1 Message
70 Points
Alternate titles : Please add Korean letters Hangeul.
Hello Whenever I use IMDB, It’s little inconvenient that IMDB does not support Korean letter system. Is there any plan to add Korean letters? I truly hope that I can use Korean letters on IMDB. Thanks.
7.6K Messages
277.8K Points
7 months ago
Jaehun: Yes, IMDb does plan to eventually make Korean letters (hangul) available for use, but it may be years before they are available. In 1997, IMDb stated, "In the future there will be a new huge standardized 16 bit character set called Unicode. ... We will use it as it becomes widely available and supported by the industry." Certain additional character sets such as Cyrillic, Chinese, and Japanese have been implemented on IMDb for certain purposes over the years since then, but not yet Korean.
4 Messages
80 Points
6 months ago
Hi, currently no way to add titles written in South Korean writing script called Hangul and Chosŏn'gŭl for North Korea but my interest is mainly for adding the title format for South Korean tv dramas and films using Hangul characters. Usually when I try to add the original South Korean title not in Latin/romanized characters it says "invalid character sequence". I do see it was added for some shows and movies in the Alternative Titles section but not sure how.I've already reached out to IMDb support and was referred to posting my suggestion on this community board. Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Interest in adding/approving South Korean "Hangul" character to Alternative Titles section