824 Messages


13.5K Points

Friday, May 21st, 2021 7:53 PM

Live Face-Off Poll: Doctor Strange vs. Scarlet Witch

Wanda's mutant ability is to control chaos magic as in if something could happen she makes it happen ("The Master of Magnetism").Doctor Strange has the power of the book of vishanti, which allows him to call upon the powers of mystical beings to aid him in a fight ("The Masters of the Mystic Arts").Who is the Strongest Sorcerer between Doctor Strange & Scarlet Witch? ◼️ IMDb List: https://www.imdb.com/list/ls500247992/ ◻️ IMDb Poll: https://www.imdb.com/poll/em2UZwCf-xU/?ref_=po_fp - by Master Strange

4.5K Messages


71.6K Points

4 years ago

Weird thing. It says that your list has 2 images But, when I go on slideshow mode, I can see 4 images.

4.5K Messages


71.6K Points

Somehow, the problem is fixed. 

824 Messages


13.5K Points

@cinephile At first, I added 4 photos and at the end, I choose these two photos. It seems that the changes have been delayed. Glad Problem is Fixed.


3.8K Messages


57.5K Points

4 years ago

she has a cool power, there are missing some blank spaces in the text


824 Messages


13.5K Points

@mariojacobs Where ? These Two ? - ("The Master of Magnetism"). - ("The Masters of the Mystic Arts")

3.8K Messages


57.5K Points

makes it happen ("The Master of Magnetism"). aid him in a fight ("The Masters  after happen/fight I think it is better

824 Messages


13.5K Points

@mariojacobs  Done  ✔

815 Messages


12K Points

4 years ago

Doctor Strange



7.7K Messages


195K Points

4 years ago

Live Poll: https://www.imdb.com/poll/em2UZwCf-xU/?ref_=po_fp Congratulations!

824 Messages


13.5K Points

@rubyfruit76 Thank You