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2.7K Messages


47K Points

Saturday, July 9th, 2022 6:07 PM


Duplicate Keywords - List #26 (Proposals for Permanent Merger and Auto-Conversion) (time travel, kiss, incarceration, prison, jail)

Here is the next installment of my lists of proposed keywords for permanent merger and auto-conversion.

I am posting this for fellow contributors to review first and raise any objections or questions. I will wait at least seven days before changing this post to a "problem" post and asking IMDb staff to make the proposed changes.

@Skavau gets the credit for compiling many of the keywords in this list.

The mergers and auto-conversions should be made in the direction of the arrows.

Duplicate Keywords Proposed for Permanent Merging and Auto-Conversion

"time-travel" keywords

time-travel-into-the-future (30 titles)  -->  future-time-travel (79 titles)  -->  fowards-time-travel (25 titles)  -->  forwards-time-travel (31 titles)  -->  forward-time-travel [new keyword]

time-travel-into-the-past (82 titles)  -->  backwards-time-travel (278 titles)  --> backward-time-travel [new keyword]

"kissing" keywords

girl-kissing-girl (17 titles)  -->  girl-kisses-girl (8 titles)  -->  girl-girl-kiss (50 titles)  -->  girls-kissing (7 titles)  -->  two-girls-kissing (2 titles)  -->  girl-kisses-a-girl (3 titles)

kissing (4921 titles) -->  kisses (16 titles)  --> kiss (12807 titles)

lesbian-kiss (7171 titles)  -->  lesbian-kissing (116 titles)  -->  female-female-kiss (435 titles)

male-kiss (5 titles)  -->  male-kisses-male (2 titles)  -->  male-to-male-kiss (16 titles)  -->  male-to-male-kissing (13 titles)  -->  male-male-kiss (737 titles)

man-kissing-man (48 titles)  -->  man-kissing-a-man (5 titles)  --> man-kisses-man (10 titles)  -->  men-kissing (15 titles)  --> man-kisses-a-man (21 titles)

woman-kissing-woman (123 titles)  -->  woman-kissing-a-woman (5 titles)  -->  woman-to-woman-kiss (71 titles)  -->  woman-kisses-another-woman (9 titles)  -->  women-kissing (76 titles)  -->  woman-kisses-a-woman  [new keyword]

"incarceration" keywords

imprisonment (669 titles)  -->  imprisoned (74 titles)  -->  imprison (1 title)  -->   incarcerated (17 titles)  -->  locked-in-jail (104 titles)  -->  jailed (94 titles)  -->  in-jail (10 titles)  -->  sitting-in-jail (3 titles)  -->  incarcerated (17 titles)  --> incarceration (195 titles)

wrongful-imprisonment (253 titles)  -->  wrongfully-imprisoned-for-a-crime (4 titles)  -->  unjustly-imprisoned (51 titles)  -->  unjustly-sent-to-prison (2 titles)  -->  unjust-imprisonment (3 titles)  -->  falsely-imprisoned (9 titles)  -->  unjustly-jailed (2 titles)  -->  innocent-in-jail (14 titles)  -->   wrongful-incarceration (6 titles)  -->  wrongly-incarcerated (5 titles)  -->  unjust-incarceration  [new keyword]

"prison" keywords

prison-escape (719 titles)  -->  prison-break (523 titles)  -->  prison-breakout (5 titles)  -->  breaking-out-of-prison (8 titles)  -->  escape-from-prison (400 titles)  

prison-escapee (78 titles)  -->  escape-prisoners (4 titles)  -->  escaped-jailbird (2 titles)  -->  escaped-criminal (50 titles)  --> escaped-convict (540 titles)  -->  escaped-convicts (6 titles)  --> escaped-inmate (12 titles)  -->  escaped-prisoner (521 titles)

prison-release (74 titles)  -->   prisoner-release (17 titles)  -->   released-from-prison (282 titles)  -->  getting-out-of-prison (7 titles)  --> release-from-prison (599 titles)

prison-sex (75 titles)  -->  sex-in-prison (21 titles)  -->  sex-in-a-prison (17 titles)

prison-visitation (85 titles)  -->  visit-in-prison (32 titles)  -->  visiting-someone-in-prison (3 titles)  -->  prison-visit (760 titles)

