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Saturday, February 5th, 2022 9:56 PM


"Bug" report: DIRTRADE sintax not detected after a SPOILER tag

Hi, everyone!

I was adding some timestamps to the trivia and goof items of Christian Alvart's Case 39 (2009) when I noticed that there is an entry in which both the SPOILER and DIRTRADE tags are combined.

The item is apparently well-formatted and, since the spoiler tag appears at the beginning, it is properly detected as such and added to the bottom of the page. However, the dirtrade tag is ignored. Probably, if I reversed the order of the tags the result would be that the entry would be deemed as a director trademark, but not as a spoiler, because I suspect that the tags cameo, dircameo, dirtrade and spoiler are mutually exclusive and only the one that appears at the beginning of the entry applies. I also suspect that this behavior is intentional, hence the quotation marks in "bug", and in the end I'll remove the spoiler tag for this particular instance, because it is not really necessary, so no problemo.

Nevertheless, I thought it appropriate to explain here how the system works to suggest a minor change. Since IMDb, naturally, seems to prioritize the spoiler tag over the others (in fact, there is a yellow warning implemented to indicate that this tag should appear at the beginning of the entry, something that does not exist for the other three tags)...

... would it be possible at least that "Cameo:", "Director cameo:" or "Director trademark:" would automatically appear at the beginning of the spoiler items? (ideally, they should be subsections within the spoiler section itself).

Thank you.

P.S. While searching GetSatisfaction to see if any thread had previously made reference to this issue, I stumbled upon my old post about director trademarks. OMG! 6 years have passed already... we're getting old....



17.2K Messages


310.1K Points

3 years ago

Hi ljdoncel -

My apologies for the delay in addressing this reported bug.  My goodness, how six years seems to have flown by!

Thanks for calling out this issue and providing all the details.  I have filed a ticket for the appropriate tech team to review, as soon as I have any updates I will relay the information here.

Thanks again!



1.1K Messages


50.9K Points

Thank you so much, Michelle. As I said in the post, it's not a problem that requires an urgent solution, so I'll wait patiently for as long as it takes.

My goodness, how six years seems to have flown by!

So true!



17.2K Messages


310.1K Points

10 months ago

Hi @ljdoncel -

Just circling back to this older issue to confirm that this bug was resolved with our title subpage redesign back in May 2023.




1.1K Messages


50.9K Points

That's great. Thank you very much, Michelle!