51 Messages


1.3K Points

Friday, March 17th, 2023 9:49 AM



Problems with credits on my name

IMDb always turns down my own projects why is this I'm a writer and director and IMDb never put them up when I try and put them up and they always turn them down people have trouble putting credits on my page



7.6K Messages


277.8K Points

2 years ago

Adam: Please post your last full data submission here on this message board. You can copy it out of the receipt you would have received from IMDb by e-mail immediately after sending it in. Some of the regulars on the board may review it and, if they can, they may provide suggestions as to how to improve the submission to get it included in the database. (Also, please include the submission reference number -- it's an 18-digit number that will look something like 230123-123456-789000.) If your submission included an explanation, it will not have appeared in the e-mailed receipt but you should be able to find it in your submission history at https://contribute.imdb.com/updates/history/ -- please post that too.



2.7K Messages


28.2K Points

2 years ago

Hello adam_richards_stuntmanfight_director, Can you hlep us posting the 18-digits submission reference number for the rejections? in order to help you taking a look! You can find the submission number on your Contribution History page. Also, you will find the necessary data for the title to be eligible on our Adding a New Title help guide