707 Messages


11.2K Points

Friday, September 1st, 2017 9:40 AM

Live Poll: 'Blow-Up' vs. 'The Conversation' vs. 'Blow Out'

In 1966, Michelangelo Antonioni's masterpiece- 'Blowup' was released and it became quite sensational which also won the Palme d'Or from that year. Few years later, Francis Ford Coppola's 'The Conversation' came out which was inspired by the Blow-Up. Coincidentally, it also won the Palme d'Or. Then in 1981, Brian De Palma's 'Blow Out' came out, which dealt with the similar themes, but used sound recording rather than photography as its motif. Which of these 3 films, do you consider, to be the best?List: http://www.imdb.com/list/ls068861684/Poll: http://www.imdb.com/poll/WUQ3I5EU8-Q/

1.3K Messages


28.5K Points

8 years ago

Good poll and a great description! I only have to watch The Conversation from those 3. I really love Blow out. And I didn't like Blowup.

707 Messages


11.2K Points

Yes, I can understand that. Blow up is not as accessible as the two others. Thanks for the appreciation! 

1.3K Messages


28.5K Points

Now I also have seen The Conversation. And I think The Converstaion is also not very accessible. It's slow and some meaningless scenes, in my opinion. I didn't like it. So, by far, my vote will be Blow Out.

1.4K Messages


51K Points

8 years ago

great poll akash...and a tough one to vote on...although 'blow up' was a breakthrough film, i do love both 'the conversation' and 'blow out'...saw 'the conversation' on a double bill with 'chinatown' (can you imagine that...)...it still is today a powerfully incredible film...'blow out' was certainly one of travolta's best performances and a great movie in itself (must've seen it a couple-a-hundred times at least)...great parallel to teddy kennedy's incident...both so good, but in the end, would have to go with 'the conversation'...

10.3K Messages


166.3K Points

8 years ago

Tough Call, Brian De Palma's 'Blow Out' I like the cinematography and style better, but Francis Ford Coppola's 'The Conversation' but is probably the better film.



7.7K Messages


195K Points

8 years ago

The Conversation, although I also liked Blow Out. I didn't see Blow Up. I'm having a bit of deja-vu - I remember responding to this, already, lol. 

707 Messages


11.2K Points

7 years ago




7.7K Messages


195K Points

Hey! It's so nice to see you on GS again. 'Great taste personified returns, lol. 

707 Messages


11.2K Points

Glad to be here! 



7.7K Messages


195K Points

7 years ago

May I suggest a few edits? (Below in bold)In 1966, Michelangelo Antonioni's masterpiece- 'Blowup (1966)' was released and it became quite sensational and also won the Palme d'Or from that year. A few years later, Francis Ford Coppola's 'The Conversation (1974)' came out which was inspired by 'Blow-Up.' Coincidentally, it also won the Palme d'Or. Then in 1981, Brian De Palma's 'Blow Out (1981)' came out, which dealt with the similar themes, but used sound recording rather than photography as its motif. Which of these 3 films do you consider, to be the best? (no comma)Thank you!

707 Messages


11.2K Points

Done.Thank you!



7.7K Messages


195K Points

Thank you more. :)



7.7K Messages


195K Points

7 years ago

Bravo! It's a Live Poll: http://www.imdb.com/poll/WUQ3I5EU8-Q/?ref_=po_fp

707 Messages


11.2K Points

Thanks to you, ruby!



19.7K Messages


480.1K Points

7 years ago

Congratulations SkyDeshpande on your 55th live poll!As of 5-Apr-2018 12:45 AM Pacific your polls have 66,164 or more votes, for an average of 1,203 votes per poll.Face-Off: 'Blow-Up' vs. 'The Conversation' vs. 'Blow Out'6329th Live Poll: http://www.imdb.com/poll/WUQ3I5EU8-Q/Seen: http://www.imdb.com/seen/ls068861684/This is the 2,778th Title poll. Such polls have a total of 6,759,383 votes for an average of 2,433 votes per poll.Total Number of Votes 15,128,432Projected Date of 20 Million Votes 1-Apr-2020Days Until 20 Million Votes 725This is the list of SkyDeshpande's polls as of 29-Mar-2018:Sorted Alphabeticallyhttp://mypollwatch.blogspot.com/2014/05/imdb-polls-alphabetical-by-author.html#SkyDeshpandeIn Decreasing Order of Voteshttp://mypollwatch.blogspot.com/2015/03/imdb-polls-descending-order-of-votes-by.html#SkyDeshpandeAlphabetical List of Pollshttp://mypollwatch.blogspot.com/2014/03/imdb-polls-alphabetical.htmlTop IMDb Pollshttp://mypollwatch.blogspot.com/2015/07/top-imdb-polls.htmlIMDb Polls - Descending Order of Voteshttp://mypollwatch.blogspot.com/2013/12/imdb-polls-descending-order-of-votes.htmlSummary Statisticshttp://mypollwatch.blogspot.com/2016/05/summary-statistics.htmlKey Threads - IMDb Poll FAQs Indexhttps://getsatisfaction.com/imdb/topics/faq-key-threads-imdb-poll-faqs-indexHow to Improve the Chance of Having your Poll on the Home Pagehttps://getsatisfaction.com/imdb/topics/faq-how-to-improve-the-chance-of-having-your-poll-on-the-hom...