"jail" keywords

jailbreak (398 titles)  -->  jail-break (383 titles)  -->  jail-escape (29 titles)  -->  jail-breakout (3 titles)  -->  escape-from-jail (114 titles)

jail-release (8 titles)  -->   get-out-of-jail (14 titles)  -->  getting-out-of-jail (12 titles)  -->  released-from-jail (94 titles)  -->  release-from-jail (46 titles)

jail-visitation (54 titles)  -->  jail-visit (156 titles)

sex-in-jail (29 titles)  -->  jailhouse-sex (7 titles)  -->  sex-in-a-jail (12 titles)


Source notes: I found this source regarding "incarceration" words to be helpful:

What Words We Use — and Avoid — When Covering People and Incarceration

Accepted Solution



5.2K Messages


55.1K Points

2 years ago

Hi @keyword_expert -

All merged and auto-converted.


2.7K Messages


47K Points

@Bethanny​ Thank you!!

2.7K Messages


47K Points

2 years ago


I made a couple changes to the list, specifically merging "lesbian-kiss" into "female-female-kiss" and adding a new proposed merger for "male-male-kiss."

As I mentioned on your post, all too often people use the keyword "lesbian-kiss" simply to indicate a kiss between two women or girls, regardless of whether the characters are actually lesbians. As a result, "lesbian-kiss" is used inaccurately.

In fact, in my experience when I've come across the "lesbian-kiss" keyword on IMDb, I believe that the vast majority of times people are incorrectly using this keyword as I have described above. One or more of the characters involved in the kiss may be bisexual rather than lesbian. And most often, the viewer does not know for sure whether one or both characters is straight, lesbian, or bisexual -- all we know is that two women or girls are kissing. Many contributors don't even think about these subtleties and instead just reflexively use the keyword "lesbian-kiss" regardless of its true meaning.

Merging "lesbian-kiss" into "female-female-kiss" will correct for these problems. And even though "lesbian-kiss" is not a true duplicate or synonym of "female-female-kiss," the latter keyword is broader, so there is no damage done by merging the more narrow keyword into the broader keyword.

Plus, I don't think "lesbian-kiss" is a very good keyword anyway. It would be like having a keyword like "european-kiss" or "american-kiss" or "brunette-kiss" or "elderly-kiss." It doesn't make sense to me to define a kiss by the kissers' sexual attraction, although it does make sense to define it by their gender.

I also feel like "gay-kiss" could possibly be merged into "male-male-kiss," but one potential uncertainty with that is that the word "gay" is sometimes used to refer to both gay men and lesbians, so it is possible that "gay-kiss" has been used to indicate a "female-female-kiss." I doubt that has happened often, but it is possible. At any rate, I will leave "gay-kiss" alone for now and maybe other contributors will chime in with their thoughts.

Finally, it might be possible to convert the existing keyword "homosexual-kiss" into a new keyword like "same-gender-kiss," but I will also leave that idea alone for now.

Here are some of the keywords I have mentioned in this comment but have not added to the proposal:

gay-kiss (2852 titles)

gay-kissing (29 titles)

gay-kisses (1 title)

male-gay-kissing (4 titles)

homosexual-kiss (101 titles)

All of this is another reminder of just how complicated keywords and keyword rerouting can be.

143 Messages


1.7K Points

@keyword_expert​ You know we could all do with making a discord for this stuff imo, lol. Not just you and I but the other heavy contributors.

59 Messages


1.4K Points

@keyword_expert​ "female female kiss" looks unwieldy and odd to me. At least change it to something like "kiss between two females"?

