4 Messages


80 Points

Saturday, September 3rd, 2022 8:56 AM



Deleting/Hiding Reviews is shameful IMDB

Wrote an honest review for Rings of Power.  Didnt even give it a 1 as I wasnt review bombing it.  I gave it a 4.

On Saturday morning there were near 200 reviews including mine.   As of now there are 74 reviews and there isnt a single review under 5 stars.   

While I'm sure there were some troll bombs...there are just as many 10/10 ratings that are trolls also.

The fact you would be clearing any review under 5 stars is really pathetic.  How much money did Amazon pay you?  Yes, ima ctually pissed over this because I've never in my life had a proper review I made cancelled lol.   It's pretty lame

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Amazon deleting negative reviews of Rings of Power.

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