9 Messages


152 Points

Monday, May 22nd, 2023 12:19 PM


imdb support team

How or where do I find a contact for the IMDb support team? I have tried several times with no luck. I have read the posts of others trying to do so and they seem to get zero help. This site seems pretty messed up/complicated. I did registrar in trying to have false content removed. A person that worked on my music video years ago took it upon himself to post my work, Strait Jacket and claim he was the writer/director. He was not. He was one of several camera people and edited under my guidance. Nothing more. It is clearly stated in the credits it is my work. He as also added a phony name as a performer...a Catherine Shaw? Where he got that from I have no idea. There was nobody affiliated with the production with this name. This is beyond frustrating because now his IMDb post is the first thing that comes up on google when it is searched. His lying is affecting my getting work. I just want to have IMDb remove his post for Strait Jacket. He changed the post and completely took my name off the creidts. This should not be allowed. I cannot find a way to remove this information permanetly. 

This conversation has been merged. Please refer the main conversation:

false/incorrect information on a music video posting.



7.3K Messages


274.7K Points

1 year ago

Betsy: Since you already have an open thread here at https://community-imdb.sprinklr.com/conversations/data-issues-policy-discussions/falseincorrect-information-on-a-music-video-posting/646a2fa65dbf510a3f246725 , I would not recommend starting a new discussion on the same topic. 

To answer your basic question here, though, the contact for the IMDb support team is through the form at https://help.imdb.com/contact (select "IMDb Contributor" to start).