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480.1K Points
FAQ: Poll Milestones
FAQ:Key Threads - IMDb Poll FAQs Index=========================================================Some of the older live polls no longer have threadsassociated with them. As of today, I will post information on polls that have achieved milestones such as 10,000 votes in this thread and the original threadwhen it is still active.You can see information on the current top 210 polls at:Top IMDb Polls include:* Attaining the Poll Maker badge.* Reaching 150K, 200K, 250K votes, etc.* Having 50, 100, 150 polls, etc.* Any other poll related achievement.Note polls appearing on home page are reported in a different thread.FAQ: Polls Featured at IMDb Home Page Mon Aug 31 201506:04:11Which of these sunglasses-sporting movie characters looksthe coolest?emadel79's poll ( is the 34th poll to achieve 15,000 votes. It currently has 15,024 votes.Tue Sep 1 201506:06:52Top 25 sequels better than the original ...ElMaruecan82's poll ( Sep 4 201514:37:20Congratulations ElMaruecan82 on your 188th live poll!As of 4-Sep-2015 12:06 AM Pacific your polls have 500,082or more votes, for an average of 2,660 votes per poll. You are the secondperson to have their polls receive 500,000 or more votes.Sat Sep 12 201508:37:09Congratulations ahmad-zia for achieving 100k votes andfor your shiny new poll maker badge. By my estimates, you earned the badgesometime on Monday September 7, 2015.Sat Sep 12 201509:16:20Congratulations jamesh5 for achieving 500,000 votes.As of 10-Sep-2015 your polls have 502,755 or more votes,for an average of 2,660 votes per poll. You are the third person to have theirpolls receive 500,000 or more votes.Tue Sep 15 2015 08:11:06The best kickass female characters of Fantasy/Sci-Firose-taylor's poll ( the 4th poll to reach the 30,000 vote mark. It currently has 30,000 votes.Sat Sep 19 2015 22:13:20Favourite Law Enforcement/ Intelligence Officer in TV(2000-2013)vibhorpanda29's poll ( is the 99th poll to reach the 10,000 vote mark. It currently has 10,003 votes.Mon Sep 21 2015 01:38:57Coolest Movie Poster of 2014?yrnej's poll ( is the 100th poll to reach 10,000 votes. It currently has 10,003 votes.Sep 25 2015 21:01:07Upcoming Sequels to '70s, '80s and '90s filmssheetsadam1's poll ( is the 101st poll to reach 10,000 votes. It currently has 10,003 votes.Thu Oct 1 2015 15:19:43Movies that Begin with the Endingabsiddique1's poll ( is the 16th poll to reach the 20,000 vote mark. It currently has 20,005 votes.Face-Off : Jennifer Lawrence Vs. Rebecca Romijnbabuandbabu's poll( is the 102nd poll to reach the 10,000vote mark. It currently has 10,048 votes with a rank of 99.Fri Oct 2 2015 02:47:4825 Oscar-winning villains ...ElMaruecan82's poll ( the 36th poll to reach the 15,000 vote mark. As of Oct 2, 2015 2:47 AMPacific, it had 15,043 votes.It is the 17th poll to reach 20,000 votes. As of Oct 4,2015 1:00 PM Pacific, it had 21,347 votes and a rank of 15. Sun Oct 4 2015 12:55:36Best New TV Shownuca2107's poll ( the 103rd poll to reach 10,000 votes. It currently has 10,011 votes. Fri Oct 16 2015 17:54:21Face-Off: Gravity vs Interstellar vs The MartianCongratulations Dibyayan_Chakravorty on your 100th livepoll!As of 16-Oct-2015 1:47 AM Pacific your polls have 169,599 or more votes, for an average of 1,696 votes per poll.Thu Oct 22 2015 06:14:39Congratulations ElMaruecan82 on your 200th live poll!As of 21-Oct-2015 11:10 PM Pacific your polls have 531,071 or more votes, for an average of 2,655 votes per poll.Sat Oct 24 2015 14:08:15Classic Clothing - Movie Heroes!jamesh5's poll ( is the 104th poll to reach 10,000 votes. It currently has 10,002 votes.Wed Oct 28 2015 13:27:41Iconic Objects of Sci-Fi and Fantasyjamesh5's poll ( is the 105th poll to reach 10,000 votes. It currently has 10,010 votes.Fri Oct 30 2015 22:46:23Swedish Vampire Bros: Roman vs. NorthmanCongratulations Rafael_M on your 250th live poll!As of 30-Oct-2015 1:39 PM Pacific your polls have 943,511or more votes, for an average of 3,774 votes per poll. Sun Nov 8 2015 01:07:58If an American actor HAD to play James Bond, it wouldhave to be...Rafael_M's poll ( is the 106th poll to reach 10,000 votes. It currently has 14,017 votes and hasa rank of 44.As of 11-Nov-2015 7:49 AM Pacific it is the 37th poll to reach 15,000 votes. It currently has 17,197 votes and has a rank of 25.Wed Nov 11 2015 08:09:40Pitt, Cruise, DiCaprio and Depp, what should they havewon the Oscar for?jamesh5's poll ( is the 38th poll to reach 15,000 votes. It currently has 15,017 votes.As of 10-Nov-2015 6:18 AM Pacific your 129 polls have531,191 or more votes, for an average of 4,118 votes per poll. Thu Nov 19 2015 18:39:02Congratulations Dibyayan_Chakravorty,Your polls have more than 200,000 votes.As of 18-Nov-2015 12:16 AM Pacific your polls have 200,886or more votes, for an average of 1,810 votes per poll. Thu Nov 19 2015 18:46:39Iconic Beardscocoken's poll ( is the 39th poll to reach 15,000 votes. It currently has 15,003 votes. Thu Nov 26 2015 05:31:42imige's poll ( is the 108th poll to reach 10,000 votes. It currently has 10,004 votes.Sun Dec 6 2015 04:59:31Silitonga's poll ( the 109th poll to reach 10,000 votes. It currently has 10,003 votes. Sun Dec 6 2015 05:53:55pollmaster's polls reached 100,000 votes.As of 5-Dec-2015 6:14 AM Pacific pollmaster's polls had 100,052 votes. Dec 11 2015 18:11:00IMDb All-time Top 250: The 1920sCongratulations Simba63 on your 50th live poll!As of 11-Dec-2015 1:21 AM Pacific your polls have 57,158 or more votes, for an average of 1,143 votes per poll. Mon Dec 14 2015 09:53:29Congratulations ElMaruecan82 on reaching 550K votesActresses with Masculine Last Names ...Congratulations ElMaruecan82 on your 213th live poll!As of 