ljdoncel's profile



1.1K Messages


50.9K Points

Saturday, February 10th, 2024 6:19 PM


BUG REPORT: Yellow warning bug has become "invincible"

Hi, folks!

Over the last few weeks, there have been several reports of a problem with the contribution form whereby some yellow warnings are not recorded as acknowledged every time the update is saved, so that when the contribution is re-opened it is necessary to address all the warnings again.

Until now, at least you could re-check the updates, so that the yellow warnings would keep the status of "acknowledged", and the entries (now green after re-checking) can be submitted. Well, not anymore...

For instance, when correcting Robert Settlemire's credit in Ouija (2014):

  • On-screen credits: here.

  • Contribution form:
    • Current info:

    • Correcting info to mirror on-screen credits and :

    • Accepting the warning:

    • After :

Therefore, right now it is virtually impossible to submit this correction to ...



17.2K Messages


310.2K Points

7 months ago

Hi @ljdoncel -

Thanks for reporting this bug.  I filed a ticket for the tech team (#P117743057) for further investigation.  As soon as I have any updates I will relay the information here.



17.2K Messages


310.2K Points

7 months ago

Hi @ljdoncel -

I'm just circling back to confirm that this bug has now been fixed.  Thanks again for reporting!




1.1K Messages


50.9K Points

Thank you very much, Michelle!

Now only the "classic" yellow warning bug persists...