53 Messages
718 Points
Why is it so taxing to change a title's type?
A few titles I've submitted recently all have incorrect media types, instead of what I know I'd selected during submission. 'The Haunt' is listed incorrectly as a Music Video, when I know I'd selected TV Special from the title type drop list. 'The Read-Thru is listed incorrectly as a Short, when I'd listed it as a TV Special (aired locally) from the title type drop list. And several titles that were listed as TV Specials ended up under Self, which is sorely confusing. I'm not sure what's going on, but it'd be fabulous to be able or know how to go in and correct them all to their appropriate types, please. Thanks.
7.6K Messages
277.7K Points
2 years ago
Nettiegurl: I don't know what most of these problems are caused by. However, I can say that IMDb assumes that all TV Specials are nonfiction. If a title is classified as a TV Special, IMDb treats it as a nonfiction program and thus all the cast members will normally have it in the "Self" section of their pages. If a program is broadcast as a "special" (in television promotional terms, not IMDb terms) but it is a purely fictional show, then it should be entered into IMDb as a TV Movie, not a TV Special.
1.7K Messages
22.9K Points
2 years ago
Is this even an eligible title? https://www.imdb.com/title/tt28312449/ Both your evidence link and CV describe it as "haunted house attraction". Is that an eligible thing for a title page? You also seem to be adding a lot of theatre plays as a title page. Are all of them actually aired or released in any form?
53 Messages
718 Points
2 years ago
PLEASE help me out with this! I just updated several newer credits, and they're ALL listed under Self - instead of actual credits. Which I'm honestly shaking my head. Attempts at correcting them in Edit Page has not helped. SAME error emails Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Credits listed as Self
53 Messages
718 Points
2 years ago
53 Messages
718 Points
2 years ago
Sorry - I've tried replying several times but the server was kicking me out, whatever was going on....
53 Messages
718 Points
2 years ago
Sorry if my tone came off a tad harsh there. The support help pages are not helpful in the least! The “haunted attraction” (The haunt) is an eligible credit, as it was a locally aired TV commercial or promo I was involved. Most of my profile sent to you in the screenshot, has since updated to the correct title types (thank you!) The only one that has not updated that I could see, is Family Counseling Centers of West Michigan (1996) (Music Video) - Young Daughter Which should be correctly labeled a Commercial (not a music video)
7.6K Messages
277.7K Points
2 years ago
Nettiegurl: Please see my first response above: If a title is classified as a TV Special, IMDb treats it as a nonfiction program and thus all the cast members will normally have it in the "Self" section of their pages. If a program is broadcast as a "special" (in television promotional terms, not IMDb terms) but it is a purely fictional show, then it should be entered into IMDb as a TV Movie, not a TV Special. It looks like you have a bunch of television programs which are fiction labeled as TV specials. The Importance of Being Ernest -- the Oscar Wilde play -- is fiction. Nunsense II: The Second Coming -- the musical -- is fiction. The Pirates of Penzance -- the Gilbert and Sullivan operetta -- is fiction. For titles such as those, please delete the tv-special keyword because IMDb classifies all TV Specials as nonfiction. If you have a program which is mostly nonfictional but contains some fictional scenes where someone is playing a character other than themself (say, Community Foundation: Heroine Drug Awareness), please submit the keyword reenactment to indicate that the people playing characters in that title should have it listed in the Actor/Actress section rather than the Self section. Reenactment is a special keyword used by IMDb to override the "Self" flag for Documentaries, TV Specials, and other nonfiction programming. I hope this helps. Good luck!