13-Dec-2015 9:16 PM Pacific your polls have 550,818or more votes, for an average of 2,586 votes per poll. Wed Dec 16 2015 22:06:34Movie Horse RacingCongratulations DoctorBuster on your 50th live poll!As of 16-Dec-2015 8:21 AM Pacific your polls have 77,313or more votes, for an average of 1,546 votes per poll. Thu Dec 24 2015 18:02:39Congratulations yrnej for reaching 450K votes!As of 24-Dec-2015 1:30 AM Pacific your 310 polls have450,850 or more votes, for an average of 1,454 votes per poll. Thu Dec 24 2015 18:07:44Congratulations cartman_1337 for reaching 250K votes!As of 24-Dec-2015 1:30 AM Pacific your 94 polls have250,628 or more votes, for an average of 2,666 votes per poll. Fri Dec 25 2015 19:53:49Best Movie to Have Been the IMDb Top 250 #1's poll is the first poll to reach 45,000votes. It currently has 45,000 votes. Sun Jan 10 2016 18:18:37Movie Magi: The Ultimate GiftCongratulations rubyfruit76 on your 50th live poll!As of 9-Jan-2016 2:08 AM Pacific your polls have 64,744or more votes, for an average of 1,295 votes per poll.Sun Jan 17 2016 09:40:00The Worst of the BestCongratulations penchofifteenpolls on your 50th livepoll!As of 16-Jan-2016 12:48 AM Pacific your polls have 83,739or more votes, for an average of 1,675 votes per poll. Sun Jan 17 2016 21:11:56Marvel or DC?Silitonga's poll ( is the 18th poll to reach 20,000 votes. It currently has 20,039 votes. Mon Jan 25 2016 12:17:00Preferred Place to ShopMy Polls reached 250K votes.This is my 82nd live poll!As of 23-Jan-2016 5:51 AM Pacific my polls have 250,196or more votes, for an average of 3,051 votes per poll. Mon Jan 25 2016 22:46:16Congratulations TsarStepan, your polls reached 150Kvotes.As of 23-Jan-2016 5:51 AM Pacific, your polls had 150,848votes. Mon Jan 25 2016 22:56:19Favorite treasure hunter?As of 23-Jan-2016 5:51 AM Pacific, Rafael_M's pollreached 10K votes. It currently has 10,010 votes. Thu Jan 28 2016 17:39:03Oscars 2016: First Time NomineesCongratulations Dibyayan_Chakravorty on your 132nd live poll!As of 28-Jan-2016 1:35 AM Pacific your polls have 250,546 or more votes, for an average of 1,898 votes per poll. Sat Jan 30 2016 01:14:22Favorite treasure hunter?Rafael_M your poll ( the 111th poll to reach 10K votes. It currently has 10,017 votes.As of 29-Jan-2016 12:55 AM Pacific your polls have998,358 or more votes, for an average of 3,840 votes per poll.Sat Jan 30 2016 21:53:27Rafael_M's polls achieved one million votes on 1-Feb-2016around 5:15 PM Pacific, the day before Groundhog Day. Tue Feb 9 2016 19:04:08Coolest looking superhero villainsjamesh5's poll ( the 19th poll to reach 20,000 votes. It currently has 20,003 votes.Tue Feb 9 2016 19:17:22Scariest Scene from Non Horror Moviespeaspot's poll ( the 112th poll to reach 10,000 votes. It currently has 10,005 votes.Fri Feb 12 2016 14:15:49BAFTA Awards 2016: Best DirectorCongratulations The-Social-Introvert on your 50th livepoll!As of 11-Feb-2016 11:52 PM Pacific your polls have 85,712or more votes, for an average of 1,714 votes per poll. Fri Feb 12 2016 15:05:37You're in a Hunger Games/Battle Royale, who is your partner?ShaunAlanAnderson's poll ( the 20th poll to reach 20,000 votes. It currently has 20,001 votes. Fri Feb 12 2016 15:16:56Choose Your Protectorbluehunter16's poll ( the 113th poll to reach 10,000 votes. It currently has 10,004 votes. Fri Feb 19 2016 18:09:12Congratulations borimor!As of 19-Feb-2016 2:57 AM Pacific your 78 polls have150,168 or more votes, for an average of 1,925 votes per poll.Tue Feb 23 2016 17:26:40Re-word subtitle clicheCongratulations Drevnibor on your 50th live poll!As of 22-Feb-2016 6:12 PM Pacific your polls have 79,748 or more votes, for an average of 1,595 votes per poll. Thu Feb 25 2016 23:57:23Oscars 2016: Best Actor in a Leading RoleThe-Social-Introvert's poll ( the 115th poll to reach 10,000 votes. It currently has 13,511 votes. It is currently ranked 54th. Sun Feb 28 2016 03:23:11Oscars 2016: Best Motion Picture of the YearDibyayan_Chakravorty's poll ( the 116th poll to reach 10,000 votes. It currently has 12,277 votes and is ranked 70th. Tue Mar 1 2016 17:18:43Movie Character WisdomRafael_M's poll ( the 10th to reach the 25,000 vote mark. It currently has 25,005 votes. Sat Mar 5 2016 00:16:02Best Car Driver of all timebabuandbabu's poll ( the 117th poll to reach 10,000 votes. It currently has 10,001 votes. Sun Mar 13 2016 05:08:27That's Not My Name!!KhaledKalache's poll ( the 118th poll to reach 10,000 votes. It currently has 12,450 votes and is ranked 69th. Wed Mar 16 2016 04:31:07The 2016 MTV Movie Award for Best Hero goes to...Congratulations KhaledKalache on your 50th live poll!As of 15-Mar-2016 2:42 AM Pacific your polls have 81,546or more votes, for an average of 1,631 votes per poll. Sat Mar 19 2016 22:51:59Most Anticipated Film: Spring 2016 EditionMy poll is the 119th poll ( reach 10,000 votes. It current has 13,804 votes and is ranked 52. Fri Mar 25 2016 19:57:23Most Iconic Scene from a James Cameron MovieCongratulations Dibyayan_Chakravorty on your 150th livepoll!As of 25-Mar-2016 12:00 AM Pacific your polls have300,784 or more votes, for an average of 2,005 votes per poll. Sat Mar 26 2016 03:23:02Congratulations pbn for achieving 150,000 votes.As of 25-Mar-2016 your 74 polls have 150,287 or morevotes, for an average of 2,031 votes per poll. You are the 15th person to havetheir polls receive 150,000 or more votes. Wed Mar 30 2016 19:19:27Face-Off: Dawn of Justice vs Civil WarDibyayan_Chakravorty's poll ( is the 120th poll to reach 10,000 votes and the 40th to reach 15,000 votes. Itcurrently has 16,865 votes and a rank of 30. Thu Mar 31 2016 00:24:29Congratulations Mega_wizard for achieving 250,000 votes.As of 29-Mar-2016 11:42 PM Pacific your 86 polls have251,204 