1.4K Messages
24.2K Points
I am seriously thinking about ceasing my contributions to IMDb
As a long-time top contributor to IMDb, extending back to the early, founding days before IMDb was owned by Amazon, I am seriously thinking about ceasing my contributions to IMDb. My frustrations are reaching a breaking point, especially with what I view as the illogical nonsense of the new subgenre keywords. At the request of another contributor, @Peter_pbn, I am reposting this here, and request that it NOT be merged into another discussion: Iam trying to Iive with the new subgenres, although most still seem very subjective and superfluous. The "understanding" of their definitions and distinctions do not seem universal, but only specific and exacting to one or a few particular contributors. They open up the floodgates to a deluge of additional keywords, particularly to older titles that often seem to be neglected in keyword discussions. I still adamately believe that: One, subgenres should not just combine two or more genres; and, Two, regarding tv series, subgenres should be listed ONLY at the series level, unless, of course, if it is an anthology series, when the keyword should be subgenre-episode. Besides these two points, I, personally, plan to avoid auditing/editing these subjective subgenre keywords for most (any? all?) titles. I'll leave that to others. Similarly, I have not added, corrected nor deleted any "timeframe" keywords because I have found so many mistakes, particularly those that confuse the "setting" content of a title with its release date year. I'll leave those to the rest of you, too. The "horde" of subjective subgenre-keywords wait on the mountaintop, ready to invade and inundate the keyword database. There are millions and millions that will need to be added. Go for it!
8.7K Messages
177.7K Points
3 years ago
bradley_kentThu, Jul 15, 2021A personal request that I hope IMDb will honorI have been a contributor to IMDb for many years,...https://community-imdb.sprinklr.com/conversations/data-issues-policy-discussions/a-personal-request-that-i-hope-imdb-will-honor/60f081386f53997374bd3146 bradleykent1IMDb member since August 2007https://www.imdb.com/user/ur16286111/ Badges Lifetime Total : 1,000,000+Lifetime Name : 25,000+Lifetime Filmo : 250,000+ Top Contributor : 2020 .
14.7K Messages
332.9K Points
3 years ago
At the request of another contributor, @Peter_pbn Not quite what I suggested. You have already started at least three threads on this subject.
160 Messages
2.2K Points
3 years ago
The "horde" of subjective subgenre-keywords wait on the mountaintop, ready to invade and inundate the keyword database. There are millions and millions that will need to be added. Go for it! To be fair, these subgenres were scattered all over IMDB before IMDB officially sanctioned specific types of subgenres. There's been no real change there. But as I said, because subgenres are mostly subjective IMDB needs to move them out of keywords and handle them differently. This is the problem. They were never meant to be treated as keywords.
1.4K Messages
24.2K Points
3 years ago
"They were never meant to be treated as keywords." Absolutely. This is another reason why subgenre-keywords should be deleted from the episode level of series, except, of course, for anthology series, when they should have the subgenre-episode keyword, just like the genre-episode keywords.
17.7K Messages
315.7K Points
3 years ago
Hi @bradley_kent - I understand the frustration you expressed with the somewhat recent addition of special sub-genre & plot-timeframe keywords and the issues that have arisen, especially given that you have taken the time and effort to contribute so much valuable keyword updates to IMDb over the years, which we truly appreciate (sounds like you have been contributing even before my time at IMDb if you started in those early days!). I am also aware of some of the keywords issues that have been pointed out in this thread, as well as other threads related to these special keywords. While I cannot make any promises to any significant or immediate changes to how these keywords are being handled, I have highlighted these call-out issues (and others from previous threads) to the relevant teams to review and consider improvements. I will also be transparent and post any expected updates/changes regarding the handling of these keywords here in the community as they are improved upon. Again, we truly appreciate your contribution efforts, and appreciate these keyword call outs.
1.4K Messages
24.2K Points
3 years ago
@Michelle IMDb could begin by removing the block on the deletion or correction of subgenre-keywords at the episode level of series. Currently, they are just duplications of subgenre-keywords at the series level, or just plain incorrect.
2.2K Messages
24K Points
3 years ago
Hi bradley_kent and all- Thank you for posting and reporting all of this information! We have been collecting all of the requests for removals and we will be addressing them with the appropriate team. In the meantime, if there are more explanations for removal requests, I encourage you to post them below. A ticket has also been filed to the appropriate team to investigate further as we have identified a systematic issue regarding these keywords. As soon as there is any information, we will update. Cheers!
1.4K Messages
24.2K Points
3 years ago
on deletions and/or corrections are for ALL contributors... even the staff! PLEASE... remove the blocks on subgenre/keywords. 220825-152053-624000 Track Contribution 2022-08-25 15:20:53 Submitted by IMDb on your behalf"The Joy of Painting" (1983) {Winter Moon (#1.6)}Keywords - 1 item deleted Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled PROOF that the subgenre/keyword blocks...
1.4K Messages
24.2K Points
3 years ago
"Wow, this is awesome. I feel like I won the lottery today." Oh, no, that's a quote from @keyword_expert I'd like to feel that way, too. Why can't this issue be resolved? The blocks should be removed on the deletion and correction of subhenre-keywords. Does IMDb want correct information, or not?