2.7K Messages
47K Points
IMDb Staff: When adding keywords, the system should auto-convert two hyphens (--) and one hyphen plus a space (- ) to one hyphen (-)
Dear IMDb staff:
I have a suggestion that should cut down on excess and duplicate keywords.
Currently, when we try to add a keyword that has two spaces in a row, the system will automatically convert the two spaces to a single hyphen.
For instance, if we enter "tree stump" (two spaces) or "tree stump" (one space) the system will automatically convert that to "tree-stump."
However, if we try to enter "tree--stump" or "tree- stump" or "tree -stump" the system accepts both of those as a new keyword "tree--stump."
This results in a lot of poorly formatted keywords, all of which will eventually need to be corrected. Keywords like this:
older--woman (3 titles)
c--bar (1 title)
reference-to-president-william-f--mckinley (4 titles)
reference-to-charles-g--dawes (1 title)
publilius-syrus--quotation (1 title)
vympel-r-27--'aa-10'-alamo-air-to-air-missle (1 title)
actor--turned-preacher (1 title)
airplane-ferrying--service (2 titles)
almost--true (2 titles)
female--flautist (2 titles)
hitchiking-teenage--girl (2 titles)
helen-adams-keller--quotation (2 titles)
human--pulverized (1 title)
Although these keywords are relatively rare, I do come across them regularly.
I have some questions about this:
1. Can the system be set up to auto-convert two hyphens to one hyphen when contributors try to add a new keyword? And the same with one hyphen plus one space, and one space plus one hyphen?
2. Can the database of existing keywords be searched for all keywords that currently contain two hyphens, and mass-convert the two hyphens to one hyphen?
19.6K Messages
479.4K Points
2 years ago
@keyword_expert ,
There are two types of dash. The en dash is approximately the length of the letter n, and the em dash the length of the letter m.
An en dash (–), the second-longest “dash,” is used to show how a range of things in writing are related to one another. An em dash (—), the longest “dash,” is used as a substitute for a comma, colon, semi-colon, or parentheses and emphasizes information. A hyphen (-) is the shortest “dash” and connects two words.
2.7K Messages
47K Points
2 years ago
I believe I originally created this post as a "problem" first and someone has changed it to an "idea" post. That is fine for now, but after the community weighs in I will likely change it back to a "problem" post, because I do believe this is a problem that needs to be fixed.
7.1K Messages
121.9K Points
2 years ago
I also agree with this, seems to be an useful way to avoid unnecessary duplication.
2.7K Messages
47K Points
2 years ago
Here are a few random examples of keywords with two hyphens that I included in my past lists for mass mergers and auto-conversions. If the double hyphens had been blocked from the beginning, none of these mass mergers would have been necessary.
poisoned--to-death (3 titles)
mother--son-relationship (5 titles)
nude--woman-swimming (7 titles)
reference-to-franklin-delano--roosevelt (7 titles)
maternal--love (2 titles)
2.7K Messages
47K Points
2 years ago
After quickly getting 5 votes in favor of this post when it was an "idea" post (over the course of 8 days), I have decided to change this to a "problem" post in order to make sure that IMDb staff see it.
What do you think, @Michelle and @Bethanny? Can the system for adding keywords be tweaked to avoid the creation of new keywords with double hyphens?
2.7K Messages
47K Points
2 years ago
I noticed that on IMDb keyword pages and searches, two hyphens together within keywords are already displayed as a single space.
For example, the keyword "c--bar" is displayed here as "c bar."
Why not just go ahead and mass merge and auto-convert all instances of double hyphens within keywords to single hyphens?
This could be done so easily. It is mystifying why the system wasn't configured in this manner years ago.
17.7K Messages
315.3K Points
2 years ago
Hi @keyword_expert -
Following up here with an update on the outstanding issue - we are so sorry it has taken this amount of time to resolve, due to our backlog we can't provide an exact timeframe as to when the keyword hyphen issue at hand will be prioritized, for this reason we are closing this thread. But know that we are still tracking this issue and it will be picked up. Again, I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, and we will make sure to revisit it as soon as possible.