votes, for an average of 2,921 votes per poll. You are the ninth personto have their polls receive 250,000 or more votes. Thu Mar 31 2016 00:33:01Favorite Walking Dead Character?JoelRH's poll ( the 41st poll to reach the 15,000 vote mark. It currently has 15,000votes. Fri Apr 1 2016 03:49:33Dawn of Justice vs Civil WarDibyayan_Chakravorty's poll ( the 120th poll to reach 10,000 votes, the 40th to reach 15,000 votes and the21st to reach 20,000 votes. It currently has 23,353 votes and has a rank of 13. Mon Apr 4 2016,19:13:39Untouchable MoviesCongratulations masandaglinus123 on your 50th live poll!As of 4-Apr-2016 3:35 AM Pacific your polls have 99,496or more votes, for an average of 1,990 votes per poll. Thu Apr 7 2016 22:33:52Rude AwakeningsRafael_M's poll ( the 121st poll to reach 10,000 votes. It currently has 10,585 votes with arank of 107. Fri Apr 8 2016 10:41:16Awkward Movie QuestionsRafael_M's poll ( the 42nd poll to reach the 15,000 vote mark. It currently has 17,775 voteswith a rank of 26. Sat Apr 9 2016 03:40:07Awkward Movie QuestionsRafael_M's poll ( the 22nd poll to reach the 20,000 vote mark. It currently has 20,187 voteswith a rank of 22.Sun Apr 10 2016 14:50:39Congratulations ElMaruecan82 for achieving 600,000 votes.As of 10-Apr-2016 1:40 AM Pacific your 239 polls have600,322 votes, for an average of 2,512 votes per poll. You are the secondperson to have their polls receive 600,000 or more votes. Tue Apr 12 2016 12:14:10 Face-Off: Iron Man vs. Armored BatmanRafael_M's poll ( is the 122nd poll to reach 10,000 votes. It currently has 14,832 votes and arank of 43.Wed Apr 13 2016 10:01:04Face-Off: Iron Man vs. Armored BatmanRafael_M's poll ( the 43rd poll to reach 15,000 votes. It currently has 17,115 votes and arank of 29.Thu Apr 14 2016 09:43:05Dibyayan_Chakravorty's poll ( the 120th poll to reach 10,000 votes, the 40th to reach 15,000 votes, the21st to reach 20,000 votes and the 11th to reach 25,000 votes. Fri Apr 15 2016 12:18:49Dibyayan_Chakravorty's poll ( the 123rd poll to reach 10,000 votes. It currently has 10,009 votes with arank of 123. Sun Apr 17 2016 10:27:53teriekwilliams-46153's poll ( the 124th poll to reach 10,000 votes. It currently has 14,615 votes with a rank of 46. It is also currently his poll with the most votes.Apr 19 2016 02:31:19Congratulations borimor on your 89th live poll!As of 18-Apr-2016 5:07 AM Pacific your polls have 163,654or more votes, for an average of 1,839 votes per poll.4000th Live Poll: Tue Apr 19 2016 03:38:15The Most Original Film Since 2000teriekwilliams-46153's poll ( is the 124th poll to reach 10,000 votes. It currently has 14,615 votes with a rank of 46. It is also currently your poll with the most votes.Tue Apr 19 2016 18:04:43Most Anticipated Film: Spring 2016 EditionThis poll ( is the 45th poll to reach 15,000 votes. It currently has 15,029 votes with arank of 45.Tue Apr 26 2016 16:08:28Best Sword Fighter on "Game of Thrones"waspinatorbj's poll ( is the 125th poll to reach 10,000 votes. It currently has 10,137 votes with arank of 122.Tue Apr 26 2016 16:34:20Congratulations Dibyayan_Chakravorty for achieving350,000 votes.As of 26-Apr-2016 2:03 AM Pacific your 162 polls have350,043 or more votes, for an average of 2,161 votes per poll. You are the 5thperson to have their polls receive 350,000 or more votes.Wed Apr 27 2016 10:17:34Rafael_M's poll ( is the 23rd poll to reach 20,000 votes. It currently as 21,941 votes with arank of 19. Thu Apr 28 2016 11:24:45Rafael_M's poll ( the 12th poll to reach 25,000 votes. It currently has 25,128 votes with arank of 12. Sun May 1 2016 18:01:18Top Horror Filmshb's poll ( the 126th poll to reach the 10,000 vote mark. It currently has 10,002 voteswith a rank of 126.May 1 2016 18:12:21Congratulations Rafael_M for achieving 1,100,000 votes.As of 1-May-2016 2:34 AM Pacific your 274 polls have1,101,200 votes, for an average of 4,019 votes per poll. Tue May 3 2016 14:31:56Rafael_M's poll ( is the 127th poll to reach 10,000 votes. It currently has 13,019 votes with arank of 68. Thu May 5 2016 19:25:05Best Rebootsvibhorpanda29's poll ( the 128th poll to reach 10,000 votes. It currently has 10,003 votes with arank of 128.Thu May 12 2016 17:50:06Greatest TV Villains of All TimeCongratulations Dibyayan_Chakravorty on your 169th live poll!As of 11-May-2016 11:53 PM Pacific your polls have373,084 or more votes, for an average of 2,208 votes per poll. Fri May 13 2016 06:56:38Greatest TV Villains of All TimeDibyayan_Chakravorty's poll ( the 46th poll to reach 15,000 votes. It currently has 15,634 votes with arank of 44.Sun May 15 2016 14:18:53Congratulations ElMaruecan82 on your 250th live poll!As of 15-May-2016 4:04 AM Pacific your polls have 615,533or more votes, for an average of 2,462 votes per poll. Mon May 16 2016 17:06:34"Game of Thrones" — Favorite House WordDibyayan_Chakravorty's poll ( the 130th poll to reach 10,000 votes. It currently has 10,885 votes, with arank of 109. Mon May 16 2016 18:51:00Favorite Film Rated at least 9 Stars on IMDbDibyayan_Chakravorty's poll ( the 131st poll to reach 10,000 votes. It currently has 10,242 votes, with arank of 125.Tue May 17 2016 22:32:07Congratulations Dibyayan_Chakravorty!As of 16-May-2016 10:42 PM Pacific (As of 17-May-201612:12 PM IST) your 171 polls have 403,629 or more votes, for an average of2,360 votes per poll. You are the fifth person to have their polls receive400,000 or more votes. Tue May 17 2016 22:49:58Favorite Film Rated at least 9 Stars on IMDbDibyayan_Chakravorty's poll ( the 47th poll to reach 15,000 votes. It currently has 16,999 votes, with arank of 35. Fri May 20 2016 17:00:50Congratulations The-Social-Introvert!As of 19-May-2016 11:48 PM Pacific your 65 polls have150,125 or more votes, for an average