Adren's profile

18 Messages


264 Points

Wednesday, September 7th, 2022 1:57 PM



truncated HTML Unicode characters (no ending semicolumn)

There are some tile translations in the title.akas.tsv file that contains some Unicode characters which are still encoded in HTML but with a missing semicolon (';') at the end
ex: "&# 337" (no space) instead of ő

It seems to happen exclusively on Hungarian titles and only with those 3 characters:

337 -> ő
246 -> ö
369 -> ű

Here is the full list:

   tconst  |                     title
 tt0080596 | A nap amikor az id\&\#337 véget ért
 tt0127631 | A vetélytársn\&\#337
 tt0131434 | A fehér rabszolgan\&\#337 II
 tt0218107 | K\&\#246rzet
 tt0414200 | Képerny\&\#337n kívül
 tt1190555 | Fels\&\#337 nélkül
 tt1814930 | Hat hét a f\&\#369ben
 tt1854296 | Jan kalauza kezd\&\#337knek
 tt2403029 | Az éhez\&\#337k diadala
 tt2580714 | Csak feln\&\#337tteknek
 tt2716708 | Vetk\&\#337ztess
 tt2924590 | Csigák az es\&\#337ben
 tt2962876 | A bels\&\#337 út
 tt3103792 | Végs\&\#337 búcsú
 tt3363346 | N\&\#337stényfarkasok: Anglia korai királyn\&\#337i
 tt3532686 | Mindent E-r\&\#337l
 tt3709678 | Az óvón\&\#337
 tt4780576 | Mit érdemel az a b\&\#369nös...?
 tt5569310 | Sok h\&\#369hó semmiért
(19 rows)

NB: I had to escape each "&#" with a backslash (\) so it doesn't get interpreted in the post

For each of them, the appropriate character should be substituted

for instance
Nőstényfarkasok: Anglia korai királynői
for "She-Wolves: England's Early Queens"

Maybe this issue is somehow linked to the question of rejected characters from titles
or this ticket concerning non-authorized Hungarian letters (problem marked solved)



5.6K Messages


58.9K Points

2 years ago

Hi -

Thanks for reporting this. I have filed a ticket to the concerned team to look into this. I will let you know as soon as I have any update.


18 Messages


264 Points

Hello @Bethanny​,

The problem of html characters in the title.akas.tsv seem solved.

Although there are still 4 such lines in the name.basics

18 Messages


264 Points

|  nconst   |       primaryName       | birthYear | deathYear |               primaryProfession               |             knownForTitles              |
| nm5384875 | Göktu\&\#287; Sevinçli    | \N        | \N        |                                               | \N                                      |
| nm7175389 | Tommy Rud\&\#378;         | \N        | \N        | actor                                         | tt7241430,tt3571634,tt4498308,tt7333308 |
| nm7877963 | Deniz K\&\#305;ryaz\&\#305; | \N        | \N        | actress                                       | tt3467380,tt4787028                     |
| nm9509095 | Sh\&\#257; Hamblin        | \N        | \N        | actress,costume_department,production_manager | tt7845978                               |


456 Messages


14.6K Points

The four names you found in name.basics have those entity encodings in their names on their pages or if you try to add credits and select from the pop-up menu.

18 Messages


264 Points

the problem is that some exotic characters are not accepted in persons' names, including ğ

456 Messages


14.6K Points

See and vote for it if you have not done so already.

The entity encodings in the underlying data are a separate issue and note that the four names have entities with the semicolon so this is a separate issue from the original one in the thread.

18 Messages


264 Points

10 months ago

This problem is solved:

there is no missing semi-column at the end of html entities anymore in all the files, and there is just 3 remaining HTML Unicode in the name.basics.tsv file

grep -E '&#[1-9]{3}' 
nm5384875 Göktuğ Sevinçli \N \N \N \N
nm7175389 Tommy Rudź \N \N actor tt7241430,tt4498308,tt7333308,tt3571634
nm9509095 Shā Hamblin \N \N actress,costume_department,production_manager tt7845978​

This ticket can be closed