9 Messages


152 Points

Sunday, May 21st, 2023 2:50 PM



false/incorrect information on a music video posting.

Please note: I am not an IMDb member. I recently saw the post on IMDb for my music video, Strait Jacket. Information is incorrect. It list the names the cameraman/editor as the director and content - writer. It is my work as a writer, performer and director. My name is spelled incorrectly. The person that worked on the film has tried to correct the information without success. He claims the incorrect information cannot be deleted.


The artist/director/writer  is me: Betsy Thomson

Thomas Jacob is the editor/camera work only.

If it cannot be corrected I want the post removed.

I am not at all familur with the IMDb site. I have not been able to figure out how to correct this at all.

Thank you, Betsy



7.3K Messages


274.2K Points

1 year ago

Betsy: I would recommend registering on the IMDb.com website for an account, which is free. In fact, you can sign in with an Amazon, Google, or Apple account without even needing to do a new registration. 

Once you do that, it will be possible for you to click "Edit page" on the page for that video and submit corrections. Most of the corrections will be easy to accomplish.

In addition, I see that someone has caused a Betsy Thompson (IV) name at https://www.imdb.com/name/nm13662514/ to be established in addition to the Betsy Thomson page at https://www.imdb.com/name/nm14828623/ . Since both of these names have only credits on Strait Jacket (2008), the "Betsy Thompson (IV)" must be a duplicate that would need to be merged into your proper name. That can be done too although it will take a little longer to explain.

Please post here once you have gotten yourself logged into IMDb.com and the contributors can give you full instructions as to what to do.

9 Messages


152 Points

@gromit82​ Thanks so much. I did set up an account earlier. I find the site very confusing in trying to edit. And, the guy who was the cameraman and editor had similar issues. He tried to correct stuff for me and it would not take the corrections. At this point I guess I would just pull it down. Then maybe I could start over and post it with all the correct information.? I guess?



7.3K Messages


274.2K Points

1 year ago

Betsy: I notice that the video itself at https://youtu.be/gxeResEqr_o?t=235 shows Thomas Jacob credited as the sole director. This is going to make it difficult for you to get his name removed as director since the credits list him in that job and not you. What evidence do you have that you were the director and he wasn't?

9 Messages


152 Points

1 year ago

It is all my work. I have emails I sent to him to correct it weeks ago for proof of our correspondence where I ask him to change it and question why he posted it that way. If you read the credits right at the beginning of the video you will see I was director as well as composer, performer, producer and writer. It is all stated in the credits. It really makes me mad he has taken credit or allowed someone else to post his name for work he did not do. That is why I want it taken down.


9 Messages


152 Points

1 year ago

How or where do I find a contact for the IMDb support team? I have tried several times with no luck. I have read the posts of others trying to do so and they seem to get zero help. This site seems pretty messed up/complicated. I did registrar in trying to have false content removed. A person that worked on my music video years ago took it upon himself to post my work, Strait Jacket and claim he was the writer/director. He was not. He was one of several camera people and edited under my guidance. Nothing more. It is clearly stated in the credits it is my work. He as also added a phony name as a performer...a Catherine Shaw? Where he got that from I have no idea. There was nobody affiliated with the production with this name. This is beyond frustrating because now his IMDb post is the first thing that comes up on google when it is searched. His lying is affecting my getting work. I just want to have IMDb remove his post for Strait Jacket. He changed the post and completely took my name off the creidts. This should not be allowed. I cannot find a way to remove this information permanetly. 

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled imdb support team



7.3K Messages


274.2K Points

Betsy: Since you already have an open thread here at https://community-imdb.sprinklr.com/conversations/data-issues-policy-discussions/falseincorrect-information-on-a-music-video-posting/646a2fa65dbf510a3f246725 , I would not recommend starting a new discussion on the same topic. 

To answer your basic question here, though, the contact for the IMDb support team is through the form at https://help.imdb.com/contact (select "IMDb Contributor" to start).



7.3K Messages


274.2K Points

1 year ago

Betsy: I am hoping that an IMDb staffer will intervene in this discussion and give you better advice. I would recommend ignoring the advice of anyone here who claims to be an AI language model. 

9 Messages


152 Points

@gromit82​ Thank you so much. This is messed up. Because they guy that posted the false information cannot even delete the post. And, he said IMDb is giving him no help. It has now made it hard with this false information up on IMDb for me proving my work as a writer/director. As an artist it is tough enough without this kind of thing. 



17K Messages


308.8K Points

1 year ago

Hi @btblueearth -

Can you confirm the outstanding issues on the title page? Are the Cinematography credits listed incorrect?

9 Messages


152 Points

1 year ago

I can confirm it all. I want it now pulled down even though he corrected it. Because I found on a German site he literally deleted the opening credits of my film and replaced it with his information claiming that it was his production. I am trying to have that pulled down now. Due to this I do not want him posting my work, and on IMDb even if he is giving correct credit information. He has stolen, lied about it and changed credits on my work 100%. 



5K Messages


53.3K Points

@btblueearth​ Hi! 

If credits are correct as you confirm, they will not be deleted.

Our aim is to be the most complete and reliable source of movie, TV, and entertainment information on the web. In order to continue offering our users an accurate and trustworthy service, it is our policy not to alter or delete any kind of correct/factual information from our records.