of 2,310 votes per poll. You are the 16thperson to have their polls receive 150,000 or more votes. Wed May 25 2016 16:21:04Face-Off: "Game of Thrones" - Best Direwolf CompanionCongratulations urbanemovies on your 50th live poll!As of 25-May-2016 1:05 AM Pacific your polls have 54,274or more votes, for an average of 1,085 votes per poll.Thu May 26 2016 18:48:21Congratulations jamesh5!As of 26-May-2016 12:57 AM Pacific your 133 polls have600,086 or more votes, for an average of 4,512 votes per poll. You are thethird person to have their polls receive 600,000 or more votes. Fri May 27 2016 18:33:08ElMaruecan82's poll ( the 132nd poll to reach 10,000 votes. It currently has 10,001 votes with arank of 132. Sun May 29 2016 16:07:22pbn's poll ( the 133rd poll to reach 10,000 votes. It currently has 10,005 votes with arank of 132. Mon May 30 2016 11:50:11As of 26-May-2016 12:57 AM Pacific IMDb-Editors' 63polls have 150,260 or more votes, for an average of 2,385 votes per poll. IMDb-Editors are the 17th account to have their polls receive 150,000 or more votes.Thu Jun 2 201618:13:29Polls of a 1,000 DaysThe IMDb Polls restarted on September 4, 2013. As of May31, 2016 the polls have been in operation for 1,000 days. Here are the statisticsas of June 1, 2016.# of VotesMin 53Average 2,360Max 46,807Median 1,296Mode 740Total Number of Votes 9,776,1641st Percentile 2445th Percentile 36610th Percentile 47150th Percentile 1,29690th Percentile 5,34895th Percentile 7,76099th Percentile 15,999Count Percent# of Polls 4,143 100%>= 1,000 2,513 61%>= 2,000 1,370 33%>= 3,000 913 22%>= 4,000 614 15%>= 5,000 455 11%>= 10,000 133 3%>= 15,000 47 1.1%>= 20,000 23 0.6%>= 25,000 12 0.3%>= 30,000 4 0.1%Minimum Number of Voters 46,807Average Number of Polls per Voter 209Percent of Polls per Voter 5%Average Votes per Poll 2,360Number of Authors 257Average # of Polls per Author 16Average Votes per Author 38,040Median Votes per Author 4,208Days Until 10 Million Votes 28Projected Date of 10 Million Votes 29-Jun-2016 Tue Jun 7 2016 01:01:12The Hero TypesRafael_M's poll ( is the 24th poll to reach 20,000 votes. It currently has 22,166 votes with arank of 19. Wed Jun 8 2016 14:28:17Who Should Be the Next 007?This is my 92nd live poll!As of 7-Jun-2016 11:57 PM Pacific my polls have 294,190or more votes, for an average of 3,198 votes per poll. This is the 133rd pollto reach 10,000 votes, the 48th to reach15,000 votes, 25th to reach 20,000 votes and 13th toreach 25,000 votes.It currently has 26,496 votes with a rank of 10.Wed Jun 8 2016 15:16:44Weapon Wielding Women (Nothing as Boring as a Handgun)cocoken's poll ( the 49th poll to reach 15,000 votes. It currently has 15,002 votes witha rank of 49. Wed Jun 8 2016 18:44:35As of 7-Jun-2016 11:57 PM Pacific (8-Jun-2016 1:27 PMIST) Dibyayan_Chakravorty's 179 polls have 450,403 or more votes, for anaverage of 2,516 votes per poll. Dibyayan_Chakravorty is the 5th person to havehis polls receive 450,000 or more votes. Fri Jun 10 2016 23:43:38As of 10-Jun-2016 3:50 AM Pacific my 92 polls have311,965 or more votes, for an average of 3,391 votes per poll. I am the 6thperson to have his polls receive 300,000 or more votes. Wed Jun 15 2016 23:19:10As of 14-Jun-2016 9:28 PM Pacific babuandbabu's 94 pollshave 250,096 or more votes, for an average of 2,661 votes per poll. babuandbabuis the 10th person to have his polls receive 250,000 or more votes. Sat Jun 18 2016 20:55:59What's the Most Romantic Romance of the 21st Century?pbn's poll ( is the 135th poll to reach 10,000 votes. It currently has 10,001 votes with arank of 135. Sun Jun 19 2016 19:01:34Most Giftable Movie Series?jalapenoman's poll ( the 5th poll to reach 30,000 votes. It currently has 30,004 votes with arank of 5.Sun Jun 19 2016 19:23:27As of 14-Jun-2016 9:28 PM Pacific cocoken's 117 polls have 300,063 or more votes, for an average of 2,565 votes per poll. cocoken isthe 7th person to have her polls receive 300,000 or more votes.Mon Jun 27 2016 20:53:03Ten Million Votes AchievedThe IMDb Polls achieved 10 million votes around 5 AM Pacific on 22-June-2016.# of VotesMin 19Average 2,375Max 46,928Median 1,290Mode 445Total Number of Votes 10,004,8211st Percentile 2455th Percentile 36710th Percentile 46850th Percentile 1,29090th Percentile 5,37295th Percentile 7,83999th Percentile 16,135Count Percent# of Polls 4,212 100%>= 1,000 2,558 61%>= 2,000 1,404 33%>= 3,000 938 22%>= 4,000 634 15%>= 5,000 467 11%>= 10,000 135 3%>= 15,000 49 1.2%>= 20,000 25 0.6%>= 25,000 13 0.3%>= 30,000 5 0.1%Minimum Number of Voters 46,928Average Number of Polls per Voter 213Percent of Polls per Voter 5%Average Votes per Poll 2,375Number of Authors 259Average # of Polls per Author 16Average Votes per Author 38,629Median Votes per Author 4,245Summary Statistics Jun 27 2016 21:36:24Favorite Film Rated at Least 9 Stars on IMDbDibyayan_Chakravorty,Your poll ( the is the 26th poll to reach 20,000 votes. It currently has 22,130 voteswith a rank of 21. Tue Jun 28 2016 18:55:27"Game of Thrones" Bravest Character or Most Heroic Acturbanemovies's poll ( the 136th poll to reach 10,000 votes. It current has 10,249 votes with arank of 129. Tue Jun 28 2016 19:48:20Breaking Bad vs Game of Throneslakshaynagpal1994's poll ( is the 14th poll to reach 25,114 votes. It currently has 25,114 votes with a rank of 14.Wed Jun 29 2016 15:53:34Most Anticipated Film: Summer 2016 EditionMy poll ( the 137th poll to reach 10,000 votes. It currently has 10,040 votes with arank of 136. Thu Jun 30 2016'19:51:32Smartest "Game of Thrones" Characterurbanemovies's poll ( is the 138th poll to reach 10,000 votes. It currently has 11,317 votes with arank of 103. Mon Jul 4 2016 18:22:16Congratulations BoltBait!As of 4-Jul-2016 12:56 AM Pacific your 58 polls