nobody_7029854's profile

756 Messages


29.6K Points

Wednesday, September 2nd, 2015 5:11 AM


IMDb "Contributors' Wiki"?

(I'm not offering to volunteer on this.  It is just an idea.)

Would IMDb be interested in hosting a "Contributors' Wiki",  whereby volunteers (and staff) could post, share and collaborate on a variety of community-driven supplementary articles, tutorials and notes about data contribution procedures and related matters?

The Contributors' Wiki could be owned and hosted by IMDb.  It could be moderated and administered by staff and selected volunteers.  Policies and guidelines for the Wiki would be established by staff with input from contributors.

The contributors' community could populate the Wiki with informative articles, tutorials, etc., which of course could be refined and updated as needed.

As reference resources, Contributors' Wiki articles could be usefully mentioned in discussions  (for example, when someone posts a question about how to merge credits, a reply might mention a Wiki article explaining typical merging procedures).

I'm not a regular contributor.  I'm not volunteering to contribute to establishing a Contributors' Wiki.  I thought it worth mentioning as an idea in case IMDb and some volunteers might be interested.



19.3K Messages


475.6K Points

9 years ago

I really like this idea. I see this as a complement to IMDb's Get Satisfaction site.

One possibility would be for Get Satisfaction to host a Wiki for documentation for its user sites. If your idea proves popular as I believe it will be, I would be happy to suggest this to Get Satisfaction (

I would be willing to help contribute to such a Wiki. We could collectively build up the articles based upon the kind of posts here.

756 Messages


29.6K Points

9 years ago

Although I did not mention this in my original post, I would welcome some controversy in this thread, on the question of whether a "Wiki" architecture is or is not a preferable choice for a collaborative reference resource serving the community of IMDb contributors.

I'm aware that there are various different kinds of Wiki implementations, as well as a wide variety of non-Wiki alternatives of course.  But I'm lacking in relevant expertise, so I hesitate to offer any more specific suggestions or recommendations or even opinions at this time.

Looking outside of IMDb, I understand that Wiki architectures obviously do not (and should not) constitute a universally agreed ideal for all companies, teams and projects (which of course vary and have many different needs).
One possibility would be for Get Satisfaction to
host a Wiki for documentation for its user sites. ...
I wasn't planning to suggest this to GS.
If you want to suggest it to them then of course go ahead.

As we know, GS hosts community boards for a wide variety of companies.  So again, I note that Wiki architectures are not a universal ideal for all.  I suppose that if GS were to open a discussion about possible architectures for hosting collaborative reference documentation for communities, then some of the companies that use GS might be interested to provide input regarding their specific needs and interests.



19.3K Messages


475.6K Points

9 years ago

The various flavors of Wiki may not be suitable to implement your idea. I haven't given much thought about different architectures for implementation, so I would also welcome a discussion of pros and cons of different approaches.

One drawback to how GS captures contributions is that it is not always clear whether a question has been answered before. I need to give this more thought before posting to GS's board. When I do, I will post a link in this thread.

756 Messages


29.6K Points

8 years ago

[I wrote]
"... The contributors' community could populate the Wiki with informative articles, tutorials, etc., which of course could be refined and updated as needed. ..."
The suggested wiki could become an enlarged "FAQ" resource, centralizing some general information about some common topics  (that currently tend to be scattered across various threads on GS and the CHB).
[I wrote]   "... I would welcome some controversy in this thread ...."
I thank Dan for his replies.  Since no one else has yet joined the discussion, I'll provide my own critique of the idea ... and then I'll blow the whole idea out of the water.

Administrative burdens are considerable on Wikis with large communities of contributors.  Issues would include spam and vandalism prevention, dispute resolution, etc.

To minimize such issues, perhaps at least initially it may be preferable to have only a small number of the most experienced veteran trusted contributors invited to participate in establishing the proposed wiki resource .  (Note: I would not qualify, so this would not include me; and as I've said, I'm not offering to volunteer on this project.)

That initial approach may fall short of the usual open community spirit of a wiki.  Still, some of the proposed benefits could begin to met to some extent  (e.g., centralization of some common and frequently referenced information). ... Opening the wiki to a wider community of contributors could be considered later in the future, if and when administrative resources permit.

Now, to blow the wiki idea out of the water:

An entirely different approach  (not involving a wiki)  would be for IMDb to invite some trusted contributors to assist in improving and expanding some of the IMDb help pages, in collaboration with staff.   It can be argued that enhancing the existing IMDb help resources may be more important and more appropriate than a separate wiki project.



19.3K Messages


475.6K Points

An entirely different approach  (not involving a wiki)  would be for IMDb to invite some trusted contributors to assist in improving and expanding some of the IMDb help pages, in collaboration with staff.   It can be argued that enhancing the existing IMDb help resources may be more important and more appropriate than a separate wiki project.
Regardless of the approach, there is an ongoing need to enhance the existing IMDb help resources.

Currently the IMDb polls has a mostly user maintained set of FAQ pages implemented on the IMDb message board architecture.

Key Threads - IMDb Poll FAQs Index

I'm considering augmenting this with a Blog version or this poll FAQ.