2.7K Messages


47K Points


Call me old-fashioned or politically correct or whatever you want, but I believe it is inappropriate in most cases to use the word "female" as a noun. This exact topic has been discussed at length on this very message board. So I definitely could not endorse "kiss-between-two-females." 

Personally I prefer these keywords:

girl-kisses-a-girl (78 titles)

woman-kisses-a-woman (237 titles)

But as long as people want to be vague or general about who is doing the kissing, there will need to be keywords like "female-female-kiss."


Plus, there are already a bunch of similar keywords including "female" in this type of usage:

female-female-kiss (7470 titles)
female-female-relationship (317 titles)
female-female-hug (67 titles)
female-female-fight (60 titles)
female-female-embrace (31 titles)

59 Messages


1.4K Points

I understand your stance. Usage of the word "female" as a noun does not look entirely correct to me either. That's why I am of the opinion that the prolific keyword "title-directed-by-female" ought to be changed to "title-directed-by-woman". Just one example.

2.7K Messages


47K Points


That's why I am of the opinion that the prolific keyword "title-directed-by-female" ought to be changed to "title-directed-by-woman". 

But "female" is not a synonym/duplicate for "woman." There are also titles directed by girls (although these titles are relatively rare).

"title-directed-by-female" has been largely replaced by the vague "f-rated" keyword, anyway. Neither one is an ideal keyword.

All of this is discussed on that other thread:

"title directed by female"



6.7K Messages


117.9K Points

2 years ago

What's the difference between prison and jail? couldn't all the prison and jail keywords be merged together instead of being in two different fields?



3K Messages


72.5K Points


From Meriam-Webster: Jail and prison are often used interchangeably as places of confinement. If you want to be specific jail can be used to describe a place for those awaiting trial or held for minor crimes, whereas prison describes a place for criminals convicted of serious crimes.

2.7K Messages


47K Points

@Pencho15​ In addition to what @adrian has said, a jail usually has less security and people are sometimes held there temporarily. A good example is a county jail or a jail cell in a police station.

A prison typically has more security and is more permanent. A good example of a prison is a federal prison. 

I can imagine that many people likely use these words interchangeably on IMDb. But just to be safe, I think the keywords should be kept separate.




6.7K Messages


117.9K Points

@keyword_expert​ Allright then. Upu learn something new everyday

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2.7K Messages


47K Points


Search for "prison" on the Office Space quotes page for a hilarious quote about going to prison.

2.7K Messages


47K Points

2 years ago

@Bethanny @Michelle 

Now that the seven-day comment period has passed, I have converted this post to a "problem" post, and these keywords are ready to be mass-merged and set up for auto-conversion. I will copy and paste the keywords here with the numbers of titles edited out for ease of use. As always, the mergers and auto-conversions should be done in the direction of the arrows.

"time-travel" keywords

time-travel-into-the-future  -->  future-time-travel   -->  fowards-time-travel  -->  forwards-time-travel   -->  forward-time-travel [new keyword]

time-travel-into-the-past   -->  backwards-time-travel   -->  backward-time-travel [new keyword]

"kissing" keywords

girl-kissing-girl  -->  girl-kisses-girl  -->  girl-girl-kiss   -->  girls-kissing   -->  two-girls-kissing  -->  girl-kisses-a-girl 

kissing  -->  kisses   --> kiss 

lesbian-kiss  -->  lesbian-kissing  -->  female-female-kiss 

male-kiss  -->  male-kisses-male  -->  male-to-male-kiss -->  male-to-male-kissing   -->  male-male-kiss 

man-kissing-man   -->  man-kissing-a-man  --> man-kisses-man   -->  men-kissing  --> man-kisses-a-man 

woman-kissing-woman  -->  woman-kissing-a-woman   -->  woman-to-woman-kiss  -->  woman-kisses-another-woman   -->  women-kissing  -->  woman-kisses-a-woman  [new keyword]