have150,113 or more votes, for an average of 2,588 votes per poll. You are the 18thperson to have their polls receive 150,000 or more votes.Tue Jul 5 2016 20:29:26Most Quotable Action Movie of All Time?The-Social-Introvert's poll ( is the 139th poll to reach 10,000 votes. It currently has 10,002 votes with a rank of 139.Wed Jul 6 2016 16:04:55IMDb: Donate 10 Million Dollars!!Congratulations borimor on your 100th live poll!As of 5-Jul-2016 10:20 PM Pacific your polls have 182,744or more votes, for an average of 1,827 votes per poll. Fri Jul 8 2016 19:02:21Who Is the Nastiest Villain?muzzle's poll ( is the 6th poll to reach 30,000 votes. It currently has 31,342 votes with arank of 5. Mon Jul 11 2016 15:10:55IMDb Poll Board Favorite TV SeriesDibyayan_Chakravorty's poll ( is the 140th poll to reach 10,000 votes. It currently has 12,669 votes with a rank of 79. Thu Jul 14 2016 22:26:14IMDb Poll Board Favorite TV SeriesDibyayan_Chakravorty's poll ( is the 50th poll to reach 15,000 votes. It currently has 15,687 votes with a rank of 48. Fri Jul 15 2016 23:43:49Congratulations yrnej!As of 14-Jul-2016 11:57 PM Pacific your 328 polls have 500,107 or more votes, for an average of 1,525 votes per poll. You are the fourth person to have their polls receive 500,000 or more votes.Mon Jul 18 2016 16:00:44Which Nominated Drama Series Deserves the 2016 Emmy?IMDb-Editors's poll ( is the 27th poll to reach 10,000 votes. It currently has 12,244 votes with a rank of 88. Mon Jul 18 2016 16:41:07Greatest TV Villains of All TimeDibyayan_Chakravorty's poll ( is the 27th poll to reach 20,000 votes. It currently has 21,535 votes with a rank of 23. Mon Jul 18 201617:12:13Congratulations Dibyayan_Chakravorty!As of 17-Jul-2016 6:46 PM Pacific your 193 polls have503,055 or more votes, for an average of 2,607 votes per poll. You are thefifth person to have their polls receive 500,000 or more votes.Mon Jul 25 2016 17:14:14Frightening FilmmakersCongratulations albstein on your 50th live poll!As of 24-Jul-2016 8:45 PM Pacific your polls have 47,055or more votes, for an average of 941 votes per poll. Mon Jul 25 2016 18:12:59Congratulations Silitonga!As of 24-Jul-2016 8:45 PM Pacific your 53 polls have200,174 or more votes, for an average of 3,777 votes per poll. You are the 11th person to have their polls receive 200,000 or more votes.Sat Jul 30 2016 01:58:30Bourne, Mills, Cross or Bond?Rafael_M's poll ( the 142th poll to reach 10,000 votes. It currently has 12,167 votes with arank of 92.Sun Jul 31 2016 19:52:29Greatest Movie Anti-Heroes of All TimeCongratulations Dibyayan_Chakravorty on your 200th live poll!As of 31-Jul-2016 1:06 AM Pacific your polls have 515,488 or more votes, for an average of 2,577 votes per poll. Fri Aug 5 2016 04:40:29Best Opening Scene In A Moviepere-25366's poll ( the 143rd to reach 10,000 votes. It currently has 10,249 votes with a rankof 137. Fri Aug 5 201605:04:21Congratulations jalapenoman!As of 3-Aug-2016 11:40 PM Pacific your 137 polls have150,134 or more votes, for an average of 1,096 votes per poll. You are the 19thperson to have their polls receive 150,000 or more votes.Sat Aug 6 2016'00:22:02Face-Off: Apocalypse Now vs. PlatoonCongratulations RbDeraj on your 100th live poll!As of 5-Aug-2016 6:46 AM Pacific your polls have 142,385or more votes, for an average of 1,424 votes per poll. Aug 6 2016 00:44:01Congratulations ElMaruecan82!As of 3-Aug-2016 11:40 PM Pacific your 269 polls have 650,051or more votes, for an average of 2,417 votes per poll. You are the 2nd person to have their polls receive 650,000 or more votes. Mon Aug 8 2016 17:06:59When were you born movie-wise?ElMaruecan82's poll ( the 144th poll to reach 10,000 votes. It currently has 10,003 votes with a rank of 144. Wed Aug 10 2016 23:51:30Congratulations hb!As of 3-Aug-2016 11:40 PM Pacific your 47 polls have150,005 or more votes, for an average of 3,192 votes per poll. You are the 20th person to have their polls receive 150,000 or more votes.Sun Aug 14 2016 16:25:53Cheesy Movie Chat-Up LineCongratulations peaspot on your 50th live poll!As of 14-Aug-2016 2:37 AM Pacific your polls have 138,805 or more votes, for an average of 2,776 votes per poll. Sat Aug 20 2016 21:17:33Which fictional creature do you most wish was real?jamesh5's poll ( is the 145th polls to reach 10,000 votes. It currently has 10,002 votes with arank of 145. Mon Aug 22 2016 11:01:162017 Comic Book MoviesSimba63's poll ( is the 146th poll to reach 10,000 votes. It currently has 13,524 votes with arank of 69. Thu Aug 25 2016 16:43:01Best looking Emo/Gothic Girl Characterbabuandbabu's poll ( is the 147th poll to reach 10,000 votes. It currently has 10,003 votes with a rank of 147.Thu Aug 25 2016 16:53:35Bald VillainsRafael_M's poll ( is the 148th polls to reach 10,000 votes. It currently has 10,000 votes with a rank of 148.Fri Aug 26 2016 23:23:45Congratulations peaspot!As of 26-Aug-2016 8:40 AM Pacific your 51 polls have150,627 or more votes, for an average of 2,953 votes per poll. You are the 21st person to have their polls receive 150,000 or more votes.Tue Sep 6 2016 23:43:23Weird HamletsRafael_M's poll ( is the 149th poll to reach 10,000 votes. It currently has 12,856 votes with a rank of 81. Wed Sep 7 2016 00:07:25Movie wo/man in a maskjamesh5's poll ( is the 51st poll to reach 15,000 votes. It currently has 15,013 votes with a rank of 51. Wed Sep 7 2016 14:39:07Coolest Looking Hooded Characterbabuandbabu's poll ( is the 150th poll to reach 10,000 votes. It currently has 10,003 votes with a rank of 150. Sat Sep 10 201606:53:56Marvel or DC?Silitonga's poll ( is the 15th poll to reach 25,000 votes. It currently has 25,004 votes with a rank of 15.Thu Sep 15 2016 00:12:20Congratulations Dibyayan_Chakravorty!As of 