2 Messages


70 Points

Friday, October 23rd, 2020 5:17 AM


Watchlist Sorting

In Android app, My Watchlist sorting order is not saved. I prefer to sort the entries by Release Date. But when I exit the app, the sorting is set back to List Order. I don't want that. I want the sorting by Release Date. It used to be OK, but after the update, the sorting is not saved.

This conversation has been merged. Please refer the main conversation:

watchlist Sort retention



5.1K Messages


118.5K Points

4 years ago



sounds like the identical complaint, filed on 20Sep.

I imagine that was originally filed as a Problem, but is now an Idea. That implies that a staffer converted it without commenting. The author may not even know that it was converted, because it has 0 votes.

Perhaps a staffer will merge this into that thread, But hopefully they will comment to both authors when doing so.