"incarceration" keywords

imprisonment  -->  imprisoned  -->  imprison   -->   incarcerated   -->  locked-in-jail  -->  jailed   -->  in-jail   -->  sitting-in-jail  -->  incarcerated   --> incarceration 

wrongful-imprisonment  -->  wrongfully-imprisoned-for-a-crime   -->  unjustly-imprisoned  -->  unjustly-sent-to-prison  -->  unjust-imprisonment  -->  falsely-imprisoned  -->  unjustly-jailed   -->  innocent-in-jail  -->   wrongful-incarceration  -->  wrongly-incarcerated  -->  unjust-incarceration  [new keyword]

"prison" keywords

prison-escape  -->  prison-break   -->  prison-breakout  -->  breaking-out-of-prison   -->  escape-from-prison   

prison-escapee   -->  escape-prisoners  -->  escaped-jailbird   -->  escaped-criminal   --> escaped-convict   -->  escaped-convicts  --> escaped-inmate   -->  escaped-prisoner 

prison-release  -->   prisoner-release  -->   released-from-prison  -->  getting-out-of-prison   --> release-from-prison 

prison-sex   -->  sex-in-prison   -->  sex-in-a-prison 

prison-visitation   -->  visit-in-prison   -->  visiting-someone-in-prison  -->  prison-visit 

"jail" keywords

jailbreak   -->  jail-break   -->  jail-escape  -->  jail-breakout   -->  escape-from-jail 

jail-release   -->   get-out-of-jail  -->  getting-out-of-jail  -->  released-from-jail  -->  release-from-jail 

jail-visitation -->  jail-visit 

sex-in-jail  -->  jailhouse-sex -->  sex-in-a-jail 


2.7K Messages


47K Points

2 years ago

I realized that, grammatically speaking, these keywords should be "forward-time-travel" and "backward-time-travel," rather than "forwards-time-travel" and "backwards-time-travel," respectively. I have adjusted the list accordingly.


25 Messages


626 Points

2 years ago

Probably too late to the party, but:

Re “imprisonment” vs “incarceration”: In “Oldeuboi”, Dae-su Oh was “kidnapped and imprisoned” but I believe not “incarcerated”.

2.7K Messages


47K Points

@tzot​ I saw that movie a very long time ago so I don't really remember the details. Was he neither held by a government nor in a government-run prison?

I do see that the title also has the keyword "wrongful-conviction." Is that also incorrect?

In the reviews on the title, at least one reviewer refers to "Oh's incarceration."

For titles where someone is held for long periods like this and not by a government, I prefer the keyword "captivity." I agree with you that "incarceration" is not a great keyword in these circumstances. In my opinion it's the same with "imprisonment." To me, both those keywords imply a government-run prison.

With that said, my dictionary defines "incarcerate" as "to imprison; confine" and "to enclose; constrict closely," and defines "imprison" as "to confine in or as if in a prison." So the literal meanings of these words are broad enough to encompass non-governmental prisons.

I also like the keyword "false-imprisonment," which I use in the legal, technical sense, but I realise that many people are not familiar with this term. "False imprisonment" is a legal term used to refer to a tort or harm caused by one human to another, and the dictionary definition is "the unlawful restraint of a person from exercising the right to freedom of movement." Wouldn't that pretty much describe exactly what happens in Oldboy? (But as I've mentioned, too few people are familiar with "false imprisonment" for that keyword to really take off.)


25 Messages


626 Points

Yes, he was held captive in an apartment not in a jail/gaol, so it's definitely not incarceration; the review probably uses “incarceration” erroneously.

“wrongful-conviction” would also be incorrect, because there was no trial.


2.7K Messages


47K Points

@tzot​ Sounds like the "incarceration," "imprisonment," and "wrongful-conviction" keywords should all be avoided on that title, in favor of "captivity" (and "false-imprisonment" if people understand what that rather obscure term actually means). 

2.7K Messages


47K Points

@tzot​ p.s. I went ahead and made those keyword modifications to Oldboy. I also deleted the keyword "prison-cell," which was on there for some reason.