13-Sep-2016 10:52 PM Pacific (14-Sep-2016 12:22 PM IST) your 214 polls have 550,958 or more votes, for an average of 2,575 votes per poll. You are the 4th person to have their polls receive 550,000 or more votes.Thu Sep 22 2016 19:15:51Most Anticipated Film: Fall 2016 EditionMy poll ( is the 151st poll to reach 10,000 votes. It currently has 13,912 votes with a rank of 67.Thu Sep 22 2016 19:35:10Congratulations borimor!As of 21-Sep-2016 9:42 PM Pacific your 110 polls have 200,315 or more votes, for an average of 1,821 votes per poll. You are the 12th person to have their polls receive 200,000 or more votes.Sun Sep 25 201603:19:33Congratulations yrnej on your 350th live poll!As of 24-Sep-2016 2:11 AM Pacific your polls have 545,191or more votes, for an average of 1,558 votes per poll. Fri Sep 30 201623:18:54Who's Your Girl?Rafael_M,Your poll ( the 152nd poll to reach 10,000 votes. It currently has 13,284 votes with arank of 77. Mon Oct 3 2016 19:04:13Congratulations RbDeraj!As of 2-Oct-2016 7:12 PM Pacific your 106 polls have 150,052 or more votes, for an average of 1,416 votes per poll. You are the 22nd person to have their polls receive 150,000 or more votes.Wed Oct 5 2016 14:05:17Low Budget Movies That Paid Off Bigurbanemovies' poll ( is the 153rd poll to reach 10,000 votes. It currently has 11,614 votes with a rank of 110. Thu Oct 6 2016 13:15:32As of 5-Oct-2016 10:46 PM Pacific my 97 polls have 350,019 or more votes, for an average of 3,608 votes per poll. I am the 6th person to have my polls receive 350,000 or more votes.Sat Oct 8 2016 02:15:04Who Are You?Rafael_M's poll ( is the second poll to reach 35,000 votes. It currently has 35,006 votes. Sun Oct 9 2016 01:12:45Movie Geniusespeaspot's poll ( is the 154th poll to reach 10,000 votes. It currently has 12,827 votes with arank of 86. Sun Oct 9 2016 17:34:43Congratulations yrnej!As of 9-Oct-2016 2:48 AM Pacific your 355 polls have 550,158 or more votes, for an average of 1,550 votes per poll. You are the 5th person to have their polls receive 550,000 or more votes.Tue Oct 11 2016 18:20:01Movie Geniusespeaspot's poll ( is the 52nd poll to reach 15,000 votes. It currently has 18,008 votes with a rank of 33. Wed Oct 19 2016 02:47:57Favorite 'Bourne' Franchise Movieurbanemovies' poll ( the 155th poll to reach 10,000 votes. It currently has 10,715 votes with a rank of 139. Wed Oct 19 2016 02:56:06The Most Original Film Since 2000teriekwilliams-46153's poll ( is the 28th poll to reach 20,000 votes. It currently has 20,034 votes with a rank of 28. Sun Oct 23 2016 01:43:30Congratulations Simba63!As of 22-Oct-2016 3:37 AM Pacific your 78 polls have150,021 or more votes, for an average of 1,923 votes per poll. You are the 23rd person to have their polls receive 150,000 or more votes.Mon Oct 24 2016 01:25:45Col Needham's 10 Favorite FilmsMy poll ( is the 156th poll to reach 10,000 votes. It currently has 12,303 votes with a rank of 99. Wed Nov 2 2016 20:49:10Favorite Villain Quotemattyankster10's poll ( is the 53rd poll to reach 15,000 votes. It currently has 15,003 votes with a rank of 53. Sat Nov 5 2016 00:07:41Best Villain in "The Walking Dead"lnvicta's poll ( is the 157th poll to reach 10,000 votes. It currently has 11,956 votes with a rank of 106.Wed Nov 9 2016 23:13:07Favorite character from "Game of Thrones"cartman_1337's poll ( is the 29th poll to reach 20,000 votes. It currently has 20,001 votes with a rank of 29. Sat Nov 12 2016 06:35:22Which four-letter word makes a film the most successful?ElMaruecan82's poll ( is the 54th poll to reach 15,000 votes. It currently has 15,001 votes with a rank of 54.Wed Nov 16 2016 14:01:37Favorite Sci-Fi/Fantasy CouplePaok-Kilkis' poll ( is the 158th polls to reach 10,000 votes. It currently has 10,399 votes with a rank of 147. Thu Nov 17 2016 23:47:34Congratulations ElMaruecan82 on your 300th live poll!As of 16-Nov-2016 6:57 PM Pacific your polls have 688,170 or more votes, for an average of 2,294 votes per poll.Fri Nov 18 2016 22:05:16The Best Sci-Fi Dramateriekwilliams-46153's poll ( is the 159th poll to reach 10,000 votes. It currently has 12,358 votes with a rank of 100. Sun Nov 20 2016 20:33:22Most Anticipated Film: Fall 2016 EditionMy poll ( is the 55th poll to reach 15,000 votes. It currently has 15,024 votes with a rank of 54.Mon Nov 21 2016 19:58:04The Best '80s Teen Moviesir-mauri's poll ( is the 160th poll to reach 10,000 votes. The poll currently has 13,103 votes with a rank of 86. Wed Nov 23 2016 19:35:05Congratulations TsarStepan on your 150th live poll!As of 23-Nov-2016 12:57 AM Pacific your polls have 186,414 or more votes, for an average of 1,243 votes per poll. Thu Nov 24 2016 18:11:44Favorite Film of 1985Manya086's poll ( is the 161st poll to reach 10,000 votes. It currently has 10,000 votes with a rank of 161. Mon Nov 28 2016 04:16:16The Best '90s Teen Moviesir-mauri's poll ( is the 162nd poll to reach 10,000 votes and the 56th poll to reach 15,000 votes. It currently has 16,640 votes with a rank of 44. Sun Dec 4 2016 05:04:12Congratulations jamesh5!As of 3-Dec-2016 7:44 AM Pacific your 133 polls have 650,517 or more votes, for an average of 4,891 votes per poll. You are the 3rd person to have their polls receive 650,000 or more votes.Mon Dec 5 2016 21:10:39Movies Told in Flashbackpere-25366's poll ( is the 163rd poll to reach 10,000 votes. It currently has 11,633 votes with a rank of 122. Wed Dec 7 2016 04:04:52Favorite revenge film?yrnej's poll ( is the 57th poll to reach 15,000 votes. It currently has 15,024 votes with a rank of 57. Fri Dec 9 2016 00:20:07Your Favorite Ridley Scott Film?sir-mauri's poll ( is the 164th poll to reach 10,000 votes. It currently has 14,603 votes with a rank of 67. Mon Dec 12 2016 04:55:40Congratulations