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164.6K Points

Wednesday, March 1st, 2017 10:29 PM

Live Poll: Best American Remake: Non-English Language Movie

American remakes of great foreign language films are understandable; sharing a great story with as wide an audience as possible is always a good idea. These remakes are often done with the full resources of Hollywood with bigger stars and larger budgets. However, these adaptations face the same issues that most sequels and remakes have when compared to the original.

Which American remake is the most worthy of it's original foreign and non-English language brethren?

See the partial list of American remakes of original foreign and non-English movies: http://www.imdb.com/list/ls033212367/

Poll: http://www.imdb.com/poll/mefDd4cDqPs/



4.3K Messages


88.6K Points

8 years ago

REC (2007 - Spain) remade as Quarantine
Abre los ojos (1997 - Spain) remade as Vanilla Sky
Yojimbo (1961 - Japan) remade as A Fistful of Dollars
A Tale of Two Sisters (2003 - South Korea) remade as The Uninvited
Eat Drink Man Woman (1994 - Taiwan) remade as Tortilla Soup
Bob le Flambeur (1956 - France) remade as The Good Thief
Nikita (1990 - France) remade as Point of No Return
Le Dernier Tournant (1939 - France) remade as The Postman Always Rings Twice
La Femme infidèle (1968 - France) remade as Unfaithful
Viktor und Viktoria (1933 - Germany) remade as Victor/Victoria
Scandal in Budapest (1933 - Germany) remade as Top Hat
Hachiko Monogatari (1987 - Japan) remade as Hachi: A Dog's Tale
Solaris (1972 - Russia) remade as Solaris

10.1K Messages


164.6K Points

@jen_264364​ A belated thanks, some great suggestions.

9 Messages


162 Points

8 years ago

This is going to sound so weird, but the 1988 film, The New Adventures of Pippi Longstocking is the only remake I know that feels faithful and comparable to the original, which was made in 1969 - so I think it was a reasonable amount of time to bring out a new Pippi Longstocking film. I don't necessarily dislike the films on the list, but most of them are not as good as the original films and don't remain true to the spirit of the films they're remaking. That sounds pretentious, I know, but I'm still gonna go with my answer.

10.1K Messages


164.6K Points

Thanks, I agree it is a classic. It has been a while, I think there is a new mini-series or TV series out there currently.

13 Messages


364 Points

Sons of Anarchy

28 Messages


512 Points

8 years ago

The Departed

1.9K Messages


52.5K Points

8 years ago

1.3K Messages


21.7K Points

8 years ago



14.5K Messages


331.5K Points

8 years ago

Poll under consideration.

 "most worthy of it's original foreign and non-English language brethren" - should be "its"

10.1K Messages


164.6K Points

Thanks, corrected.



7.6K Messages


194.1K Points

8 years ago

'Nice poll! Girl with the Dragon Tattoo was a bit redundant but a very good film and equal to its predecessor, I think. I did not see the original Mr. Ripley but the English version was excellent. I'd vote for one of those. I thought Nolan's Insomnia is an embarrassment compared to its Scandinavian partner, which was exquisite. 

10.1K Messages


164.6K Points

I found it a bit of challenge to make the list for the reasons who mention. I tried to balance popular widely seen options with movies that weren't an embarrassment or an insult to the original. Insomnia is a great example of how tricky this can be. It is a great film with an all-star cast of Al Pacino, Robin Williams and Hilary Swank and impressive on its own with a 78 Metascore. That is is until to see how high the bar could have been set, when you see the original. I found myself feeling the same way about 'Girl with the Dragon Tattoo', as I was disappointed with American version. I think I would have been more impressed, had I not seen the original first or at all. I hear the same comments from some about Departed, although I have yet to see the original Hong Kong version.



4.9K Messages


98.6K Points

8 years ago



19.6K Messages


478.6K Points

8 years ago

10.1K Messages


164.6K Points




19.6K Messages


478.6K Points

8 years ago

Congratulations urbanemovies on your 132nd live poll!
As of 11-Jul-2017 8:46 PM Pacific your polls have 208,578 or more votes, for an average of 1,580 votes per poll.

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1 Message


60 Points

6 years ago

Sorcerer. Remake of Wages of Fear. William Friedkin. 

1 Message


60 Points

6 years ago

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo is not so much a remake, as an adaptation of the same book. If we are discussing remakes I think it should be only film (original script-not book adaptation) remake.

10.1K Messages


164.6K Points

I would disagree, only one can be the original movie, all others are remakes. I don't think it should be based on whether it is an original script or adapted script. But, I can understand the point you are trying to make, that the original isn't the first anyways. I look at it as you can't have two original movies or no original at all.

It is a fairly common practice to remake non-English films into English to make them more commercial viable for the English-speaking market and sometimes visa-versa. This is the case, even if they share the same source material or book from which they are adapted.

For example, The Upside (2017) is a remake of the French film The Intouchables (2011), inspired by the true story auto-biographical novel of Philippe Pozzo di Borgo and Abdel Sellou, It has been adapted into and remade for other language markets too. All of these films are based on and credit Philippe Pozzo di Borgo  auto-biographical novel as the source.

The Intouchables 2011 | Movie 8.5 (641,905)
French-language original from France

Remake Movies

The Upside 2017 | Movie
English-language remake from the United States

Inseparables 2016 | Movie 6.1 (484)
Spanish-language remake from Argentina

Oopiri 2016 | Movie 8.0 (3,142)
Tamil-language Telugu remake from India

9K Messages


166.1K Points

6 years ago

The remake of F.W.Murnau's 'Nosferatu' (1922)
'Dracula' (1992)

1 Message


60 Points

4 years ago

I totally accept as true . But i have trouble with youtube. When i try to copy - paste the links for linking back it says "best textual content without a angles and slashes" or some thing like that. and want to post the favorite action scenes and guide about best stars and non-english language movies. but can't. any solution?

10.1K Messages


164.6K Points

@Abigail728​ Not my thing, sorry.