinquent-turned-undercover cop Linc Hayes in the movie version, Mod Squad (1999) of the TV series, Mod Squad (1968).

I wanted to include Clarence Williams III, but this is a movie poll only, and the movie version of Linc Hayes has short hair.

Q: Which of these selected cinematic afros* is the biggest, boldest and most beautiful one of them all? * answer pool includes both feature-length and theatrical short afro appearances


2 Messages


72 Points

3 months ago

Clarence Williams III.