urbanemovies!As of 11-Dec-2016 11:09 AM Pacific your 85 polls have 150,149 or more votes, for an average of 1,766 votes per poll. You are the 24th person to have their polls receive 150,000 or more votes.Mon Dec 12 2016 22:03:222016 Comic Book MoviesSimba63's poll ( is the 165th poll to reach 10,000 votes. It currently has 10,004 votes with a rank of 165. Wed Dec 14 2016 02:34:21Top 10 Breakout Stars of 2016pere-25366's poll ( is the 166th poll to reach 10,000 votes. It currently has 10,458 votes with a rank of 151. Wed Dec 14 2016 02:43:41Coolest Caped Charactercocoken's poll ( is the 58th poll to reach 15,000 votes. It currently has 15,069 votes with a rank of 57. Wed Dec 14 2016 02:55:36Congratulations ElMaruecan82!As of 12-Dec-2016 11:27 PM Pacific your 310 polls have 700,078 or more votes, for an average of 2,258 votes per poll. You are the second person to have their polls receive 700,000 or more votes.Wed Dec 14 2016 21:49:06Congratulations Dibyayan_Chakravorty on your 231st live poll!As of 14-Dec-2016 4:07 AM Pacific your polls have 602,342or more votes, for an average of 2,608 votes per poll.Wed Dec 14 2016 22:28:10Best 'Star Wars' VillainDibyayan_Chakravorty's poll ( is the 167th poll to reach 10,000 votes. It currently has 13,520 votes with a rank of 82.Fri Dec 16 2016 23:01:25Best 'Star Wars' VillainDibyayan_Chakravorty's poll ( is the 59th poll to reach 15,000 votes. It currently has 15,029 votes with a rank of 59.Tue Dec 20 2016 18:40:34Favorite 'Star Wars' PosterDibyayan_Chakravorty's poll ( is the 168th poll to reach 10,000 votes. It currently has 12,657 votes with a rank of 101.Dec 26 2016 04:15:44Movie Quote RingtonesRafael_M's poll ( is the 169th poll to reach 10,000 votes. It currently has 10,017 votes with a rank of 169.Mon Dec 26 2016 23:16:31Favorite Superhero Origin MovieMega_wizard's poll ( is the 60th poll to reach 15,000 votes. It currently has 15,001 votes with a rank of 60.Dec 30 2016 03:33:02Congratulations pere-25366 for earning a poll maker badge!As of 29-Dec-2016 10:23 AM Pacific your 49 polls have100,129 or more votes, for an average of 2,043 votes per poll. You are the 34th person to have their polls receive 100,000 or more votes.Sun Jan 1 2017 01:27:57Congratulations pere-25366 on your 50th live poll!As of 30-Dec-2016 5:09 AM Pacific your polls have 100,368or more votes, for an average of 2,007 votes per poll.4838th Live Poll: Jan 1 2017 01:40:59Top 35 Shows By Number of VotesRbDeraj's poll ( is the 170th poll to reach 10,000 votes. It currently has 10,004 votes with a rank of 170.Tue Jan 3 2017 21:53:15Congratulations Mega_wizard!As of 3-Jan-2017 12:36 AM Pacific your 89 polls have 300,110 or more votes, for an average of 3,372 votes per poll. You are the 8th person to have their polls receive 300,000 or more votes.Thu Jan 5 2017 22:33:28Golden Globes 2017 - Best Screenplay, Motion PicturePerfectIMDBer's poll ( is the 172nd poll to reach 10,000 votes. It currently has 13,702 votes with a rank of 81.Thu Jan 5 2017 23:06:56We got a FIGHT!Rafael_M's poll ( is the 173rd poll to reach 10,000 votes. It currently has 10,002 votes with a rank of 173.Thu Jan 5 2017 23:25:36Congratulations Drevnibor for earning a poll maker badge!As of 4-Jan-2017 11:58 PM Pacific your 54 polls have 100,040 or more votes, for an average of 1,853 votes per poll. You are the 35th person to have their polls receive 100,000 or more votes.Fri Jan 13 2017 12:40:24masandaglinus123's poll ( the 174th poll to reach 10,000 votes. It currently has 12,517 votes with a rank of 105.Sun Jan 29 2017 01:01:15Which Celebrity Are You?napierslogs's poll ( is the 175th poll to reach 10,000 votes. It currently has 10,048 votes with a rank of 174.Sun Jan 29 2017 01:27:53Greatest TV Villains of All TimeDibyayan_Chakravorty's poll ( is the 16th poll to reach 25,000 votes. It currently has 25,112 votes with a rank of 16.Sun Jan 29 201701:45:30Best Cyberpunk FilmKirk-Picard's poll ( is the 176th poll to reach 10,000 votes and 61st to reach 15,000 votes. It currently has 18,017 votes with a rank of 35.Jan 30 2017 06:12:55Most Anticipated 2017 Horror Movieleavey-2's poll ( is the 177th poll to reach 10,000 votes. It currently has 14,062 votes with a rank of 75.Thu Feb 2 2017 02:05:06Congratulations Dibyayan_Chakravorty on your 246th live poll!As of 31-Jan-2017 10:41 PM Pacific your polls have 650,174 or more votes, for an average of 2,643 votes per poll.You are the fourth person to reach 650,000 votes.Thu Feb 2 2017 02:59:39Congratulations TsarStepan!As of 31-Jan-2017 10:41 PM Pacific your 159 polls have 200,416 or more votes, for an average of 1,260 votes per poll. You are the 13th person to have their polls receive 200,000 or more votes. Thu Feb 2 2017 03:10:42What is your favourite aspect of your favourite film?jamesh5's poll ( is the 178th poll to reach 10,000 votes. It currently has 10,000 votes with arank of 178.Thu Feb 2 2017 23:22:37Favorite Fantasy TV series?Rafael_M's poll ( is the 62nd poll to reach 15,000 votes. It currently has 15,007 votes with arank of 62. Thu Feb 9 2017 19:23:26Congratulations Dibyayan_Chakravorty on your 250th live poll!As of 8-Feb-2017 3:32 PM Pacific your polls have 654,589or more votes, for an average of 2,618 votes per poll.Thu Feb 9 2017 20:39:14Most Anticipated Blockbuster of 2017Wonder_Gal's poll ( is the 179th poll to reach 10,000 votes and 63rd poll to reach 15,000 votes. It currently has 18,703 votes with a rank of 33.Thu Feb 9 2017 21:03:38Favorite Film Genredan_dassow's poll ( is the 180th poll to reach 10,000 votes. It currently 10,007 votes with a rank of 180.Feb 12 2017 04:57:49Most Anticipated Blockbuster of 2017Wonder_Gal's poll ( the 30th poll to reach 20,000 votes. It currently has 21,570 votes with a rank of 27.
19.7K Messages
480.1K Points
8 years ago
Feb 17 2017 00:58:58Oscars 2017 - Best Achievement in Visual EffectsKirk-Picard's poll ( is the 182nd poll to reach 10,000 votes. It currently has 11,722 votes with a rank of 132.Feb 17 2017 22:55:03Coolest looking (post 2000) 'super' hero!jamesh5' poll ( is the 183rd poll to reach 10,000 votes. It currently has 10,013 votes with a rank of 182.18-Feb-2017 2:33 AM PacificWhat is your favorite of the top 25 directors?My poll ( based on Michael_Da_Vinci suggesion ( is the 184th poll to reach 10,000 votes. It currently has 10,003 votes with a rank of 184.Most Anticipated 2017 Horror Movieleavey-2's poll ( is the 64th poll to reach 15,000 votes. It currently has 15,069 with a rank 63.20-Feb-2017 6:28 PM PacificCongratulations NDbportmanfan on your 50th live poll!As of 20-Feb-2017 6:28 PM Pacific your polls have 78,425 or more votes, for an average of 1,569 votes per poll.22-Feb-2017 1:27 AM PacificOscars 2017 - Best Documentary FeatureTsarStepan's poll ( is the 185th poll to reach 10,000 votes. It currently has 10,955 votes with a rank of 155.1-Mar-2017 9:38 AM PacificOscars 2017 — Best Motion Picture of the Yearpere-25366's poll ( is the 186th poll to reach 10,000 votes and the 65th poll to reach 15,000 votes. It currently has 15,825 votes with a rank of 54.3-Mar-2017 11:55 AM PacificFace-Off: Favorite 'Alien' Franchise SynthenticCongratulations urbanemovies on your 100th live poll!As of 3-Mar-2017 11:55 AM Pacific your polls have 175,349 or more votes, for an average of 1,753 votes per poll.5081st Live Poll:
2K Messages
47K Points
8 years ago
Still haven't received my poll-maker badge though :( (it's been 2 months!)
19.7K Messages
480.1K Points
8 years ago
sir-mauri,As of April 1, 2017 11:08 PM Pacific your 43 polls have 101,827 votes for an average of 2,368 votes per poll. You also have a Poll Maker badge on your profile page.
19.7K Messages
480.1K Points
8 years ago
Dibyayan_Chakravorty's poll, Most Anticipated Film of Spring 2017:190th poll to reach 10,000 votes66th poll to reach 15,000 votes31st poll to reach 20,000 votes17th poll to reach 25,000 votes7th poll to reach 30,000 votesCurrently has 33,599 votes with a rank of 3.
19.7K Messages
480.1K Points
8 years ago
Congratulations yrnej on your 400th live poll!As of 7-Apr-2017 12:19 AM Pacific your polls have 612,522 or more votes, for an average of 1,531 votes per poll.
19.7K Messages
480.1K Points
8 years ago
sir-mauri's poll The Best Gangster Movie of the '90s193rd poll to reach 10,000 votes67th poll to reach 15,000 votesCurrently has 16,094 votes with a rank of 56.
19.7K Messages
480.1K Points
8 years ago
Recent Polls to reach 10,000 votes:188 Dibyayan_Chakravorty's poll Supernatural Superheroes189 Teriek-Williams's poll Hugh Jackman as The Wolverine190 Dibyayan_Chakravorty's poll Most Anticipated Film of Spring 2017191 Kirk-Picard's poll Saturn Award 2017: Best Thriller Film192 yrnej's poll Quintessential LA Films193 sir-mauri's poll The Best Gangster Movie of the '90s194 TsarStepan's poll Oscars 2017 - Best Animated Feature Film of the Year 195 Dibyayan_Chakravorty's poll Favorite TV Series Rated at Least 9 Stars on IMDb 196 Mega_wizard's poll Best Male Performance Not Nominated for an Oscar197 ElMaruecan82's poll Saddest movie endings ...
19.7K Messages
480.1K Points
8 years ago
yrnej is the 5th to reach 600,000 votes.Dibyayan_Chakravorty is the 3rd to reach 700,000 votes.Currently there are 37 authors with at least 100,000 votes.Totals as of 7-Apr-2017 12:19 AM Pacific.
19.7K Messages
480.1K Points
8 years ago
Saturn Award 2017: Best Thriller FilmAs of 10-Apr-2017 9:21 PM Pacific Kirk-Picard's poll is the 191st poll to reach 10,000 votes and the 68th poll to reach 15,000 votes. It currently has 15,026 votes with a rank of 68.
19.7K Messages
480.1K Points
8 years ago
Congratulations Kirk-Picard!As of 15-Apr-2017 4:54 AM Pacific your 33 polls received 100,100 or more votes for an average of 3,033 votes per poll. I will contact the IMDb person who assigns the Poll Maker badge.
19.7K Messages
480.1K Points
8 years ago
Congratulations pere-25366 on your 79th live poll!As of 22-Apr-2017 8:28 AM Pacific your polls have 150,825 or more votes, for an average of 1,909 votes per poll.You are the 26th person to reach 150K votes.
2K Messages
47K Points
8 years ago
Thanks Dan! Your work on the site is amazing and it's been a great journey. Here's to 200,000!
19.7K Messages
480.1K Points
8 years ago
Movie Redheadspere-25366, this is 198th IMDb poll to reach 10,000 votes.
19.7K Messages
480.1K Points
8 years ago
sir-mauri's poll Your Favorite Ridley Scott Film? is the 69th poll to reach 15,000 votes. It currently has 15,001 votes with a rank of 69.
19.7K Messages
480.1K Points
8 years ago
cartman_1337's poll 25 Under 25, How About 25 Years From Now? is the 70th poll to reach 15,000 votes. It currently has 15,000 votes with a rank of 70.